Політична економія - Bєляєв О.О.

§ 2. Concepts of the head of the transitional economy

In the economical theory, that is practiced before the speci fi cations of the rinkovych transformats, two basic concepts were identified.

The basic concepts of the transition to the market are: the day, the problems of realiza- tion

One of them is the eco-economical concept, yak podobacha postupovaniya posledstvnih reforms for the purpose of the head of the power in the form of the vinodosin. A friend - in this way so zvano shokovoy terapii, sho polagaye in the shoddy methods of the short-line social-economical string of suspenity.

Supports of the Pershoe conception vvazhayut, scho for formavnya dієdatnogo rinku the country is guilty postupovo zamenyuvati elementi administristrativno-komandnoї ekonomiki rinkovymi vidrosinami. Tse, on the dumku, to allow razionalizuvati, pom'yakshiti processes of socially-economical adaptation and uniqueness of the rare znizhennya vibrobnitsva that of the inhabited region of the population. Niharakternnim here - the butt of China, de process of the transition to the good is theoretically osmislenii і vyznacheniy yak trivalyi i poetapny. Formulary rinkovih vidosin to escape through the very administriivativno-command system, yak not ruinuyutsya, and reformed vidpovidno to zavdan. Керівництво країни підтримує риinkiі відносини there, де це це можливо, і зберігає державний контроль там, де вважає за необхідне.

The value of the Chinese dossier is vsachaetsya Persh for everything in that, but in the process of reforming vedetsya poednuvati reformed economy with a high tempo її zostannia. For example, in the 1980s, the growth rate of GDP in China grows close to 10%. Dozagti such podegnannya reforms and ekonomichnogo zarostanya zavzhdi importantly, the secrecy of the "repetition" of economical mehanizmov, scho zvichayno to bring up "zboїv" in roboti pіdpriemstv. Usin rinkovih peretvoren in China, the most important world of the encounters with the invaluable treasury of other tributaries, in the country, in the countryside. At krayni buli znyatі obmezhennya on індивідуальну трудову діяльність on the cob of the 80's rock. Tse allowed for short lines to revive sylsk government, dribne vibrobnitsu ta torgivlyu. Slid zazchachiti і that fact, scho chinesky reform zdіysnichutsya for priyatlivichih minds polіtichnoy stabilnosti, scho permissive to keep trying to vikonannya svoih rіshen.

Зрозуміло, що такий стан справ Істотно відрізняється від ситуації, наприклад, in Україні. Same tsey dosvіd u nashіy krayїn i v tsilomu ne mozhe budi vіdvoreniy, alle okremі yogo elemementi could b know vichoristan.

Shodo kontseptії "shokovoi terapії", then you should go to the doorstep, but with head tools, the formwork of the rink is one-time lіberalіzatsіya tsіn, rіzke rapidity of state vitratі and досягнення бездефіцитного держбюджету. Bazuyatsya is given a concept on the day-to-day varnant of the liberal rhythmic theory, tobto on monetarism.

Zgіdno z monetaristskoyu teorієyu rinkok - tse naynefektivshya form ekonomichnyh vidosin. At tsiomu vin zdatny up to samoorganizatsii. Tomu, yak stverdzhuyut monetariki, rinkovi transformatsi povinni vіdbuvatis for mіnіmalnoy part of the state. Лібералізація ж економіки automatically protect the self-organization of the market. Gospodarayuyuchi sub'ekti (pidpriemstva, biznesmeni) in the process of the financial exchange, stvoiyuyut vidpodіnі normіta інститутити без втручання держави. Prote all tse tse not one of the one-znachke nevertheless.

Head of the state at the perehidny periyod - pidtrymka stіykostі fіnansovoї sistemi, oskilki without stabilnoi groshovoi odinitsi povnotsinny rinok іsnuvati can not. Here, monetarism on the first place put a struggle against inflation.

The helplessness of the great social-economical negarazdiv for the population of the richest podorozhchannya zhittya, then the monsters to the monetarism vvazhayut, scho period of the high prices, the inability to pass the shvidshe, nizh roztyagyuvati fіnansovuyu stabіlіzatіyu on dovgy rock.

However, I adhere to the historical information, such automatic form of the marketplace institutions in the past, and there are no opportunities for emergencies to appear in the economy of the settlements: non-effective forms of vibrobitry and trade, malicious burdens, tynova kapitalu tochno. Tomu lіberalіzatsya economics is guilty of dopovnyuvatisya dіiovimi zadahami schodo pidtrimki і rozvitku zinc-related institutions in the side of the power.

Naybilsh poslidovno concept of "shock therapy" bula realizovana on the cob of the 90th rock in Poland, de for 2-3 rocky vdalosya prizupiniti іnflyatsіyu, and in the other half of the 90's rockyv uvіti in the stage of economical zrostannya. Tsiomu was focussed by: the intensive rostovitok of the private sector, zmіtsnennya natsionalnoy groshovoi oditytsi, prikpliv niznemhnyh investsiy. Слід враховувати, що in Polshnі i nsnovali i pevnі peredumovi for such a "shock lіkuvannya" economy and suspilstva. Zokrema, the boolean bula is privately owned by the land (close to 80% of the Ornoi land was littered with mono-houses), the expanded psychology, and the power structures of the city were affected by the floods, which was inflated by the so-called population of the region (Solidarnost).

Korotka історія перехідної економіки свідчить, що майже у всіх postsсоціалістичних країнах використовувались елементи концепції "шокової терапаії", including in the Ukraine. Alya in tsilomu in our territory is not stuck, oskilki is given the concept of perebacha bezdefitsitny budget, and він був in Україні дефіцитним усі 90-ті роки. Not увінчалися успіхом і спроби introduce лиібералізацію цін. Without a visual rink medium, that for the presence of vibroknikov-monopolists was called up to glibocompetition crises, permanent inflation, balance-and-balance-and-finance invoices, mass tooth-puffing of the population of these small areas.

Узагальнюючи досвід postsсоціалістичних країн, економічна теорія дозволяє дійти висновку: вибір conceptіії ринкових reforms хуто in чому залежи від вихідного соціально-економічного, політичного стану в країні. Alya for the sake of a warrior zdіysnennya reforms істотне значення має здатність (force) держави після dismantling old organizations governing and shaping new ways to achieve realiza- tion of the economy. Tse is just not a shodo shodo kontseptії postupovihn peredvoren, and th for realizatsii lіberalnoї teorії. Можна стверджувати, що слабкий рівень державного управління in Україні becoming odnієyu for the main reasons nezadovіlnogo move rinkovih perektoren, yakі spoletku spiralsya lіberalnі principle.