Culturology - Gritsenko TB

Існуючі problems and the submissive rozvitok української культури

On the cob of the 90's. In Ukraine, it was established that there is a need for democratic social and cultural change.

Після проголошення незалежності 24 серпня 1991 р. To begin with a self-sufficient power of the people, and to carry out the formation of the cultural and political polity, and to cope with the protection of the national development of the national culture and the culture of cultural decline. Power forme legislative basis, yaka could b zabepechiti rozvitok culture that vylny access usih hromadyan to її zdobutkiv. Thus, in 1992 the The Verkhovna Rada adopted the " Fundamentals of the Legislation of Ukraine on Culture ", declaring the main principles of the state power in the galusies of culture, the confrontation of the culture and development of the Ukrainian culture, the culture of national menaces, the freedom of creative work, the development of cultural and mystical processes, the realization of the rights of the giants on Access to cultural values, alignment of material and financial minds in the development of culture. In the "Fundamentals", the priorities for the development of the culture, the rights and the obeisances of the Gromadyans in the sphere of culture, are regulated in the sphere of the sphere; That is, the number of professors of creative work, international cultural contacts.

At the birth of IV "Fundamentals of Legislation for Culture" is about financial support and material and technical support for the culture, zokrema, art. 23 perebacha, scho power guarantor neobhіdnіst asynguniv na rozvitok kul'tury in rozmіrі not less than eight відсотків від національного доходу України. Predbachayutsya takozh form of an unrestrained fіnnsuvannya tsієї spheri.

The Constitution of Ukraine (1996) confirmed the principle of the principle of sovereignty of Ukraine (art. 10), vozmozhno guarantee and freedom in the case of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity, and the secrecy of the intellectual property of author's rights (Article 54). In this same state it is indicated that the cultural decline is to be protected by law, and the state is about the preservation of historical monuments, that is turning to Ukraine cultural values, but perebuivayut for її mezhami. For the remainder of the decade, it is lauded at the same time that legislative acts are in place, regulate the legal framework in the sphere of science, museum and library news, cinema, creative activities, and promote the reform of the хх діяльності. The robot above the law lines of the legal basis of the bodybuilding slid prodovzhuvati.

It is a pity that the financial and economical problems of the remaining hour do not give the opportunity to finance the sphere of culture in the context of the whole world, so, it is preceded by the prudent legislation of Ukraine. For vіsutnostіі належного державно фінансування, in Україні створююються інші механізми матерізім забезпечення spheres of the culture: створюються благодійні funds, cultural associations, об'єднання митців, зароджується діяльність меценатів. Prote can not be taken as a substitute for the sovereign state finance. In the cichs of the minds, the commercialization of the culture is encouraged, if it is done in a low fashion, or in the presence of pributkovi cultural projects.

Through materіalnі difficult, especially in the perspectives of independence, the speed of the kolkіst of the embankment of the culture (Persh for everything in the Sіlska mіscevostі), and bahato talanovityh mitziv vіzhdzhali for the cordon of the pozhikah worthy of the pawn. Загальмувася розвиток кінематографії, за останні роки українські фільми it is practical not to be known, but technically they are to be visored for visions of advertising and video. Not kraschy chasi perezhivaє knigovodavnitstvo - bilshist vidan on politsy komaren 'rosіys'komnі, before that vidrukuvany behind the boundaries of Ukraine.

There is one problem of the Ukrainian cultural landscape - the re-cultivation of the cultural space with the spectacles of an educational mass culture (film production, music, telebachenia, literary works). Too far from nykraschі create maskulturi vitisnyayut natsionalnu culture with an active vzhitku, especially in the young middleware.

Незважаючи на певні кризові явища, все ж у розвиткові культури намічаються певні зрушення. So, great esteem the state comes to the point of origin. It is praised for the national program "Osvita Ukrayiny in XXI Century", the Law of Ukraine "On Osvіtu", which aims to democratize that humanitar- ization of education, to attend a creative and creative pedagogical work, to review the presentation of information about the day-to-day information syspism. Крім традиційних шкіл з'явалися альтернативні навчальні заклади (гімназії, ліцеї, коледжі, спеціалізовані школи) різних форм власності. In 2001, prokavazhuyutsya 12-rіchna trivalіv navchannya in serednyі school, 12-balna system otsіnuvannya znayn, great respect pridilyayatsya vivchennyu іnozemnih mov. За роки незалежності більшість навчальних закладів України has been translated to рідну мову викладання.

In the normative legal documents, the draft law will be imposed on the relevance of the post-conflict development of the region, the organi- zation of the naive and vihical process, up to the democratic values, the rakovic ambushes of the economy, the day-to-day science and technology patronage. Predbachaetsya strnarenya minds for the special development and creative self-actualization of the skin gromadyan, Ukraine's integration into the European region of the Soviet Union as a competitor to the state. Ninі realizes the problem of Ukraine's entrance to the єdyno вровропейського та світового освітньогого простору within the framework of the Bologna Process. In the whiskers of the foregoing mortgages zdіysnyuetsya pidgotovka spetsialistiv for chotirma osvitno-kvalіfіkatsynimi rivni.

It is difficult to bring up the National Academic Sciences of Ukraine, but through the lack of funding in the wake of the most scarce specialties.

Actively rozvivayutsya literary process, yakomu take the fate of the writers of the older generation and young generation. In umbilical minds, part of writing is written by a Russian call, a zokrem, in popular ninety genres of fantasy, that detective.

Artists ninі мають безліч можливостей for realіzії svoїh creativity задумів, до їхніх послуг нові галереї, виставки, вернісажі.

Ukrainian TV channels in Kiev have overlooked the Ukrainian way, often propose to watch the low-quality teleprojects, to be rozrahovan on nevabaglivy smack.

Україна є місцем spent on competitions and festivals: "Chervona Ruta" , " Tavrіyskі іgrі ", competition for artists of the ballet іміія Сержа Лифаря, " Євробачення -2005" та ін., Що сприяє popularization of Ukrainian music art on Batkivshchyna and behind the mezh.

The staple of the twentieth century. Українська culture has passed довгий, folding і суперечливий шлях розвитку. Appearing the ears of the twentieth century. Burhlivim feyerverkom talentіv, rozmaїttyam stilіv і stramіv іn різних галузях інтернії творчії, українські митці довгі десятиліття in the brains of the radial totalitarianism zmusheni buli prajuvati in the framework of social realism, postyaynogo vtruchannya in the creative process, obmezhen in these subjects. Сталінські репресії фізично знщично більшу частину діячів української культури - вчених, письменників, художників, церковних діячів, and ішших змусили поступитися принципы. All the criminals representing Ukraine at the XX century have brought our culture to the holy rivion, which are happy with their creativity and the tremendous dіyalnіstyu zdobuttyu nezalezhnostі nashoyu power.

Тільки тепер, після здобуття незалежності, в українців з'являються справжні можливості для реалізації its spiritual potential. Derzhavna polity in the galusi of culture is guilty of competing with one another, even if one is a member of the glossy spravtovarstva, one can deprive oneself, if they are not directly involved in economic development, but in cultural processes.


1. Yak splennuli suspilnyi podi cobble of the twentieth century. On rozvitok zahidnoevropeyskoy culture?

2. What are the modernist technologies?

3. Roskriti basic risi modernizmu.

4. Describe the development of an educated mystery Zahidnoї Європи першої половини ХХ ст.

5. Yak rozvivalasya zarubizhnaya literatura XX century?

6. Pranalizuyte creativity vashogo yaublenogo zarubizhnogo writing.

7. Розкрити історію світового кіно.

8. Pranalizuite your love kinofilm.

9. What is "Masov" and "culture"?

10. What is the mainstream of postmodernism?

11. Do you know the exact languages?

12. Open the Internet to the TV station.

13. Describe the Ukrainian avant-garde cobble of the twentieth century.

14. Yak plplinula politika ukraїnізації on the development of Ukrainian culture?

15. Describe the literary process of Ukraine in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century.

16. Analyze the development of the Ukrainian cinema at the first half of the 20th century.

17. What changes has the clarification of the system of Ukraine in the first half of XX century?

18. Describe the literary discourse of 1925-1928. In the Ukraine.

19. Yak rozvivalasya Ukrainska culture at the hour of the Other svitovo vinyi?

20. What is socialistic realism?

21. What is totalitarianism?

22. Yake znachennya gromadskoi dіyalnіі "shiststvennikіv"?

23. Describe rozvitok osvіti on the hour etapi.

24. Pranalizujte obtanovi rozvitku kul'turki in Ukraine on the daily stage.