Політична економія - Bєляєв О.О.

§ 4. Nationalism of Baghdad: zmist, structure

Kozhna lyudina moe bouti zatsikavlena v zrostannі suspilnogo product, oskilki sama vіd ngogo zalizhat proizoshi roshirenogo vidtvorennya, nagromadzhennya (zbilshennya grabіvі vibrobitvtva), rіven dorobutu populated area and national nationality of the territory.

Natsionalnne bagatelstvo bezparedredno povjazjane i z vibrobnitsvom natsionalnogo income that yogo vidvtrenennjam. Vono zbіlshuyutsya peredusim for rahunok vkazannogo income, yakiy vіdtvoyuyutsya na rozshirenyy osnovi.

Natsionalnne Bagatstvo - tse zagalnyi result postyyno repetitive process sspilnogo vibrobitvtva, tobto sokupnist nagromadzhenyh materіnnykh і spiritual blessings for the entire function of the national economy. Існує two conceptual підходи до його розуміння і визначення.

In a nutshell, with respect to the concept of the balance of the people's government, the nationality is the sukupnist material, somehow raspopryazhyatsya syspilstvo yak i shtireni pratseyu people for the first time of its development.

In a different way, for the national system of nationalities, the nationality of the Baghdad is to be understood as the sum of a clean, powerful capitalla of all sovereign subjunctives, that is to be included in it, in addition to material goods and resources, such as a non-volcanic material act (author's rights, litigations, etc.), fiction Active (protiv virahovytsya fіnassovі zobov).

At the wide rozuminny words before the national bagatstva nalezhit truncate, chim so chi іnakshe volodyі natsіya. For such an interpretation of the past, it is no longer a matter of material welfare, but a natural resource, create a mystery. However, we must carefully arrange the pidrahuvati through a number of objective causes.

In the practice of economical analysis, a demonstration of the national bagatry in the university's rozumni yogo zmistu is viscous. Until then, all those who are so randomly mediated by the people's priests and can be created. Іnakshe kazuci, natsіonalne bagatelstvo kraїni - sukupnist material and cultural goods, yakі nagromadzheni in danyі kraїnі prodazhemom її історичного розвитку на виідповідний момент.

The structure of the national bagatia is stored in such key elements:

  • The main vibrotic and non-volcanic fonds;
  • Revolving vibronichnyh fondів і матеріальних запасів та резерів;
  • Natural resources, yakі included for the people's peace and prosperity, but also can be included in the future in the future.

The water hour of the classic pidhid before the interpretation of the national bagatelstvo will require dopovnennya. On the right, in fact, the representatives of the classical school of their own writing robed, leaving behind real needs. The consumers were dictated by the period, which they call "industrial". Нині людська цивілізація enter in postindustrialnyu stage of its development, yaka characterize, in the Pershu, dvouma principle of the moments: the temporalisation of the state and the yakіsnym zrostannyam yogo kindness.

The economical point of view of information is not just vidomosti (knowledge), but "sirovina" is the basis for priyinyatya rishen. Після appeared сучасної інформаційної технології became зрозуміло, що економічна, in addition, in the number of information it is especially scientific and technical, it is not a virtual factor in the state and gospodarstvo rozvitka, or one of the most important elements of national currency. So, svyativyy obsnyag vibrobnitsva інформаційних технологій збільшисься in the middle of the 80s to the middle of the 90's rockin more than 4 times (up to 1200 billion dollars.) And becoming 13% of the national bagatelstva, yak vyroblyalsya promyslovo rozvinuti kraїnah.

Zbilshennia natsionalnogo bagatstva є the result of the development of the Suspilny virbitnitsva і materіnіnuyu pidvishchennya biblioteka pobedutu populated.

By this rank, the statistics of the national regions will protect us with vimirs of the succubus viribnitsvet goods and services, and become economists in the field. Takі dany majut great value for rozuminya tsikh protsessiv ta upravlennya them.