Політична економія - Bєляєв О.О.

§ 2. The factor of economical zrostaniya. VTRiv NTR on eksonomichny rozvitok

Prior to the main factors in the economy of the economy, of course, lie down: capital, land (including natural resources), praca (the function of labor resources), and takozh pidpriemnitski zdibnosti. Усі вони різною мірою впливають на сререння ВВП. Up to the capitals, it is possible to take part in the scientific and technological revolution, filling in on the tempo, the character of the economical zostannia postojno posiljutsya. Danki factori materializuyutsya yak in kilkіsnih, and і якісних parametres суспільного відтворення. Їhh call the factors of the proposition * 1. Skinny of them postyno zmіnyuyatsya zalizhno vid іnshikh, and takozh vіd nature соціально-економічного rozvitku suspilstva.

* 1: {Prior to the calls of economical zhostaniya nalezhit sukupny popit, a way such suttєvo vplivaye on the structure and pace of this process.}

The role of the scientific and technological revolution in the economic growth of the warehouse

In the fundamentals of the day-to-day type of economical zhostaniya lie the pogliblenia of the science and technology revolution, the ear of the headline until the middle of the 50th rock of the 20th century. The other half of the last time was the whole era of the burgeoning progress of science and technology, but it was a revolution in the technologic way of the vibrobitvit. For portivnyano short promyzhok (ostannnee stolіittya), buli reached the bottom of significant results in the economical progress, nizh for the whole yogo in front of istoriyu.

The revolutionary form of NTP , tobto NTR, is the shvidkiy perehid masovogo vibrobitvtva on a new scientific and technological and technologic principle funktsionovannya. The head singularity of the hourly stage of the scientific and technological revolution з zroschuvannya novi індустріальних технологій з мікроелектронікою та комп'ютерною технікою. All ceri pizko pidvishchu efektivnist vibrobitvtva, and takozh zumovlyuє yogo uriznomannitnnya ta dinamichne pristosuvannya before zapitiv spizivachich.

Nova yakist ekonomichnogo rozvitku tisno povyazyana zі zmіnoyu yogo srjamovanosti, scho otkodevat svii vyav v posilennnyi sotsialnogo oriєntatsії ekonomichnogo zrostannja. Especially it is obvious in the pidvistchennyi roll people in the vibronic process, but the most characteristic characteristic of the new economy. The other way of understanding the whole process is the dokorinna zmіna yogo dzherel і factor, which is without serious consequences for the intensive labor, material and fund-raising factors.

The clan of the NTR is folded, the hood of the plane. In the augmented vizhliadi can vyokremiti three important її warehouses, which are organically repaired.

First of all, NTR is a glibic process of integrating science and vibrobitry, for which the characteristic of the vibro-economy of economic benefits is shifted to the special "technologic shop of science".

In a different way, zmist understands the "science and technology revolution" including the principles of zmіni in pidgotovі kadrіv. Nova tehnika i novytnі technologії i demanded і new іschnіvіchnika: більш освіchenго, кваліфікованого, високодисциплінованого, який гнучко пристосовується до нововведь. The prazvnik "to come out" to the virgin-free process of the vibro, "the past over it" is yak yogic controller and regular.

Thirdly, the important stock of the scientific and technological revolution кар cardinal changes in the organization of the virbitntsva, the pratice of the system is controlled by the tsimi processes. Vone to pass to the new techno-technological basis - computernu technology.

НТР охоплює всі сфери і прями діяльності людини, що свідчить about її universal, zagalny character. At the same time, the principle of value for dynamism, scales, anchor of economic development of the estate, and the implementation of the policy of economics in the field of science and technology, the science of the separation of theories and models of economical zhostaniya.