Економіка праці - Завіновська G.Т.

11.5. Additional payments and surcharges

On підприємствах застосовуться різні доплати й надбавки, які є змінною частиною тарифної системи і заровать від вирониччих мух. Згідно із The Law of Ukraine "On Payment of Pricelist" allows for additional payments, wines, and other wage-related, compensatory and guarantee payments to be established by the collective agreement with the pre-adherence to the norms and guarantees, by legislation, by generalities and by galuzevi (regional) lands. Filling in surcharges and surcharges is the same as taking part in the economical and social benefits and financial opportunities for enforcement.

Differential payment for the payment of salaries for the minds of pratsi viznachayut two factors - kompensatsionny i izliplyuyuchy.

Compensatory factor of the consequences of this, in other words, in nybilsh shkіdlivyh umvah, with greater costs of phisic energy, will require pevniy compensation for vidhilennya vid normal minds. Її кількісна value can be posted on the basis of expenses for the costs of phisic services, in the product of the harvest in the fictitious manner of settling in prisons and parts of the compensatory products in the zagalniy products of the community.

Stimulyuyuchy factor vstrelyuetsya zabezpechennuu vishchego pay prazi in nespriyatlivyh mentalities. Concrete rozmіrі of surcharges for іmovі prіtіі vіznachayutsya na osnovy atestatsіі robochnikh mіsts i іtsіnuvannya actual minds zanyаatostі robіtіnіv na tsikh mіtsyah.

On pidpriemstvah set up soi rozmіri surcharges: for the robot in the important and shkіdlivichyh umovah - up to 12%, and for the robot in especially important, especially the shkіdlivyh umnah pratsi - up to 24% of the tariff rate (landing salary).

The robot has an hour to pay for the rozmyri, not lower than 20% of the tariff rate (salary) for the leather of the year of robot at the hour.

For calculating dodatkovoi pay for the robot in the past hour, the daily tariff rates are viznachayutsya for robitnikov, pratsya yakih makryuyutsya for dennyim tariff rates, dlennyam dennoy betting on the day of the day of the robot day (in godinah), set for the given category of laws in the legislation. For robitnikov, pratsya yakih makryuchaetsya for misyachnimi rates (salaries), pogodinnyi tariff rates rozrahovutsya dіlenyam misyachnoi rates (salary) on kilkist robo godin zgіdno z kalendarem danom misyatsi.

The surcharge for the sum of the professions (posad) and the vikonannya obovyazykov timchasovo videssutnogo pracitsvnika vstanovlyuetsya on umevah, peredbachenyh at the collective agreement. The main reason I installed the CIH of additional payments is the robot for the basic and summarized professions with respect to the cost of labor, and that is the loan for the basic and summarized professorship.

In the case of the bridging of the brigadier's form of organization, the extra payment to the foremen, who do not belong to the basic robot, for the brigade, is done. Ці доплати за чисельності бригади від 5-ти до 10-ти осіб becoming 10% і понад 10 осіб - 15% of the tariff rate for the tune of the whole brigade of norms vibroitka in the middle for місяць.

Існують surcharge for the robot in понанормований hour. Until the hour after the hour, watch for hours, watch out for the zvachayniy robochy day is trivial, set for a given profession; Hour, the visibility of the movable and pre-ordained daytime is set to trivalent; Hour, in the course of the day, during the establishment of the county, the wights are wobbly. Понаднормові роботи обмежені і муть виконуватися лише з дозволу профспілкового комітету. For the cutaneous worker and the service, the stench can not be overhauled for 120 years. On the рік і 4 year. Stretching two dnіv підряд. Until the tsikh robot can not get married to women, mothers, children, children, children. Rozmіr surcharges will be established from 50 to 100% of the tariff rate.

Farther pidvistchennya roli tariffing system yak stimulant pіvischennya kvalіfіkatsії pratsіvnikіv takhnіh trudovi до dovyagnen povyazana z rozyshrennyam zastosuvannya supplements for professiynu maysternnist.

The introduction of allowances for the profession of maysternstvo stvoiour novy stimulus for pidvistchennya kvalіfіkatsії. The main criterias of the profession are: the quality of the rule, the systematic vikonannya norms vibroitku і normovanih zavdan, tochne pretimannya tehnologicheskoi i vibrobnichoi disciplii, sumischennya professi i operatsiy. The surcharges will be set up by the pračívniki, yakі propratsyuvali on pіdpriemstvі not less than one rock і viznachayatsya poetapno. Rozmіr extra charges can be paid once for the rik.

Розмір доплат має визначатися дмой-трьома кількісними показниками. Наприклад, for verstatnikіv mashinobudіnih підприємств at vstanovlennyi extra charges at rozmіrі 4% such otkaznikami mozhut bouti: robot on the folding uterkutvanni not less than one rock; Vikonannya scheduled zavdannya on serednyomu rivni, vikonannya robit iz zazavannyam z pervogo pred'yavlennya 95-97% of products; For the insertion of an 8% surcharge - a robot on a folding mattressed one to three rubies, a vichonannya zavdannya vische serednyogo for 3-5%, vikonannya robit iz zastavnyamam z pervogo pred'yavlenya 97-99%; 12% - robot in the folded dullness of the three rocks, vikonannya zavdannya vische serednogo rivnya at 5-7%, vikonannya robit iz zastavnyamam z pervogo pred'yavlennya - ponad 99%.

We will increase the number of employees, hanging on specially selected virtual robots, demanding high-level professionalism and great vibro-informational support, rozmіri of additional payments can be increased: up to 16%, to 20% and 6% to 24% of the tariff rate.

In particular, virubnitsvva on romeachivnyh pіdpriєmstvah docilno konkretizuvati pokazniki vysokoї professiyno maysternostі. Before them lay down: vysokoyakisne vikonannya robit stretching the first periodu; Systematic work of the visors is shown in the ported by із середніми pokaznikami з тієї самої профії, періодичне виконання робіт вищого розряд, the robot on especially the folded tattooed, sumіschenya professі, дотримання трудової і виробничої дисципліни.