6.7. Protestant Reformation Counter-Reformation that. Peredumovi Formation that rozvitku protestantskoї culture

6.7.1. Peredumovi th cob reformatsіynogo Ruhu. Martіn Luther

In the XVI century. Nіmechchinu, Anglіyu, Frantsіyu, Nіderlandi, skandinavskі Kraina, Kraina tsentralnoї Єvropi ohopiv wide suspіlny ruh proti katolitskoї church - Protestant Reformation (od lat reformatio -. Peretvorennya, vipravlennya). Predstavniki tsogo Ruhu zaperechuvali Verkhovna Vlad Papi rimskogo, chernetstvo, bіlshu Chastain taїnstv, church dogma katolitskoї about mozhlivіst "spasіnnya" vіruyuchih "Welcome to cope" (tobto, pozhertvuvannyami prayers i), the cult of saints, іkoni, obov'yazkovu bezshlyubnіst duhіvnitstva, bіlshu Chastain katolitskoї simvolіki toscho. On tsomu protivagu visuvalasya vimoga natsіonalnih to church, not pіdporyadkovanih rimskіy kurії, provoditi bogosluzhіnnya rіdnoyu movoyu. Jerel vіrovchennya poslіdovniki reformatsіynogo Ruhu vvazhali sama deprivation Holy Scripture (Bіblіyu) i vіdkidali sacred Perekaz (rіshennya ecclesiastical soborіv verdict rimskih dads).

Іdeya reformatsії church "in nosilasya povіtrі" for Dobie Gumanіzmu th Renaissance so very, yak іdeї Renaissance Mistetstvo st science. Viraznikom tsієї іdeї becoming a monk avgustinskogo Order, blue miner Martіn Luther. In 1517 r. Luther presenting to zagalnogo rozglyadu 95 tezisіv proti papskoї Vladi. Vіn papsku burning the bull, scho yogo vіdluchala od Church. Him LUVs spellings for the church Novi katehіzis.

Lyuterіvske vchennya wider at Shvetsії, Danії, Frankonії, Gessenskih i Brandenburzkih lands. Rozpochalasya vіyna protestantіv s nіmetskim іmperatorom Charles V. Tsya vіyna sider s Pererva to 1536 p., If іmperator zmusheny CCB uklasti peacefully dogovіr in Nyurnberzі. W tsogo hour Protestants otrimali gromadyanskі right narіvnі s Catholics. Luther insurrection was the signal appears to іnshih suprotivnikіv papskoї Vladi. Nayznachnіshimi s them boule Ulrіh Tsvіnglі Jean Kalvіn that Fіlіp Melanchthon.

Relіgіynim naslіdkom Reformatsії in kraїnah de Won peremogla, Bulo utvorennya novih protestantskih church (in Anglії, Shotlandії, Nіderlandah, Shveytsarії, chastinі Nіmechchini, skandinavskih kraїnah).