Culturology - Gritsenko TB


Have a friend of the XX century. Prodovzhuy rozvivatisya arhitecture.

At the time of the hour, the architects of the buli were spun on the westward by the hooded nimetsko-fascist occupiers. Відразу після визволення Києва було announced a competition for the project of the abstract of Khudchatyka. Arhitektory O.Vlasov, A.Dobrovolsky, V.Lizarov, B.Prymak, O.Zavarov, O.Malinovskiy, the project of some bulos was put into life, the head of the metropolis of the capital of the Bagatofunctional, zosrediivshi in the left side of the river, Zhitlova zabudovu. At zabudov Khreshchatyk perevazhayut elementi klasytsizmu po pozdnannyam rice of the people's ushtkovogo misterstva (keramichny decor). Великі відбудовні роботи були проведені у Севастополі, Полтаві, Харкові, Дніпропетровську, Тернополі, інших містах і селах України.

At післявоєнний період створююються typesі of residential boudinqіv tha thundering sporud, prozvadzhuyutsya novі budivelnі materіali (zaliznobetonnyi konstrukії, slag-gіpobloki, concrete, oblitsovovulnna tile tochno).

At 50 rubles. Arhitektory zvertayutsya to the traditional classic arhitekturi (rychkovy station in Kiev, 1961, architect V. Gopkalo, V. Ladny, G. Skutsky, cinema "Kyiv", 1952, architect V. Chuprina, O. Tatsiy ta ін .; Theater at Poltava, 1957, architect O.Malishenko that іn). Іноді модернізація класики була невдалою, що призводило до надмірної помпезності dispute.

In the 60s of the rolls of the boule , a course was taken for the line of housebuilding industry , on the transition to the industrial methods of the large-scale budivnytsia, and by the method of maximizing the living standards of the townspeople and the residents of the city with the necessary necessities, cultural and basic liturgical spirits. Poslіdovno zvertalasya respect on funktsionionna ėtietichne polipshannya zhitla (shumozahisne planuvannya, boudinki with apartments in the two villages, vikoristan monolithic hallsobeton). Types of design of residential bodinciks of vicaristan with sporodzhennyi zhitlivih masivіv Rusanivka (1961-74 pp., Architect V.Ladny, G.Kulchitsky); Obolon (1974-85, architect G.Slutsky, ín.); Troeschina (1980-85, architect V. Grechin, V. Suvorov, ın.) In Kiev; Sonia (1970-80, architect O. Khavkin that іn.) Near Dnipropetrovsk; Сріблястий (1974-80, architect З.Підлісний та ін.) From Lviv.

In the case of the Gromadskiy sporud arhitektory shukayut new artistic and functional rіshennya, vikoristovuychi mozzіlostі such budіvelnikh materіalіv, yak slo, metal, concrete. In innovation, sprinkled in the 60's. Palats sport in Kiev (1958-1960, architect M. Grechin, O. Zavarov), uniVERMAK "Ukraina" (1960-1966, architect I. Gomolyak) with concrete fences, facades, vysutsnistyu decor, simple composition.

The great artist-figurative vizazhnі dodyyagla arhitektik Є.Marinchenko at sporudzhennyi the palace "Ukraina" at Kiev. Sporda sprimayetsya dynamical zavdyaki vertilnym pylonam ta vignutіy duzi facade.

The butt of the intellectual archaeological art and sculpture of the spore Budinka of the artist in Kiev (1977, architect A.Dobrovolsky, A.Makuhina), decorated with bronze statues of the muses (sculptor V. Borodai).

In the 70-80's r. Rekonstrujutsja that stlyumjutsja novy (in the daily forms, z vikoristannyam novіtnіh budivelnyh tehnologіi t materіalіv) of the corpus of the veschy navchalnyh pawn: complex of Kyiv National University. Shevchenko (1972-1985, architect V.Ladniy, L.Kolomietsc tan; Donetsk University (1973-1978, architect V. Buchek, G. Pavlov that іn.), The Naval School of Lviv Polytechnical Institute (1964-1972, architect R. Lipka ta іn). We have an hour of high sporudy, zokrema, guest ( "Libyod" (1971), "Rus" (1976-1979) vikonuvali role of the vertical housekeeper.

In the rest of the rocks zagostryuetsya problem organichnogo poednannya old zabudovny new, yak, sorry, often with a dissident memory. Nabuvae rozvitku is not less sporudzhuvan shvidkіsnimi industrii nymi methods vizotne zhitlove budivnitsvo, and i malopoverhova kojstna zabudova . Before the day-to-day arhitektors, the warehouse of the architect of the architectural midst is folded, it was formulated, and so it was doped with yogas by the day's sporades.

Artists and sculptors of the other half of the twentieth century. Namagalisya vyit for interi otitsitsіnogo creative method - sotsialisticheskogo realism , rozvivali traditional Ukrainian folk painting. Pliadno pratsyuyut artists V. Kasyan, M. Glushchenko (div.ol.№13), M. Deregus, T. Golembiyevska. Innovative poshuki, fіlosofskim osmislenyam yavishch vіdznachayutsya canvases T. Yablonskoe ("Khlib", "Vesna", "Tisha", "Traven", "Vesіllya" (div.Il.№12) .The well-known people were honored folk artists G.Sobachko-Shostak , M.Prymachenko, K.Bilokur, yaki pratsyvali in the genre of folk decorative deco.

At the hour of peradbudov before chitacha, hundreds of people repressed in the past, the creative work of the boulevard and zabuta turned. In Ukraine, the creative work of the representatives of the daspori Є.Malanyuka ("Stiletto and Stilos", "Zemna Madonna"), I.Bagryany ("Getsimansky Garden"), V.Barki ("Apostles", "Bili svit"), U.Samchuk ("Wolin", "Mariya"). Перебудовчим процесам в Україні сприяла діяльність Спілки письменників України та громадської організації "The People's Rukh of Ukraine for Perebudov", ocholyubovoye poet I.Drach. To the most significant democratic invaders, at one o'clock in the morning, the boulevard adopted the law "ProMove in the Ukrainian RSD" (1989), which proclaimed Ukraine's sovereignty and freedom of crocheting on the security of the all-world development. Тоді ж до Конституції УРСР було uploaded зміну about наняня українськіі мові status державної.