Culturology - Gritsenko TB


Visoka hvilya suspilnogo ruhu was marked by characteristic zmіnami in usіh types of mystery, yak through the epoch of the baroque "old" classics, the spoiler came to a number of new "promizhnyh" techies, and potim up to the revolutionary classics of the 18th century. Naybіlsh sensitively up to змін vyyavilasya muzyka, having caught the drama of subjects, burzhlіі predistrastі, dynamіchnyy rozvitok dumki, rіznі contrast. In the result of people, great cyclic form, opera, oratoria. At vocal, that ingenumentalnuu creativity penetrate the people's song, mass genres actively vplylivat on simfonichnyi opera.

Pryklasichna add (so її nazivayut, okkilki vona pereduє vіdenskіy klassicі) hunpljue Mayzhe table - vіd кінця ХVІІ до кінця ХVІІІ століть. Tse period of burhlivy rokvіtu vsіh muzichnih genrіv at great єvropeyskikh kraїnakh, muzichna culture of some nabuvaє depotі vіraznіshih національних pic.

Naididatnishimi predstavnikami predklakischnoi італійської музики були Giovanni Buttistu Pergolese (1710-1736), who wrote 14 operas, bagatoes of vocal-instrumental and chamber art; Giovanni Paiziello (1740-1816) - the author of "Sivilsky tsirulnik" that Domenico Chimarosa (1749-1801) - the author of "The Tame Slooby".

Італійська front-class music gave battles of supper і in the galusical, chamber and orchestral music - Антоніо Вівальді (1678-1741), Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770). Італія дал світові Доменіко Скарлатті (1685-1757) - genealogical harpsichord of the ХVІІІ century.

The most visible representative of the pre-classical French music is Jean-Philippe Ramot (1683-1764).

Перш ніж музика прийшла до узагальнюючого стили віденських класиків in the individual Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, in the ХVІІІ century. Viniklo kilka so chi іnakse povyazanyh іz Prosvitnitsvom "molodih" stilіv, scho molded the smacks of suspilstva. Їхня спільна мета - стильове полегшення, Відмова від релігійноної themes, collapsible concept, decorative writing. Rannim predstavnikom tsієї school, prosvіtnitskogo klasytsizmu ХVІІІ st., З yogo gromadskim pathos, geroїkoyu, idіdno izdeynimi obrazami, buv Хрістоф Віллібальд Глюк (1714-1787). The author of opera reforms, prepared by the authors of the esthetics Prosvitnitsva. Vona, yogo dumku, guilty torknutsya, head ranks, oper-seriya, yaki neobhidno podbaviti nimmirnost і pishnot vokalnoy virtuoznosti, vstanovavshi at ts'omu spivvidnoshennya mizh dramaticheskoy dіyu і muzikoyu, angry harmoniously vedino word, music and gesture. Yogo mystetztvo close to the treatment in the painting of antiquity stories and characters of the foreseeable future of the French Revolution.

Bagata is a pivot, a rare creativity of the famous composer-innovator Josef Franz Haydn (1732-1809), one of the founders of the classic school in the country. Velikie історичне znachenniya mittsya not in the sense that it is convenient and having confirmed the classic type of symphony and quartet, but in that way it became the official of classical musical instruments, the ancestor of the orchestra. P.I. Tchaikovsky said that the yakbi was not Haydn's boudo, it would not be Mozart's and Beethoven's bolshee's, defusing himself to the remunerations of the miraculous, genuinely rosy and sonorous form of symphony.

The approaching genealogical representative of the culture of the epoch Prosvitnitsva - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Mozart's creativity is the pinnacle of the European music of the 18th century. Vazhko navіt pіdіbrati відповідні words, shob of them to convey the dowry, попіплення, схиляння поколінь before we create the feat of this phenomenal musical creativity.

Create a great innovator in solving the glossy felosofskogo of the ideological emo- tional zmistu. Yogi musical forms are formed in a wide range, - for inimical tragedies, scorpion-pathetic, sporivnich liriko-fіlіofskikh rozdumіv parton before napovneny vіntsya zhіtєdainіimі and радісним торжеством фіналів; Vid pathetichnogo blagovinnya to nezlamnoye volosti in borotby, to geroichi i titanichnoi otnostnosti u pereborennyh strazdan.

Багата творчість Людвіга ван Бетховена (1770-1827) дуже різноманітна for genres and themes. Tse operi, dev'yat symphonie, tridtsyat dvi sonati for piano, siamadtsyat string quartets, p'yat piano concertos, ten sonatas for violin and piano, concerts for violin and orchestra, twenties three zabirniki variatsii for piano, numeral pisen, ari, pisennikh Stole, oratorium.

In the spheres of musical culture, the opera was stifled, yak is the right synthesis of mysticism (music, costumes, decorations, butages). The order for the opera is rooted in the інші великі vocal and instrumental formations , the instrumental and solo concert.

Творча спадщина трьох геніальних представників віденської класики postійно засвідчує its not destroying life.

Otzhe, єvropeyska culture HVІІ- XVIII century., Yak rozvivalasya in ambushes ratsіonalіzmu that prosvіtnitstva, virobila novі method zasobi Naukova pіznannya that osvoєnnya navkolishnogo seredovischa, sformuvala svіtoglyad, vіlny od feudal zabobonіv, іdeyno pіdgotuvala revolyutsіynі zrushennya in Zahіdnіy Єvropі scho naypovnіshe virazilosya in Ідеалах Французької революції, виробила нові засоби художногоо-мистецького відображення навколилишнього світу.