Culturology - Gritsenko TB

6.5.3. Vidrodzhennya from the Netherlands

Цій невеликій країні, що borrowed the territory теперішніх Белгії й Голландії, судилося стати у XV ст. Nayaskravіshim після Італії рогнищем європейського мистецтва. Нідерландські міста не були політично самостійними. However, the odors of the time of the Bagatel of the World, led broadly to trade, developed the manufactory of vibro- nitwo fabrics, kilimiv, warehouses. The major center of the international trade was the old town of the city of Bruges. Однак наприкінці XV ст. Більшого значення набуває місто Антверпен .

At the inter-XV-XVІ century. For Nіderlandіv the important hour of the hour has come. Little, ala bagata kraina, scho rannishe entered the warehouse of the dukedom of Burgundy, teper uvіyshla to the volost of the dynasty of Habsburg. Чим більше багатів і процівв Antwerp - the international port, - тим більш зухвало грабували його іпапанські monarchs. At the Netherland, a yak in his own home, hassled the іспанська інквізиція. Пізніше, за правління іпапанського короля Філіпа ІІ, був встановлений the terroristic regime of the Duke of Albi. Everywhere zvydayvalsya shibenitsi, palali tsili selischa, Tse kryvavy bencite completed epidemiya chumi. People, scho perebuvali u vdchaye, hapalisya for primari - z'yavalisya mistichnі vchennya, relegіyni secti, busy chaklunstvom, for yakі catholic church re-sedated more. By the protuberance of the whole table, the Niederlandians accumulated their obeisance, but fell down at the revolution with zgodom.

Educating the mystery of the Niederland vs Vidrodzhennya

At the Niederland archi tecture of the clock, the goth style is reflected. Krim church, typical budivlya deli buli ratushi, mis'ky mudi th towers, boudinki kupetskih і remіsnichih gild'i, Torgovel'nyi ryadi, zvichayno, zhitlovi boudinki duzhe of the characteristic type: with the high facades and the high tricotnym ostepin parts of the pediments. The churches of the Netherlands had a zegledi goal. The church sculpture here did not nabula great rozvitku.

Parrots of the new misterstva in the Netherlands are able to sponge out at the bookstores. In the XV century. Miniature paintings here reach the nasivshogo step of the rose. Naypokazovіy applied to this kind of mystery - glorious "Hour of the Duke of Berry", promulubrivaniya brothers Limburg .

З мініатюри great painting XV century. Decaying a loving, poetic, and water-hour prisklipliy eyes on svit. However, at the time of the painting, the great painterly novelty of the artist is: dopytlivy, zosredzhennyh look at the people, on її obichchya, at the gliobin її eyes. Brothers Jan ta Hubert van Ejki, kotrі vvazhayutsya by the natsionalnoy schools of Niederland painters, takozh rozpochivali svіy creative shliak yak minіatyuristy.

Найвідоміший твір ван Ейків - the great Gentsky вівтар - був розпочатий Губертом, and після його смерті продовжений і 1432 р. Bookings by Jan van Eijk. Вівтарі, scho warehoused in Bagalogo stolok, XIV century. Nabuli poshirennya not tilki in the Netherlands, and in the ushomu zahidnohristianskom svit. Subbni works were written in practical terms by the artists of Niederland painting to achieve Vidrodzhennya. Such vіvtar міг warehousing із dvuh (diptych), трох (triptych) пo пoкількох (поліптих) стулок, on яких вміщувалися свяні зображення. Vibir plot, mog bouti dovilnim, ala perevaga podavalasya scenes from Zhitia svyatih, Gospelіy ta Apokalіpisa. The stoloks were engaged in the shirmi principle.

Jan Van Eyk buv takozh a kind of portraitist. One of the yogi nayvіdomіshih portrait creatures - a portrait of a guyfriend Arnolfin. On the canvas are presented zvichaini people, dressed up for the hourly fashion, for zvichina kimnaty with luster, baldachinom, dzerkalom and kymnatnym dog.

On the mail. XV century. In the Netherlands one-half of the time, the art of bachenia is called new and the method of yogic imagery is an olive painting . Until the eleventh hour, the technology did not lack self-sufficiency: they decorated wooden statues, kilims, and banners. Artists, but wrote pictures on wooden doshkas, crocheted with such farbes a little ruddy and more reluctantly: sira roslinna oliia vishihala duzhe povilno. Tvir completions were brought to the sony during the sale of several days, with the help of the Farbi the nerd blyakli and the roses.

However, from the XV century. Олійна техніка поширилася по всій Європі. Zgodom won busy panivna stanovishche y european painting and zberigala yogin right up to the XIX century. Tse vidbulosya zavdyaki novovvedennyu, yake zdіysniv Jan van Eyk. Він having recruited the technology of olive painting: having tried to rozchinjati provarenu and ochischenu llyanu oliu at so called bilomu bryugskomu to a varnish (legkіy rechovinі to type turpentine). Delivering the redness of the rose patches, the mayister otrimav dusa masu, scho easily vishihala navіt u tіnі. Ці удоконалені ван Ейком фарби мали й інші властивості: тепер їх можна було змішувати на палітрі, отримуючи надзвичайне багатство кольорів та відтінків. Artist otrimav mozlivist Vlyno nakladati one sphere Farby on top of it, Tobto bring zmini to the picture in the process of writing. Namitivshi basic forms of the beach with one of the corners, wreath "brighten up" with light strokes of the new tone, transfer the vizhlyad objects and folds to pass the sidewalk to the level of superimposed accuracy. On sontsi oliyni farybi gorіli i mіnilsya, nache pricetcіnne kamіnnya abo gothic vіtrazh. To the time of Jan van Eyck, the olina technology has become traditional for the Netherlands. Already from the XV century. Won widened at the Nimecchinas of France, and in zgodom - in Italy. Especially popular is the new technics of the bula in the Venetian painters.

Niederlandsky artists flawed such a passion for detail. І stavlennya to details for them rel'gіyno-shanoblyve: details for nіderlandtsіv є nosіami potaemnogo zmistu. Квітка лілеї у вазі, rushnik, teapot over the rot, the book - whether it's a question of objects, its own direct meaning, it's takozh i іnshe - potaєmne. Rechі zabrazheno z lyubov'yu, stinks vitoncheno-garny, navyt oduhhotvoreno-garni. Negarny obichchya zadaitsya cute - not in zvichaynomu sensi pravilnosti proportionality pic, and yak dorogecinni, finely vyrobleni "prodeti." Povaga to themselves, to their own buddies, before the sermon speeches peretvuyuvalasya through religine svitospriinyattya and poetizovalasya dopomogo misterstva. Tse tіlkom mirske burgerske zhittya, ale pious and consecrated religієyu. Thus, the spirit of the Protestant reforms itself, as well as the sign of a kind of invasion of the Nativeland Vidrodzhennya.

With ts'omu golovnі dyuchichi individuali opinyaayutsya de-nebud at kutochku. Такі композиції у кінці The XV century. Characteristically for the creativity of Bosnia . Tse buv nazvichayno soderzhdny artist. Suto nіderlandskaya priskіplivіt і spekterozhlіstіn poejditsya in gnogo іz burhlіlyuyu fantazієyu ta ve'lmi puhmurim gumorom. One of the yogo loves of the plot - "The Spot of St. Antony," de Vidlyudnik obyupyayut diyavoli. Bosch inhabiting his pictures with legions of small insurance brokers, yakis ı yakimos neymovirnim simbiosis plazuniv, rakopodibnih, luskaty, pancirnih i gibernikh іstot dodavannjam roslinnih i neorganichnyh elektimentov: ulamkiv glekiv, shchitiv, sholomіv, holok. An hour at the cich monsters can be remembered by the people of the country. The apotheosis of the Bosnian demonology - yogo "The Muscovite of Fire ", sho ogaduє garden katuvan: naked people here peremisalisya z monstroskami, yakі lizut on them z sysіh bokіv.

In the XVI century. In the Niederland mystery, I began to romp my romances, which were known as pics of the Італійського Чінквеченто. Іноді nі derlandskіі artists literally zapozychivali compositions Leonardo da Vinci abo transferred to the painting of the yogi malyunki. The imagery of the "classic nakedness", beautiful in Italy, Niederlandtsam, was not given by an hour and a little to the little comic visions, yak, napriklad, from the work "Neptune and Amphithera" by Jan Gossaert. Tila antichnih deities in ts'omu mesti pishnii i rozduti.

At qiu dobe pratsyuvav nazvichajno obdarivanija mitets - Piter Bruegel , nicknames of the Muzhitsky . Usі osoblivostі yogo Mistetstvo vinikli on ґruntі samobutnіh nіderlandskih traditsіy, and naybіlshoyu mіroyu vіn zobov'yazany Bosch. Yak nihto іnshy, Bruegel viraziv spirit of his hour and yogi national color. Він був as a master-artist, one artist is a missionary in unison, folk wise, so aphoristic is metaphorical. Філософія життя, що міститься у його алегоріях, гірка, іронічна, але й мужня. He is a living artist in Antwerp. In the young rock in Ukraine, one did not become a "novelist". To build, naybishego vrazhennya on ynogo have consulted alpіyski gori. Він їх bagatom zamalovuvav, і пізніше у його тров незміно височать на горизоні скелясті хребти, Хоча в усьому іохому landscape it is typical flamandskij.

The type of composition of Brueghel is a great prostration, and there are no occasions for taking places from the top. The mustache is written in the same way. The plot zazvichay popyazyany with folklore: Brueghel writing a picture-parable. One of them is called " Flemish assignments ". Nearly hundreds of people are imagined (although the picture for a rosemary is not large), they were pirated by a wondrously unemotional preoccupation. Chtoos namagaetsya probiti cholom stinu, htos zarivaet krynitsu, y yakі plavyaet tel, chtos vikidaє rib u rychku, yakas zhinka choke chortenya ... Use is the real metaphor of metaphors, in which the people are urged to give a fool about people. Deykі z them zabuti, and інші й досі to live і навііть мають analogues in the smaller мовов. At the creations of the "Selyansky Tank" and "Selyanske Vesilya" Brueghel, you are showered with villainous gruffly gay. In Ynogo takozh - picturesque cycle "Pori rock", yakomu presented a miracle kraevidi Flandry. Naikrascha із цього cycle the picture " Mislivtsi na snigu ". Up to the furthest horizon, the ministry lost sight of the m'yaki, I noticed that I was turning the mirror over and fro. Nadezvichayno accurately transferred to the snowdrop of snihovoy rivnini, lead sky and dark, mayzhe chornyh silhouettes of trees and migrations on the frontal plane.