Culturology - Gritsenko TB

9.2. Especially the cultural rosette of Ukraine in the twentieth century.

At the ХІХ - on the cobble of the XX century. Українська culture pissed off its own accord. Tse Buv period, knowledge of national self-reliance. On tsіy hvilі rozgortaєtsya creativity of the pleiad of Ukrainian mitzvs, yaki zbagatili vitschiznyana spiritual skarbnitsyu.

The XX table for Ukraine became an hour of great viprobuvan, important sushpilno-polichnichnyh podiy, scho often brought to zanishchenniya ambushes of the national-cultural butt, buly ruinous for the culture of the country did not foster the preservation of cultural values. That nezvazhayuchi on the folded cataclysm, Ukrainian culture sold plyodno rozvivatisya.

Nezvazhayuchi on uroandov fence, rozshiruvalysya sphere igivannya Ukrainskoї moivi.

Розвиткові українського книгодрукування pereskodzhala censorship, yaka postyyno obnarodo vidannya the book with the Ukrainian language. Ridnoyu movoyu zaboronyosya koristustavisya pid hour spent nauchnikov tih gumadskikh zahodiv. Проте українська мова postupovo penetrate into the area of ​​the people's butia. Progressive dіychі відстоюювали the right to навчання in schools рідною мовою; Buli streneni ukraynomnovni pidrugniki for pochatkoy schools. Lvivsky and Chernivtsi University hosted the Ukrainian-language departments.

Під час революції 1905-1907 рр. In Україні поширюється діяльність "Просвіт", що вида літературу українською мовою, read lectures, відкривали бібліотеки. Діяльність "Просвіт" Often a bula is tied up with a nationally-violent struggle.

On the cobble of the twentieth century. У Західній Україні поширюється січовий рух, що орієнтувався на відродження традиції запорізької військової справи.

Significant role in the propaganda of the Ukrainian literature, the report on the history, archeology, etnografii vіdіgrali journalist "Kiev Starina", "Ukrainian Hut", "Literaturno-naukovyi visnik".

On the sunset of Ukraine, the national science was strengthened in Naukovo by comradeship. T. Shevchenko (1892, before donning).

At the meeting of Ukraine (in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa) takozh nisnuvali science comradeship, scho spiriili poshirennu tehnichnyh znan, vyvchennyu ohrononi pamyatok Starovini.

Burkhlivom boolo mistetske zhittya on the cobble of the twentieth century. We have an hour to work on the classics of Ukrainian literature - I Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, M. Kotsyubinsky, young generation writers - V.Vinnichenko, O. Oles, V. Stefanik; Coryphaeus of the Ukrainian theater M.Kropivnitsky, M.Staritsky, M.Sadovski, M.Zankovetska; Composers M.Lisenko, K.Stetsenko, S.Lyudkevich, O.Koshits; Artists V. Krichevsky, H. Narbut, M. Boichuk.

Українська culture cobble of the twentieth century. Rozvivalasya russl zagalno svjativih tentsitsy, heavilyuchi to the avant-garde. So, the Ukrainian writers of Ukraine, published in the magazine "Ukrainska Hata" (A.Krimsky, M.Voroniy, M.Filiansky, G.Chuprinka tochno), approved the requirement for the creation of new syspilnyh and national forms of butt.

Galitsky poets (B. Lepky, V. Pachovsky, O. Lutsky and іn.), Scho included before ugrudovannya "Moloda Muza" (1906), they were joking new shlykhs from the mystery. The stinkers pounced on the Zbagatiti poetic manu, they joked new ways of isolating them, orienced themselves on Zahidnoevropeysku literature.

In the course of the avant-garde, the Ukrainian painting of the cobble of the twentieth century rose. Young artists were seen in academic circles, they were covered in new forms with virishitas, folded with problems, they were placed before susinstvo. Ukrainian educating avant-garde єdnav our culture zevropeyskoyu.

Українське мистецтво початку ХХ ст. Bulo whistling shavlom rozvitku nashoї kulturi. Vaughn was trying to match the traditional stereotype; Accentuated not respect for the vedobrazhennyi dovkolishnogo svitu, and on the inside of the inner world of the people.

In the 1917 р. The wide people's masi had their own way of dealing with the spirituality of the rose, the virgin development of Ukrainian culture with the struggle for the democratization of the huge life.

In the hour of establishing the Central Radi (3 birch in 1917), the active power of the Ukrainian cultural heritage was active. Керівництво Центральної Ради підтримувало загальнодемократичні вимоги about skasuvannya be-яких обмежень schodo української мови, культури, суспільно-політичного життя.

The Central Rada carried out an active policy in the region. Bulo has taken a course on the alignment of the диdenne national peasant school. The session was organized by the Ukrainians ozvіti, who took part in the All-Ukrainian Teacher's Day (quarter of 1917) and All-Ukrainian Teacher's Day (serpent 1917). On the worlds stlyovalisya biblioteki and gotuvalisya vozdumovi peredumovi pobatannya z 1 veresa 1917 р. At pochatkovyh schools in Ukraine. In grammar schools, those middle schools were invited to attend the Ukrainian cultural program, Literature and History. In 1917r. У Україні почав виходити педагогічний журнал "Вільна українська школа".

Відбувалася українізація вищої школи. The universities prokvazhuvalasya zmishana mova vikladannya, buli stroyreni Ukrainaznavchchy chair. For the Central Radi in Ukraine, new stories are written: Kyiv National Ukrainian University, Kyiv Law Institute, Kyiv Geographical Institute, Kam'yanets-Podilsky Ukrainian People's University, Kherson Teachers Institution. 5 грудня 1917 р. The boulevard was founded by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, but it gave the artist a whisper of art. The first rector of the Academy became F. Krichevsky (div.ol.№10), professors of the Buly Ukrainians M.Boichuk, V.Krichevsky, G.Narbut, O.Murashko (div.Il.N. 6) and інші.

The theatrical dyalnist was piqued. For ініціативи Леся Курбаса у Києві було стрено Молодой театр, довкола якого объєдналися обдаровані актори молодшого покоління. Керівництво Української Центральної For the sake of us, it was necessary to take care of the old-world and the mystery pamyatok. Prodovzhuvali існувати старі та відкривалися нові краєзнавчі та історичні музеї, працювали Київське friendship of the pamyatok старовини і мистецтва, Одеське friendship історії і старожиностей.

Podії громадянської війни in Україні did not bother with rozvitkovi culture, sprinkled up to pripinennya funktsionovannya bugatokh cultural-osnovnyh pays.

Gromadianska vinyna posted the Ukrainian identity on the different Ugruguvanni, primusivshi sprymuvaty zusilya not stilki na natsionalno-kul'turniny vіdrodzhennya, skilki on borotibu vlas vigivannya.

Після закінчення громадянкоїї війни power to turn around to the problems of the culture, rozglyadayuchi її як невід'ємну складову частину партійної роботи. Після встановлення радянської влади in Ukraine in the field of culture to begin to adapt itself, changing the way "cultural revolution". Набувають поширення ідеї Пролеткульту, що відкидали ідеї спадкоємності в культурі, вважали, що culture панівних класів ворожа робітникам і селянам. Prote taka cultural polity did not become a providential one.

In the 20's. In Ukraine, a radian woman is to observe the politics of Ukraine, she will sing a positive role in the cultivation of the culture. A number of party bailiffs were praised for a number of party programs and that order: "About obovyazykov studiyuyvannya at schools moskovoevmi, and takozh istorії ta geografii Ukrainy" dated 09.03.1919., Praised Timchasovom robitnicho-selyanskyi detachment of Ukraine; "About vzhivannya in sysіh establishments української мови нарівні з велируською" (February 21, 1920, VUTSVK); "On the request of the Ukrainian authorities in schools and radian installations" (serpene in 1921, the decree RNA USRR).

The ХІІ з'їзд РКП (б) at 1923 р. Ofitsyno progoloviv course on ukrainizatsii. Матеріалізуючи рішення партійного форуму, згодом було видно декрет ВУЦВК та RNK USRR "About us go in for the protection of the rights and information about the assistance of Ukrainian and Ukrainian authorities". Згідно з цією I decree perebachalosya translated into the Ukrainian language викладання закладів освіти, and in non-Ukrainian schools Ukrainian mova became obovyazykovym thing. The decree of the Bula grabbed the Ukrainian identity, the pragnnia of the anchorage on the cultural nivі vіdteper zbіgalisya з офіційною політикоюю.

At rozvitok zagadanoї it was decided that the preparation of the Ukrainian national staff, the haggling of the national warehouse of the republic with a staffed corps, the organization of the national press, the book-keeping, the promotion of the Ukrainian mystery.

Not all of them positively pursued a course on Ukraine. Negatively set to the level of the service, vikladachiv vishchih navichalnih mortgage, engineering and technical pratsivnikiv.

Pislya obrannya secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (B.) U L. Kaganovich Ukrainians prisokruyutsya (pid vplyvom administrative admissibility). Lipnyi 1925 rock was adopted by the RNU of the Ukrainian SSR "About practical visits to the Ukrainian Radiation Apparatus". Zgidno z posovoyu conducted accreditation bureaucrats for the knowledge of their Ukrainians, ti, scho ignore Ukraine, zvilnyalisya z posad. Такі заходи викликали опір серед кваліфікованої інтелігенції.

Ukrainіzіcіya, schо відбувалася під парійним control, became a part of the pagan process of rozvitku Ukrainian culture. Завдяки українізації вперше після століть колоніального існування українська culture дістала державну підтримку. Ale is the process of the Ukrainians in the village, in pritamennyi porevolyotsiny eposny polizotitsi ta іdealizatsii cultural spheres. Part of the ker'ivnitsvot that power organization has struck at the roots of the cultural sphere.

Positive manifestations in the 20's - on the cob of 30-рr. All the bool chimalo.