Culturology - Gritsenko TB


Vazhlivu vihu was flooded with the ХVІІ-ХVІІІ century. In the world of music. Tse Buv an hour viniknennya new music of musical genres.

At the inter-ХVІ-ХVІІ century. In Італії (Florentії) виникла opera, synthetichnі yakії дозволяє інбільш поvіdіbіаtія аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа

Oskilki opera є vitvom professional professiynogo misterstva, then the very word "opera" італійською мовою mean pratsya, on the right. Opera - synthesis of music, words, actor 's painting, painting. You can tell me, but the opera turned the traditional primary syncretical mystery, or even on an earlier turn of the istory - the professional one.

Pershi's wives were called "drama on the music", "drama through the music". Їх Ї пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов пов They have a hero of the Greek mythology. The composer і співак Якопо Пері (1561-1633) that sings and the playwright Ottavіo Рінуччіні (1563-1621) have played a feast with the creators. Persha's opera "Daphne" was not protected, the friend "Evridik" went to our days. Її прем'єра відбулася у Florentіїї in 1600 р., І ця date вважається роком народження опери.

Італія in that hour була джерелом нових явищ в музичному житті Європи. In a friend's half of the ХVІІ century. Opera reach the rose from France. At Nimecchin ta Austriії rozvivali so tak form muzichnih creatives, yak oratoriya, mesa and concert.

The names of the composers of the period are Alexandro Scarlatti (1660-1725), Franzії - Jean-Baptiste Lulli (1632-1682), Nіmecchini - Henry Schütz (1585-1682), and in England - Henry Purcell (1658-1695). Cе справді національні митці, що perfectly virazili themselves and the epoch in his creations.

The post opera theater in Moscow in Paris in 1669. The creator of the French opera is Jean Baturist Lulli . By calling themselves "lyrical tragedies." The names of them are "Alcesta", "Psyche", "Armida". The plots of operas are written down on the basis of the antique myths. One of the most prominent representatives of French operations in the 18th century. Buv takozh Jean Fіlіпп Рамо .

At Nimecchini in the same time, the opera was performed. In 1678 the river. In Gamburzi - naybіlshomu cultural centerі Nіmecchini - відкрився opera theater. Natsionalnі зразки німецької operated on зінгшпілі (спів з грою). Її heroes were simple residents of the village and village, suvor morality of some protested the rozbeschensti aristocracy. Such a plan sounded th avstriysky - vidensky zingshpil.

In sysіx operas zagadanikh composers legitimize antichnі motivations. One o'clock at the opera rozvivayutsya oratoriya ta cantata - vocally-instrumental genre (for solistіv, choir and orchestra) on rеlіgіynі, bіblіynі, and іноді й на світські сюжети. Burly rozvivayutsya takozh instrumentalnna music for the organ, harpsichord, siskichkov tools.

At friend's half of the XVII - cob of XVIII century. Opera zbagatila so riznovidom yak opera-seriya (literally - seriosna opera). For nei characteristic pompeznist, pishnev decor, zobrazhennya battalnyh scenes, stihyhnih dashing. Її heroes of the buli gods, імператори, полководці. The center of the Opera of the Mysteries is Naples. Naykrupnishim representative of the opera school Buv Alexandra Scarlatti. Krim tsyogo vinikaє novyi genre - opera-buffa (comic opera). Її the first author is Giovanni Batthista Pergolezi, who wrote an opera "Servant-lord".

Інструментальна музика епохи baroko is hostile to rozmaїttyam of genres, forms of those technical ensembles. З минулих віків at the ХVІІ century. Pereishov organ - clavichno-spiritual instrument. The main genre of organ music was fugue (bіg, shvidka течія) - naybіlsh the form of polifonic (bagata) music. In the Baghatoh European regions there were talanovit composers and wikonavian organ musicians. Італійські, французькі, німецькі, Нідерландські churches peretvoyuvalysya in the concert hall, de schuchachі із бупленням сприймали віртуозну гру of музикантів.

A popular instrument of the epoch of baroque buli is takozh klavikord i klavesin - pobedniki piano. At the repertoire of the great world, dances were held, yakі obneded at the suite (post-meeting). Tse one of the varieties of bagatomic forms of instrumental music. In parallel with the sonika sonika (sound) - one of the basic genres of solo and chamber-instrumental music. The order of the genres of people is to arrange a concert (zmagannya) - tvir for bugatokh vikonavtsiv, in which the voice of the violinists is one voice protivostoit biloshi.

Already in the XVI century. Style baroko pogliblyu, rozvivaє і pereroblyaє naiibіshy predstavnik epokhi, neimetsky composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Zmіniyuchi topics, tracts of forms, zasobi muzichnoy vizaznosti, vin stlyovoy vlasniy style, not similar to pishnu, the importance of the manner of old masters, pidnesoshitsya to the tops of the mystery polifonii, napovnemichi its own numerically create humane ideas, living images, genre episodes. The great nimetsky composer that organist created hundreds of musical works for the church choir and concert music, concerts for orchestras, organ for piano, violin, flute, harpsichord.

Ubrodovzh vsoogo zhittya Bach writing music for pogodnika pocaschnogo piano - clavier. Tse інструмент був поширеним у домашньому музикуванні як серед музикантів-професіоналів, и і серед любителів. Chimalo creator composer writing for the riches of warehouse orchestras

The creature of Bach's fall is the greatness of the creativity of the original genres and rifles of the spontaneity - the hundredth composition for the organ - fugue, tokati with fugami, chorale; For harpsichord - syuiti, variatsii, fantasy. In the genre of vocal-instrumental music Bach having delivered 200 cantatas, dealing with the Protestant religious cult, 24 svitskikh cantatas are pinned to the humorous zmistu, the cycle of 48 preludes and fugues. Orchestral sluggishness is to be stored in bugaloinstrumentalnih concertov for harpsichord, violin, violoncello, flute and ín. Розмаїта yogo creativity in chamber and vocal genres. Titanic fall of the yoga community is close to 1700 creations in all the genres of music, behind the winches of the opera.

The creativity індивідуність більшості майстрів that hour was stored in the barracks. Baroque Buli izobizi kolizii operas, yakі creating the nimetsky composer and organist Georg Fredrik Handel (1685-1759), yogo інструментальна музика.

Music Handel, in a special gliboco synthesized on the basis of the elements of English, Italian and French melodies, is intended for wide dhannams, cannon sounds, gentry vitonichnistyu.

Viznachalnimi in muzitsy baroko stait pidnesenni, velichnyi obrazi, silnі poteutty i emotsії. Tom providnim є monumental, scale genres, in a kind of a human voice, go to the cans of the orchestra and the choir - opera, oratoriya, mesa tochno.

At the center of the musical culture, the composer, the vikonavets, and yakis without averagely zvertayutsya to the hearman. Prodovzhuetsya process yogo professional stanovlenya, rozgortannya muzichnogo zhittya, osviti, notodrukuvannya. Інтенсивно розвивається інструментальна музика .