Culturology - Gritsenko TB

6.6.3. Arhitecture is more formative than mystery

The other half of XVI - the first half of the XVII century. - tse nainespokіynіsh period in Ukraine. Починаючи від Люблінської унії 1569 р., If Lithuania has become a member of the ІІolshu in one power - Річ Посполиту. Тому українські землі - Київщина, Волинь, Брацлавщина, - шо entered to the warehouse of Litvi, були загарбані the Polish feudal lords, the active struggle of the Ukrainian people against socially and politically that national impulse is active. Tse buv an hour of endless calls and internal wines, heroic daring and creative creativity.

For a short time the Ukrainian mystery passed through a burgeoning evolu- tionary, wrapping up the Renaissance, and basking in the foundation of a humane buvo. Yak new system znan, vin mav radical vplyv on instantly Ukrainian syspilstvo.

Renaissance in Ukraine mav svoerіdny character, і як історичний етап він chronologіchno not zbіgavsya з європейським. In this case, the laws of religion were accentuated, and they melded from the possibilities and the minds of this medium. Mayuchi svoe prikmeti, the mystery of Ukraine received in the first place the power of renaissance important rissi, yakі vzagatі pritamanny in all schools.

The Ukrainian mysticism of the day transformed itself into the whole fold of that hourly Suspinite life, the visions of the humanistic ideals, the verse in the people, the roused with the mighty anti-feudal ruin, the struggle of the people against social and national involuntaryism, were being violated.


Vplyv mistobudivnosti y arhitekturnoї practice єvropeyskogo Vidrodzhennia cognized on the Ukrainian lands already on the cob of the XVI century. Краші мощи для цього були в західноукраїнських земли, де виідбудовуться старі та закладаються нові міста, the basis of such often buli magnatsky fortress , so Brodi, Zhovkva, Berezhani, Medzhybizh, Ternopil ta n. Regularly planned until the renaissance wimog character, nasampered, for Lviv and Kam'yantsya-Podilsky. In the plan there are few vozglyad psevdokutnik, podilenogo in part - the life of the main communities - russkoi, polskoї, virmenko. In the center of the skin part - the rinkovaya area, in order to paralyze the volition, at the center of the city - there is a large area of ​​the town hall. In Lviv, the main bridges were spared by wide magistrals, one of which was one of the most popular applications in the instant European space.

The practice of planning l'vivs'koi srednedmisty bula is vtilen near the center in the m. Zhovkva arhitektor Pavel Shaslivim , vihidtsom іz Північної Італії. Незважаючи на всі перебудовий руйнування, і сьогодні окремі площі і вулиці Львова, Жовкви, Кам'янця, Бродів залившають неповрарне враження від куточків Ренесансу.

3 glibokim rozuminnyam ambushes of the Renaissance Ministry of Bulls on the other half of the XVI century. The formation of the middle castle in Ostrozi municipality, it was reorganized into a well-established renaissance center near Schengen and deservedly called " Volyn Afishi ". Naikraschі sporudi lock - Krugla Bashta and Lutsk brahma - without perebislenshnya nalezhat to viznachnih sporud Європи доби Відродження.

One o'clock in the Ostrozky is perebudovuyutsya castle at Kam'yantsy-Podilsky. Here vprovazhenii noviy type fortifikatsii - bastionnna system, scho included the numerical towers, bastioni, folded locks and sporudy. Усі вони виконують do not deprive утилиітарну, but thе song will be estetichnu funktsіyu. Sporudi decorated with a stone in a renaissance style, chorno-bilimi ornaments in technical sgrafito (sposіb ornamental obzdobolennya stin sporud shalyom prodryapuvanya pawn malyunka on the upper thin ball of plaster to the lower ball, sho moe інший колір), arkaturnimi friezes (a number of small arches, scho Прикрашають стіни) тощо.

At 70-90-ti rr. XVI century. Priba найa naybіlshy rokvіt gromadyanskogo ta cultivnogo budivnitsva in the renaissance style in Lviv. The ensemble of boudinques on the Rinok Square, the perlino of a man to enter the " Chorn Kam'yanitsa " (1588-1589, the architect P.Rimlyanin ), the Assumption Church (arhitektory P.Rimlyanin, A.Prihilny, the Vezh Kornyakt (arhitektor P. Barbon) , Kaplitsya Tryokh Svyatiteliv (architect P.Krasovskiy).