Основы економічної теорії: політекономічний аспект


§ 1. Economical functions of power

Economika yak system saspilnyh vidosonin rozvivayetsya at once with the appearance of the power. Power - the nasvischeyu form of organizatsii people-sykogo spivzhittya. Vona did the mending for that, shob diyalnist people shodo zadovolennya her own needs in їжі, odіzі, zhіtlі tіnіshih materіnnyh blagodа zdіysnuvala zgіdno z sіvalenіmі suspіlst-th norms, rules t zvich'yami. Persha sprova samosvіdom-lennya people character tsієї діяльності як уміння ведня домашньо-го годарства, бережливості зроблена вже в Стародавній Греції.

The establishment of that state of power as a suspecified institution was governed by the development of numerical functions, including economics. Otzhe, історія розвитку економічних functцій держа-ви - невід'ємна частина еволюції суспільства в yого orgізованиваних формах.

In the Old Testament (II tis.), The proverb of the Eurasian tribes Moses - the historical prototype of the prophet of Christianity - by its laws, regulating the order of carrying out the surrender, collecting the land, sacrificing, imposing the norms of the new visions. Rabovlasnitska Power at the Shodi Bula is the leading organ of the large-scale zroshuvalnyh ro-bіt. Nadal, the chim of the fold was the sovereign's disposition of the people, the more powerful the power was in the world.

Vinikennya ekonomichnih functions of the power - the result of the rose-thread productive forces, the objective yogo consumption. The vil- buntsvetva was weakened, the stock of yogo warehouses was completed, the merchandise merchants were traded through the market in the collective process. Vinikalo bagatogo zagalnih problems, virіshnnya yakih kozhnomu okremomu vyrobnikovi boolo not pіd force. The middle of these problems is the failure of the nepodilnosti teritorii power for the state security of the state, the call of the interior, the development of the wards, the administration, the court, the army, the gov- ernment, the form of the state bureaucracy. Tse buly sushpilny, zagalny problemy. Virishennyam cich і інших спільних проблем міг імтись тільки такий інститут, який був відносно незалежним від кожного з виробників і від суспільства в цілому. Otzhe, the power has become an instrument of organization, obedinnya gospodarskogo zhittya, re-lizatsii ekonomichnih interest of suspilstva v tsilomu. So vinikaє gos-gift, yak is known in governed state power.

Beginning of the early Serednyovchchya process of becoming the eco-nomic functions of the state having passed through the kelka of stages. In early Serednyovichnyi state power, the state is zbіga-ється with special government of the head of the state. Derzhavna skarb-nitsya u tsey period - tse odysastno і especialist skarbnitsya king. The main part of the caspian consumption of periiods is satisfied with natural duties. Tse Utrimannya King pid hour yogo povorozhey on kraїnі, vіys'kovі ta transportnі povinnostі, supply of food for the army and іn. The court of law does not obovvozjakom sovereign state, and її right. Vaughn charges a fee for justice.

The formation of centralized absolutist monarchs is important for the economical functions of the state (XV-XVII century). Держана скарбниця відокоммлюється від особистої скарбниці monarch. Der-Javnі fіnansi nabuvaтьt suspіlno-legal character. In the middle of the 15th century, there are postpaid tax returns of goods and payments to the state bureaucracy for the protection of the custodial functions. Basics of subarctic traction to lay on the lower part of the suspilitude. Вищі верств суспільства зберігають for yourself freedom від оподаткування завдяки своєму політичному становщи. Vsta-novlyuyutsya rule, scho be-a kind of the Borg, a kind of saying the head of the state, it's a burglar power. Tsezhenichno expanded credit-prokomozhnost power. I want to post the internal affairs of the call. Zaprovadzhuyutsya paperovi groshni.

Chergoviy etap - the expansion of economical functions of power - zbіgаєєє із ставленням конституційної держаї (XVIII-XIX century). At Tsei period there is a principle, zgіdno z yakim derzhavne gos-darstvo guilty of servitude viklyuchu suspilnye enteressam. First, the order is to be followed, up to the time of the receipt of a deposit, to be able to enter, to lyubatis viklyko predvavnitskimi authorities vladi (parliament, moskvetsi predstavnitsky zibrannya), stvoiliuyutsya iodin ganaloder-zhavnі sistemi podatkiv, lykviduyutsya vnutrishniy mita, vstavitel-lyuyut єdina system of the call of the miter. Viznaєtsya tіsny vza-єmozv'yaz mizh tsentralnuyu vladivuyu vliyu і organs mіssse-vogo samoveredvannya, здійснюється розподіл між them діяльності schodo задоволення суспільних потреб. Viznayatsya і закріплюється у законодавстві вимога загальності та рівномірності оподаткування. It is important to keep in mind that all the settlements are before the law.

In the XX century. Farther away, take care of the economy. The most important manifestations of the cih zmin in the other polo-vinyi table were the integration of the economy, the form of the supra-national mizhdravnyh ekonomichnyh funktsiy. У цей період у Західній Європі, Північній Америці, Північній Азії та інших субрегіонах уніфікуєється годарське laws of the red territories, formєt уз uzgodzhena мит, валюнана, про-мислова, сільськогосподарська, екологічна, соціальна політика. To become a supranational institution of economical regulation, to go to the transition to collective systems of a penny bank.

We have our own periode in our subregions, and ours in Asia, Africa, Central America in the Caribbean basin area, and the process of becoming the national powers is rambling on the territory of the colossal Radyansky Union, that is the formulation of their economic functions. Approving the political and economical sovereignty of the young Powers in accordance with the law of the country until the establishment of the regional economic powers of the powers.

Otzhe, економічні функції держави знатьсяться в постійній ди-намиіці. Sposteregaiatsya їх zostannya ta stupranennya in tisnomu vzajmozv'yazku rozvitkom suspilnogo progress.

Power zavzhdi vikonuvala і vikonuє functіії not less than the intuitive mentality of realizing the intrigues of the estate in the city, but the zahist of the panic-sotsialnyh vervstv.

Поняття "панівні соціальні верстви" є історичним. In the post-industrial estates, they are the main part of the population. For such minds, the power is serviced by the compilation of compromise positions of the useless Suspius vestments for the protection of the social capital.

Otzhe, ekonomichnu the role of the power slid doslidzhuvati in the two aspects-tah - zabezpechennya it zagalnosuspilnyh entertainments and entertainments of the pavilions of the population. The remaining aspect of its hour is not absolved-it is absolutized by the historical principle.

Power moe velykі mozhnovisti vplyvu na ekonomiku, mozh sti-muliuvati abo zatrimuvati rozvitok chi ikh vibromichih vid-nesin, vikonuvati progressive and regressivnu role. Prothe, nezva-zhayuchi to his vidnosnu samostinichist, von can not primusiti zaspiistvo zhiti for these rules, yakі superechat obektivnim ekonomichnim laws nebo for some shchy not truden materialovnyh peredumov.

Ponad 100 rockov K. Marx rightly beckoning, scho suspilstvo put before him the tvl'ki tilki so zavdannya, yakі vono mozhe virishiti, i sho sama zverdanya vinikaє todi, if the material re-dumovi yogo virishennya vzhevanni otnosyatsya in the process of the formation. Однак історія XX ст. (Yak vitschiznyana, so i zarubizhna) sydicht, scho tse not zavzhdy vrahovovalosya.

Voluntarism yak dіyalnіst power, scho not vrahovuє legіv roz-vitku vibrobitvtva, to bring up to disorganization and, vrashtі-reshit, vіkydaє syspіlstvo yogo evolyutsії far back. One of the manifestations is the integration of the state into the economy, the total pro-state. Power in takіy situatsії staє Comm-cherom ekonomіchnih protsesіv, skovuє їh, reglamentuє, lіkvіduє gospodarsku іnіtsіativu i pіdpriєmlivіst, tobto potuzhnі dzherela Progreso.

So, the colossal Radyansky Soyuz Bula formed an admi-nostrativno-command system gospodarjuvannya. At the same time, Der-zhava can not primusiti suspilstvo, yak dovgo lived in the minds of such systems, shvidko sprinklyti ekonomiku. Economical regulation can not automatically be replaced by a deputy administrator. For this mother regulyuvannya neobhіdno basis ekonomіchne se-redovische, in addition chislі th konkurentsіyu rіznih forms vlasnostі, Rose-galuzhenі pіdpriєmnitskі structure rinkovu іnfrastrukturu, єdinі rules ekonomіchnoї povedіnki, zakrіplenі in reasonableness i uzgod-zhenomu zakonodavstvі, i nova rinkovu psihologіyu culture population Flax, високу кваліфікацію кадрів та ін. Otzhe, treba mati іншу ментальність нації. Tsyogo syogodnі not moe zhodna z kolishnykh res-pubic to the Union. To formulate such a medium, rewrite the peri-hidny period.

Ігнорування цих реалій, пробы for one стрибок створити рин-кову економіку - це також один із різновидів волюнтаризму. Pro-cho Je obstavini for yakih power zmushena rіzko zmіnyuvati ob'єk-tive eg rozvitku Economy, pіdporyadkovuvati її svoїy Volya. Tse vidbuvaetsya in the minds of the military and superintendent camp, stihii-nogo dashing, catastrophes tochno.

Іnkoli postaє power on yakіy pravovіy osnovі Power vtrucha-єtsya in ekonomіchnі processes, vstanovlyuє podatki, zmіnyuє vіdnosini vlasnostі, pererozpodіlyaє suspіlny product. To the right is that the state is the highest authority. Realizuyuchi інтереси нації, вона розпоряджається також всією національною власністю. Natsіonal-on vlasnіst - tse all Mine, OOO All resources rіznih forms vlasnostі, SSMSC znahodyatsya in furrows teritorії powers, nalezhat natsії in tsіlo th i Je її bagatstvom.

Zdіysnyuyuchi funktsіyu High vlasnika, Power zabezpechuє ekonomіchnі Interests natsії, stvoryuє minds for realіzatsії її rights samoviznachennya that suverenіtet, pobudovu tsivіlіzovanogo suspіlst Islands. The state of the world is in vain in its economic efficiency.

The viznachny economist, the author of the fundamental pid-ruknik "Economist" P. Samuelson vbacha ekonomichnu the role of der-jawi in her three main functions: vzobezpechennya efektivnosti ekonomichnoy sistemi, її правовості та стабільності.