Політична економія - Bєляєв О.О.

§ 3. The basic law of the transition period

Sered is an extraordinarily wide range of zmіn in the post-socialist areas, which is attracted by stenovinki rinkovyh vidosin, acting from them to bear the inevitable character, that in the literature rzoglyadayut yak zakonomirnosti. The middle of them is viekremrelyuyut: vtratu derzhavoyu funktsii odnogozobovogo rozporyadzhennya ekonomichnimi resources; Budgetary crisis; Transformational decline. Yak bachimo, two of them have to wear a bit of negative visions and know the visions of crises.

Pershaya law - the expenditure of the power of the single-sped rozporyadzhennya resursiv - to relate to those, the power ceases to be the диdinim, the all-powerful rozporyadnikom usіh materіnnyh resursіv і vtratcha monopolnu vladu na priinyattya ekonomichnih rіshen. To target in such basic aspects.

First of all, it is to reform the Reinkov up to such a place, for a power like that of the Gentlemen's Legislation, it is badly imposed by its own laws. Pislya priinyattya legislative act, he flaunts keryuvatis vseі sverhvnyi organizatsii, pidpriemstva, so itself yak i іnshі sub'ekti rinku - privnnі підприємства, громадяни.

In a different way, zmіna ekonomichnogo status of the power vperbacha formvannya novih інструментів її vpplyu gospodarka zhittya in kraїnі. Ajer in the centralized-planning system and economical management was designed for a raunch of address-primusovyh rozporyadzhen. For the minds of the transition to the rink, the state can vy-korostovuvati gnuchka, in principle, the financial instruments of financial regulation. Ydetis pro її mozhnlivost efektivno vplyivati ​​on povedinku vseiє masi sub'ektiv rinku for the addition of groschen, credit, currency, podatkovichi іnshih fіnansovikh reguljavі.

On-tretє, for the power vinikaє neobhіdnіst kompensatsії provalіv (fіasko) "narodzhuvanyh" rinkovih vіdnosin, scho zmusyuє її take care of the traditional declinations in the kolyshnyi sistemy active vibrochnichimi funktsiyami, and takozh fіnansuvati sotsіalnu sphere, fundamental science, the hunt of the mediocrity of the middle.

Another legality of the transition economies is the budget crisis, but it is also tied to the economy in the economy. For the fate of Panuvania administration and command system in the USSR, including Ukraine, the importance of promising is important, the social sphere is great, the social sphere, the administrative apparatus, the yakis (behind the private vinyatkom of the sphere of virobnitskva), have been financed from the budget. With the rhythmic rhythm of reforming, figuratively speaking, they were protected "the temple of the patriotic zobov" of the state of the world financed by the spheres of life and vision. Alya dokhidna a part of the budget for the cob of the 90s rockies in all the territories SND rasko quickly, scho bulo zamovlova catastrophic padinnyam vibrobnitsva. Podіbna situatsіya u bіlshostі postadianskikh kraїn погіршувалася також through nedoskonalі sistemi оподаткування, істотне зростання тіньового sector економіки та відтік капіталу за кордон. The deficit of state budgets has become for them cronychnymi and practically inexorable.

The third law of the transitional period is the transformational decline (for the terminology of the Ugrian wit Y. Kornai). Such a decline in the consequences of the economic crisis, yak zumovlyuetsya vіsutnistyu koordinatsії dіy mіzh ekonomichnimi agents (sub'ektami). The goal is to clarify the timetable, the alternate directive plans of the mehanizmi coordinatio godarskoi dіyalnіi vzhe buli rozvaleni, and novi, rinkovi, naivіt u poednannі z sternvnim reguljuvannjam, - nevertheless, we are weakly adept in vzagali. Pogliblyuetsya such a recession takozh i tim, scho administriivativno-command ekonomika for its sotyu nervyvnovazhnna, oskilki їy buli organіchno pritamanni, z one boku, defitsit bіlshostі kartіv, and z іnshogo - znachna kilkіst nadlishkovo produktsії, yaka did not know zbutu. Characteristic features of the transformative decline are the scale and the glibina of the economy (for example, in the Ukraine, in the course of 1991, the first half of 1992, the vibrobitvtas' virgin encircled 40%).

Transformatsionny recession and budget crisis were poglublyuvayvalsya takozh through nekompleksnist that half-hearth zinkhod in, scho znizhvalo їх efektivnist. Speaking with caution, Y. Kornaya at the "Shlyakh do vlinnogo ekonomiki": "The sum of ten sums of half of the results is not equal to the sum of the poviatznyh uspehiv, but the speed of ten times the wanderings."

Peredumovi formovaniya dizhdatnogo rinku

About those, scho rinok at the edge of the SND, including the Ukraine, pobav formovatis on the lack of rozvinutіy for tsiogo basis, non-regularly designated in economical literature. Pro zec, zokrema, nagoloshuvav on the cob of the 90th rockov academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu. N. Pakhomov. So, vin pidkreslyuvav, scho zagalnoyu ypovoyu formovannya dієzdatnosti rinkovoi ekonomiki in Ukraine і здійснення державою цілеспрямованих заходів з тіння забезпечення конкуртно-приприятливого середища for різних суб'єкті господаювання.

The main ones are:

  • Programs of demonopolization of the state sector of the economy of the yak one of the constituent minds of the transition to the market;
  • Structurally virulent in the people's statehood in order to organize and promote the development of progressive vibrobnits with new technologies;
  • Reformulation of the echelons of eco nomic authorities in accordance with the method of approving command methods in the management of economics;
  • Formation of the infrastructure of the rinkovoi system, yaka maє pratsyuvati on vidnuvlennya, rozvitok i vdoskonalennya gospodarskikh zv'yazyv;
  • Health improvement of the grostha ta fіnansіv - nezmіnnyh reguliіv rinkovih vіdnosin;
  • Wide computerization of the economy, but to create a maslivost of a mass bond, which is included in the situation of all the sub-ects of commodity-grotesque invoices;
  • Formulation of societal zahisnih mekhanizmіv, yakі viklyuchayut netsivilizovanny form grabunku that zubozhinnya basic Masi populated. Z one side, zrozumilo, scho in the bisexual cirrus zivilizovnogo rinku Buti can not, and the other - it is important to create in people psychologically priinyatne stavlennya to the market.

Vigodachi z vikladenogo, pidkreslimo again times, scho sama tsi golovni zavdanny stand in front of the Ukrainian economy at perehidny perepod. Slid zaznachiti, scho stepping in order (ale not for znachchennyam!) Zavdannyam ekonomiki Ukraine єї інституціональна ринкова трансформація. The role of the problem is to actualize the shi thim, sho rinkova povedinka ekonomichnykh agentov can spiratishe deprived at rinkovі innostiti. Ajer in the be-yak ekonomichnyi sistemi povedinka gospodarjuchih sub'ektiv ask "gry". Oskilki sama tsі rules viznachayut poekinku ekonomichnyh sub'ektiv, then in literary vverno strverzhuyutsya, sho інституціональна трансформація pervinna stasovno інших напрямів postsсоціалістичних reforms.

Інституціональна трансформація у перехідний переіод - це викиникникня, розвитку та зміцнення ринкових rules of economical behavior and rinkiness (organisation) and vice versa of old institutions (rules of the organization, government authorities, administrative and command systems).

Mіzh vkotimi-theoreticians і досі точичиться дискуія about those, пo розуміти під терміном інститути. So, the Nobel Prize winner D. North vvazhaє, scho before them lay formal and informal rules of economic efficiency. However, before such institutions, do not adhere to the rules of the behavior of sub-bodies, but the self-organization (establish), for example, firmi, birzhi, banks. Tom about pro інституціональну трансцію перехідного періоду прийнято, say, do not deprive stsovno змін у годарському праіо (laws), але й відповідно до змін у структурі та змісті економічних оргаізацій, including privodizatsii, privatization, re-structurization підприємств (paid заборгованості), rozvitku різних forms Small business is thin.

Shchodo of Ukraine is important, but the practice of transforming does not ignore the principle of drawing of our historical development - it is the most important role of the state. Ігнорування цієї обворини і німір at one time звільнити економіку від державно втручання it turned into real bad luck early lіberalnih pereotvoren і not allowed rinkovym reform to stick out so, yak na ta rokrauvali ініціатори. Analogical situation is pritamanna і vsim without vinyatku kraїnam SND.

Ninі importantly, those who are in the process of restructuring used to say the system and the system. Izolovany rinkov institute, yak stverdzhuyu practice, do not zavzhdi "pratsyuyut" for the laws of the market.

Sered інституціональних reforms провідне місце loans to individuals and privatizations як вихідні умови зміни відносин власності. The essence, form and problems of transformations of the state power, is loosely outlined in various topics.

Order zim importantly zmіzniti normative and regulatory functions of the state, the inconsistency of law and the lawlessness - one of the main reasons for the unauthorized function of the market in Ukraine.

In the fundamentals of the new transformational course, the economy is a part of the economy. For its sutnistyu - tse is concentrated, the science of the state of the world has been defeated, and it is protected by the rational and effective functioning of the national economy in macro- and micro-countries. Її довгострокова of a meta-structural over-economical economy, the formulation of sub-levels of the market, the alignment of high-tech and rival-industrial virbitnts, the transition to a very economical zrostan.

Behind the minds of the desperate ruhu in the giving of strains of stovorovatimetsya real pidruntya, abi in the course of a few of the first ten tenths of the XXI century. Formulate the basis of socially orien- tated rink economy (zmishanoy) ekonomiki і tim themselves complete the transitional period.