Culturology - Gritsenko TB

Osvita. The science

Vazhlivim krokom in the sphere of osviti was prokazvadzhennya obovjazkovoi srednnyo Osvity ( since 1966).

Widely zrostayuchy technical riven vibrobnitsva visuvav viskogo vimogi before pidgotovki kvalifikovanih kadriv for all the delicacies of the state, that vyshoryuetsya lyazha povitrov professionno-tehnichnoy osviti, correspondence and that vecirnyogo navsannya, vikkryvayutsya novy vuzi, in the number of universities.

Naukovu dіyalnіst in Україні продовжувала координувати АН УРСР, яку з 1962 р. Ocholyuє academic B.Є. Paton .

Uspishno was carried out in the galusies of the Syl'skospodarskih sciences, biochemistry (Academician OVPalladin), cybernetics (VM Glushkov). To the well-known pupils of Ukraine, Bula, the decommissioning and the preparation of the Perso in the small, electronically-enumerated machine.

Ноі зразки електрозварювальної апаратури розробляв Інститут електрозварювання, якому in 1945 р. Appropriated ім'я Є.О. Paton. Znachnym nauchnikim досягненням Інституту became sporudzhennya in Kiev's severelyzvarnogo avtodorozhnogo bridge across Dnipro.

The most significant subcategories in the cultural life of Ukraine became the "Ukrainian Radiation Encyclopedia" in 17 volumes of the "Istoriya of Ukraine and the Ukraine" in 26 volumes.

At the folding of the minds of the party dictates, that administrative admirer grows up the literature. We create the method of literature, zgіdno zі statute Spilki zakonnikіv, buv progolosheniy sotsіialisticheskii realizm. At bagatooh artnich creators with great pathos glorified Lenin, Stalin, the party members, bula vіssutnya be-yaka critical otsnka podі sushasnoї іstіїїї, accentuated the respect of the positive on the positive realities of life.

Незважаючи на труднощі, українські Written by пpідно працювали в різних жанрах літератури, досягши певних збобутків.

З "хрущовською відлигою" povzjana pozhvlenya literaturno-misterskogo zhittya in Ukrainі. In the 50-60's of the river. Before reading, the creative work of represen- tative writers is written, and the earlier boule is viluchened from the seizure (create M.Kulisha, P.Pluzhnik, M.Zerov, V.Bobinsky, M.Dray-Khmari, G.Kosinka, O.Slisarenka, V.Chumak, C. .Tudora ta іn.). On the cob of the 60's. Bulo rozpochato vidannya "Української радянської енциклопедії", з'явалися нові літературно-художні i наукові perіодичні видання, почала приджуватися Держана премія Україниіі. Shevchenko.

At the time of the hour, many writers of the older generation: M. Rilsky ("Troyands and Grapes", "Far from Heaven"), V. Sosyura (novel "The Third Company", "Lasty on Sonts", "Shchastya Sіm'ї trudovoy" "Osіnnі melodії"), A.Malishko ("The Heart of Mothers", "The Road with the Swords", "The Synopsis"); M. Stelmakh ("Velika rіdnya", "Khlib i syl", "Human blood is not water"), O. Gonchar ("Lyudina i zbroya", "Tronka"); G. Tyutyunnik ("Vir"); Z.Tulub ("In steppe boundless beyond the Urals").

Lіro-epic, the poetic form of the letter is learned by Oles Honchar (1918-1995). For the front-line writer, the subject of the book became one of the provincial, up to the anchor, in many ways: in the trilogy "Praporonosci" (1946 - 1948), the novel "Lyudina i Zbroya" (1960). In the novel "Tronka" (1963) the author zvertaetsya to those spadkoyemnosti pokolin, spivvidnoshenny ratsionalizma suasno nauchno-tehnichnoye zag zhalnoljudskimi tsinnostyami. Gostroproblemny romance "Cathedral" (1968) was written down poorly criticized and vilucheno in literary process on 20 rock (in the novel published in 1987). In the world of creativity, the author is responsible for the dissolution, morality, ecologic problems of the national cultural values. Humanism, living behind the found moral laws - rice heroes інших творів O. Gonchar ("Cyclone", "Your Dawn", "Black Jar").

Ідеї ​​і настроі цілого покоління the young writers-writers- writers -V.Symonenko, I.Drach, B.Oliynik, D.Pavlychko, Lina Kostenko , V.Korotich, G.Gutsalo, Y.Shcherbak, R.Ivanichuk, R.Fedoriv Та ін. For the creativity of young poets and prose writers, the problem of historical memory, the advent of the generation, the expression of the truth of life, the interest to human beings is characteristic.

Glyboko patriotic, socialized, publically poetic creativity of the poet V. Simonenka (1935 - 1963), zbirki "Tisha i grim", "Zemne zheleznnia", "Posyії". V.Symonenka's creativity was very sensitive to the yoga ideological and esthetic position of the right patriot, the share of his land ("Ti znaєs, scho ti - lyudina ...", "I'm surprised at your zіnitsi", "Do not talk to my people?" "Yak gostra satyr on radiansku dіysnist sprimayєtsya one of the most creative creations of the poem -" The Crowd about Durila. "Molodiy sings, zhittya yakogo obryvalosya so early, zalazv zrazki landscapes (" Zimoviy Vechir "," Step "," Vzhe day zveetsya sivim " І bezilim ").

In the 60-і рр. І.Драч (1936 р. Н.) - singing, перекладач, кіносценарист, громадський діяч, laureate of Derzhavnі Premiії URSR ім .. T. Shevchenko ta Derzhavnі Premiії SRSR. Zbirkam І.Драча "Соняшник", "Протуберанці серця", "Балади буднів", "Поїїї", "До джерел", "Корінь і крона", "Київське небо", "Шабля і хустина", "Telіzhentsi", "The Temple" Sontsya "," Spiritual sword "power metaphorichnost, maximalism, symbolizatsiya, theme vidpіdalnostі mittsya, confession of poetry and travel. In the "Chornobylska Madonna" (1987) І.Drach rozmіrkovuє over the problems zagalnonarodnoї tragedii, scho has put the disaster on the Chaes.

One of the visions of the mayor of the poetic word of Ukraine is another half of the twentieth century. Б. B. Oliynik (1935 r.), Scho rozmіrkovuy at his tvorah about the problems pokolin ', історичну пам'ять та місце людини в житті ("Урок"), поетизує простих трудівників ("Дядько Яків", "Формула", " About chorobrism "). The creativity of B.Oliynik was not affected by the propaganda style ("Credo", "Volodymyr Lena's Mausoleum"), which is typical for Radiansky hour. Until the image of the mother zvertaetsya sings in the cycle "Sive Sonets Moe", scho sdakadaetsya z dev'yati travel. Ніжний та трепеттий образ матері, простої сільської трудівниці, сприймається як symbol of life, ніжності і добра. The poem "Sim" zvertaєtsya to the subordination of the Chornobyl disaster.

Tragically, the share of Vasily Stus (1938-1985), a kind of adverbally and laterally protying the radial system of totalitarian systems, buv dvichi zasugzheny for his political retribution and death in uv'yaznenni. Behind the cordon of the buli were published works of yoga trains: "Winter of the Tree" (1970), "Svicha v svychadi" (1977), "Palimpsesti" (1986). Already the death of the poet pobachila svit at the Batkivshchina zbirka "Road to Pain" (1990). Create the poet's passions with glibinous philosophical rumors about the share of the people, his own people, for whom the vows of meetings.

In the 80's - on the cob of the 90's. In Ukraine, the processes of democratization and spiritual development are ignored, if the mitzvahs can not go beyond the socialistic realism, expand the thematic style of the past, adhere to the Zakhidno-European modernity (Yu. Andrukhovich, V. Neboraka, B. Zholdak, O. Zabuzhko, O. Ulyanenko, Є.Pashkovsky is thin).

Чимала кількість українських писників у різний час it was explained behind the cordon. Lisha in the remainder of the decade, the creativity of the bula is долучена до загальноукраїнського літературного процесу і published on Батьківщині (Є.Malanyuk, V.Barka, I.Bagryany, U.Samchuk ta іn.). Провідною темою творчості Є.Маланюка (1897-1968) became the Ukraine, problems її державності. To all the living things of the lands, the wilderness has been deprived of patriotism, the past has lost people, the yogo creativity, the building to create an independent power (zbirki "Stiletto Stylos", "Zemna Madonna", "Ostannya vesna").

One of the most valuable prozaiks, after creating behind the cordon, was Ulas Samchuk (1905-1987), who wrote in front lines to one of his works: "I want to paint the Ukrainian territory in favor, I myself bachu, I feel, I worry". Vin author of the two romance-trilogy "Wolin" (1928-1937), "Ost" (1948-1982), dezbrazhaet panorama of suslinnye zmіn in the Ukraine at the XX century. The novel "Mariya" (1933), the links to the tragedy of the Holodomor 1932-1933. In the Ukraine.

Українська література ХХ ст. Zavzhdi dosluhalas to suspilnih problems of his hour.

In the 60-90's. XX century. Українська мова витіснялася з театраів, and the Ukrainian repertoire skorochuvavsya. It took a lot of time for theaters to operate and ballet in Kyiv Lviv, to dramatic theaters. І.Франка та ім. Лесі Українки у Києві, драматичному театру ім. M.Zankovetskoi in Lviv. Viznachnyi Ukrainsky directors, actors of S.Danchenko, I.Molostova, A.Novikov, V.Dalsky, V.Ponomarenko, M.Zadniprovsky, V.Zaklunna, N.Koperzhinska, P.Kumanchenko, O.Kusenko, J.Mazhuga, A. .Rogovtseva, M.Rushkovsky, B.Stupka and ínshi prodovzhuvali rozvivati ​​krashi traditional his own cross-pieces.

The process of developing Ukrainian music in one half of the twentieth century. Characterize the recruitment of the usi її genre (G.Mayboroda, P.Mayboroda, A.Kos-Anatolsky, I.Shamo, O. Bilash). Innovative music by V. Silvestrov and L. Hrabovski sounded at the international festivals. Rozivyaetsya chorov (Lesia Dichko) that symphonic music (Є.Stankovich, M. Skoryk).