Culturology - Gritsenko TB

6.5. Північне Відродження

6.5.1. Визначення терміну «Північне Відродження»

Termin "Pivnichne Vidrodzhennya" zastosovyot before the culture of the XV-XVI century. In the european regions, sho roztashovanі na pіvnіch vіd Італії. Tse termin to finish wits. Yogi zastosovuyut for analogy before італійського Відродження. Culture Відродження у Нідерландах, Німеччині, Франції та Англії була продовженням готичних традицій. Tsya culture just vnutrishnjo evolytsіonuvala u bik "svitskoy."

Specifiku Pivnichnogo Vidrodzhennya become the very goal of the self-exotic gothic traditions with the flush Італійської культури.

6.5.2. Гуманізм Північного Відродження

Zarodzhennya gumanizmu at the edges of Pivnichnogo Vidrodzhennya

Povchatk vyiknennya humanistic ruhu on північ від Alp can vvazhati 1432 р. - an hour for the church council at Basel. Same Todi Vinikla needs of "new people" - humanists. More than that, at the foot of the cathedral, the wings played a vital role (buli by special characters and authors of program documents to the cathedral). The modest secretary of one of the Bishops of Yenei Silviy Pikkolomin in the process of the conciliar discussions was reorganized into the all-powerful Chancellor of the Empire and the Cardinal. The Dutch Mikolaj of the Kuzanskiy Bylo was hung in one of the first places near the church, and the lyre person Gregor von Heymburg, after having been promoted to the people of the homeland. So vinik humanistic ruch at the tsymu of the European region * 38.

* 38: {Nemilov A.N. Specificity of the Humanism of the Northern Renaissance / / Typology and periodization of the culture of the Renaissance / Pod. Ed. IN AND. Rutenburg. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978. - P. 44.}

З 70-х рр. XVI century. Center of humanism is Paris. Prichomu here takozh bookogrukuvannya boula one iz stimulivov poshirennya gumanisticheskoe osvіchenosti. Drukarnia Sorbonni bula is well-known for its anti-Giyoma Fishe. Zavdjaky posredrednitvu Geynlina von Shteyna to tiieї spravi buli have not been recruited for the sake of friendship, but for the young people, in addition to the number of Reichlin.

Post-it-yourself of the encounters with the underground land of the Montague colony under the Parisian University, the center of the development of the humanistic culture. Prior to the Parisian University, I ask the students of Іtalyisk - Paul Emilia and Fausto Andreenini, here to patronize the young Erasmus of Rotterdam. In the wake of the first parostkiv Reformatsi in 1521 r. At Franzії it is known that the reformed and humanistic group in the city of Mo is in the foreground of the humanist-bishop Гійома Брісонне.

Із zastryastnjam klasovoї borotby at Nimecchini for the conditions of the bourgeois revolutionaries vstrechaetsya єдність гуманістичного руху. The main factor, sho rokokolov tabir gumanistyv, bula confessional polemika. Disputes on the ears of Luther were interchanged, but they added humanities to two Tabor. In Nimecchin tse vidbulosya vzhe in the 20's. XVI century, in the 30s tse vidbulosya in the Netherlands and France. In tsi gostrіy polemіtsі shlіfuyetsya style non-latin literati, stvoiiyuyutsya latinski neologizmi, scho spiralsya na narodnu moivu. We have an hour to declare the most beautiful masterpieces of humanistic Latin: "The praise of a fool" by Erasmus of Rotterdam , the immortal d'alogists of Gutten, the train of Eoban Hess, the Erasmus of "Rozmovi", and that of low creativity. In France, the most important articles of water were the "Kimval svitu" (1537), the treatise "About the Transition of Hellenism to Christianity" (1534).

Grandiozna praca Sladeena "Comments on the station of the reign of power for the times of the emperor Charles V" 1556 р. It marks the offensive and the final stages of the development of the Humanism of the Pipedny Vidrodzhennya, which one can call "Erudite". Reformatsiya tverdila поширення національних мов у теології, отже і віншій різноманітній літературі