Culturology - Gritsenko TB

Scientists of science and technology

Nadzvichajno it is important the factor postiynogo rozshirennja biznesu sto tehnik. At the New Year's eve, the post office was set up to create kerovane by people who were mechanically virgin. Nadzvichinі mozmolistі for mehannіzatsії vіdkryv vvodeny J. Whittom universalniy paroviy dvigun (1784), scho buv zdatnyi zrushiti mashiny be-yakogo type. The true revolution of the boulevard is the appearance of the "machine-building". In 1794 the river. Англійський механік Г. Модслі винйшов рухомий a support (утримувач різця) for a turning verstatu. Zgodom the support of buv of dunnings і at verstatakh інших типів; Він виконував також операції, які раніше здійснювала человеська hand. Zavdjaki to a support токарні, фрезувальні, шліфувальні, свердлильні та інші verstati have re-made on робітничі machines.

Radical stations in the rhythm of the Zhytty River were introduced by steam transport : ground (steam locomotive of J. Stephenson - 1814), rychkovoi (steam fusel of R. Fulton - 1807), Morskoy (1819), and takozh wines in the middle of the ХІХ century. Elektromagnitnogo telegraph (in 1844. S. Morse transmitted telegraphy obedomlennya electrically) and shvidko drukuyhih poligraficheshnih machines. The henchmen called the nineteenth century. "The table is a couple of those halls": the steam installations were stuck in the usuficies of promyslovost and syl'skogo gosdarstva, ending the transition to the manufactory - a great pidpriemstva, basing on the handicrafts, to the machine industry.

In 1839 the river. Виникає фотографія - французький художник і винахідник L.-Ж.-М. Daguerre rasping the first practical method of photographic work - the daguerreotype and dopovs for the Parisian academy.

In 1869 the river. American winesman and promislovets D.Vestingauz otrimav patent on pneumatic zaliznichnee galmo - galmo Westingauz. The Nimetsky KF Drez winesman made a transport vehicle on the back of the road, yak to be brought to the river hand-in-hand by the dvigun of the internal railroad car. In 1863 the river. In London, the Persian piedzemna zaliznytsia (3,6 km) - the metro. З 1868 р. Metro station in New York. Naistarishi metropolitanities on the European continent - Budapest (1896r.), Videnskiy (1898) and Parizky (1900 rubles).

In 1869 the river. Vidbulosya vidkritya Suetsky channel. Yogo dovzhina became 164 km, the width along the bottom - 22 m, the first glenina - 7.5 m. By the time the canal of bouves is aggravated and expanded.

Rizke zrestannia popita on metal called before the winch by the Englishman G. Bessemer, the envelope method for breaking the chavunu on steel, so called besemerivskogo process (patent 1856 pp.). In 1864 the river. The French metallurgist P.Marten for vibrobnitsva became a shock of oxidizing melting of the halluminous materials (chavunu, steel scrap) zbuduvav pich, yaku zgdom, yak i sposib melting, called yogo іmenem.

З кінця 70-х рр. ХІХ century. By the time the phone call was made, the electricity of the electric bulb was roaring. The American winesman and pidpriemets.T.Edison at his meysterns, yakis became the reason of the famous "General Electric" base, rozroblyaet all technics elektroosvitlennya. In 1882 the river. Vin pobuduvav from New York pershu in sviti teplovu elektrostantsciyu zagal'nogo koristuvannya, and in 1896 r. Gave the strings naybіlsha гідроелектростанція - Ніагарська. In the 80's. On the streets of Berlina, the first tramway. In 1897 the river. The nymetskiy engineer R.Dizel realizing his idea of ​​a dviguna of internal zgorannya, called yogo іmenem.

In 1897 the river. Італійський радіотехнік і підприємець G. Marconi having obtained a patent for the wines of Radioprimach .

Naprikinsky XIX century. Відбувся справжній revolution in the science missionary. Buli podolanі stereotypy naukovoї svydomosty, scho podlisya pіd vplylav klassichnoї mehaniki. Naprykінці 1895 р. Німецький фізик В.К. Roentgen after describing the formation of a new genus for promiscuity. Zalishayuchis invisible, stink pronuzyut rizni premeti. Early for X-ray "x-promen" looking at Austro-Ugorshchina Ukrainian study І.Pulyuy. Він becoming a pioneer for їх вивченні і виготов слюня лампа для світлоскопії.

У кінці ХІХ ст. He began to become a self-taught galois of the science of atomic physics. In 1896 the river. The French fiction A.Bekerel is more vivacious in expressing the radiodactivity of uranium salts. Радіоактивність різних елементів, радіоактивне випромінювання вивчали витічні фізики P.Kurі t yogo druzhina M.Sklodowska-Kuri . Same stinks prokavadili in naukovy obіg ponimatja "radіoaktivnist." M.Sklodowska-Kuri Keruvala Radium Institute in Paris. At the same time as a cholovnik, he died in 1898. Відкрила нові елементи: full and happy.

Specific form of science and technology became a critic of the cinema , a sort of fault and in 1895 р. Patented Brother Lum'er in Paris. Glyadachi buli znayomlenі zі scenes, znyatimi n naturi: "Вихід робітників із factory Lyum'єra", "Pributtya pozhda na vokzal La Siota", "Politei polivalnik". Zagalom fіrma Lum'er vypustila close to 1,5 yew. One of the dvuhvilinnikh fіlmіv. In the genre visual exhibitions, there are simple reports, and scenes on literary and historical subjects.

ХІХ century. Was determined by the progress of technology. Tsei progresses povpjazany z zabobudovoju mіst u vidpovіdnosti up to the needs of promyslovost, transport, zhostan'yam populated. Багато міст було переплановано: вузькі плутані проїзди, що збереглися з доби Середньовіччя, замінювалися на геометрично чітку сітку вулиць і проспектів. I'll start to build up portland cement, potim poshirennya nabuli sutsilnometalev construction. In the middle of XIX century. The new type of spruce was invented in the metal warehouse of Kristalpalas near London (1851).