Banking Operations - Moroz AM


By the method of zdіysnennya vekselnogo kredituvannya komercyny banks can not deprive vikupati vekselі up to nastannya string ikh redemption, and th priymati їh viglyadі zabezpechennya nadanih posek. In the case of a loan, the outgoing post will not be transferred to the bank (for a loan for a regional loan), but the loan will be paid to the outpost on the first line, all the rights of the bill holder (the right of the bill can be transferred to the unsecured post). Sche one vіdmіnnіst mіzh tsimi forms of bill loan polyagaє in fact scho Yakscho at oblіkovomu kreditі pozichalnik i one hto povertaє Costa, Je rіznimi personages, when kredituvannі pid outpost Bills repayment poziki zdіysnyuєtsya by pozichalnikom. Especially in the form of credit, та takozh order nadannya zberivannya that realizatsii compelled.

Credit pіd postpone vekselіv mozut надаватись у вигляді:

- stringed loans , tobto pose, the date of extinguishment of some of them is foreclosed by the owner of the property;

- loans to the supply (onkolnyh credit), if the lines are extinguished not vkazuyutsya abo vstanovlyuetsya termin to nastannya string extinguished vekselіv із застави.

Strokov pozhki pіd vstavu vekselіv, as a rule, є развоми. Bank analizuє juridnu y ekonomichnu nainichnosti vyiselya і with a positive visnoku ukladaє z poschalnikom kreditnu ugodu dovgorіv zavsti vekselіv. The line of credit is set in advance until the term of the promissory note (promissory notes) is terminated. The loan is to be paid in 60-90% of the nominal sum of the promissory note; Zaborgovannost from poskoyu oblkovovetsya on a simple credit rahunku.

On-line loans are issued for post-veche loans for the satisfaction of post-consumer consumer loans in koshty. Nadannya promissory onkolyu, oblik zaborgovanosti, ії repayment zdіysnayutsya for допомогою спеціального почкового рахунку, котрий є analogue to the countercourt. Tsei rahunok ра rahunkom before the nourishment, but nada banks and the right to have a moment of vimagati vіd klієnt of the common chi of private redemption to the credit of the deposit of an additional payment in bills.

The order of the posedness of the poses, the imputations to the overhead of promissory notes, the entry of the accounting region, the chronological and synthetic notes in the credit for the outbreak of the veksels in the form of the special positional rahunku bagatom in the analogy of the timetable, to fail in the operation of the enemy. Zvichayno in the outpost priymayutsya vekselі, lines pay for some є trivalіshim, nіzh termіn дії poki.

For otrimannya credit zі spetsialnogo poshchkovogo rahunku klієnt submit to the bank standard package of documents, and takozh vekselі, kotrі vyznacheni for peresannya to the outpost. Vekselі zdaljutsja in bank з реєстром веселів, giving at an outpost шокнайменше in two persons. Pred'yavniku daєtsya rozpiska about obsession Bills (napriklad on kopії reєstru) that priznachaєtsya orієntovny termіn kredituvannya abo day, if vіn Got Zabrat not priynyatі vekselі the outpost. Pісля юридичної й економічної експертизи vekselіv працівники bank vikreslyuyut з реєстру a poveratyut klієntu vecelіі, yakі not zapovolnyayut vimogi bank, and for the bills of exchange virahovyut rozmіr lіmіtu credit (in vipadku, if klієnt, krіm promissory note, vikorostvuyushey sobіy credit, then lіmіt credit Vstanovlyaetsya for obo forms of promissory notes). Bank і клієнт lend credit to the pleasures, in which there is a low number of minds, but is obovyazykovymi for a poshchalnik. At the credit, please:

1) lіміт to the credit (a credit line);

2) the boundary of the territory is covered by money (zagalnoy nominalnaya sumy vekselіv) і mozhil'yu zaborgovanistyu mezhah 60-90% vіd zagalnoy sumi vekselіv;

3) rozmіr interestіv for a loan і kіsііy on the bank's bank;

4) the right of the bank to apply to the public, in the case of transactions of the client, the percentage of interest and com- munications;

5) the right to the bank to curtail the rakhunok and vimagati in any time of the local chi of private extinguishing zaborgovanno nadannya dodatkovogo zabezpechennia;

6) the right to wrap the bank for the payment of a sum of money to the burg, but to get in charge of paying bills at the outpost;

7) the right of the bank to repay the loan of klіntanta iz sum, scho nalezhat klієntu і perebuvayut at the bank on інших рахунках клієнта;

8) the right of the bank to allow the client to enter the yogic ініціативи заміняти одні векселі to the line їх pay by the others;

9) місце зберігання векселів, transferring at the outpost.

Rozmіr pay for the credit, chastki bankіvskogo loan nomіnalnіy vartostі zabezpechennya viznachayutsya bank fallow od kreditospromozhnostі pozichalnika that nadіynostі nadanih outpost at Bills.

Vekselі, scho zastosovuyutsya yak outpost, mozhut transferred to zberigannya bank, the power chi private notaryusu. The bank of interest, which has been forced to pay, has been seized from the very beginning. Poschalnik vikonuє on priinyatih at the outpost bills bills zakatniy nepovodavlniy іmenniy chi blankovyi іndosamen, navіt yakshcho ostannniy іndosаment blankovyi on the pred'avnika. The form of the agreement is to be imposed by the contract, one to the bank dotsilnishe vimagati, and the pozhachalnik having committed the transferal endorsement.

For zastavnim іndosasment the bank is transferred to the following rights:

1) before the payment is made, payment is secured by a bill;

2) to protest in protest against payment of a private bill of exchange;

3) I will call for tax on the payment of cash by installments to pay for the loans for the promissory note.

Після вчинення індосаменту pozhalnik transfers banks and billions згідно з Act прийняттятя-передавання. Bank vіdkryvaє pozchalniku razhunok special razhunok for the record:

A) sumy otrimanoi poses;

B) the interest accrued by the bank for rahunq, komіsії and інших витрат;

C) using a small amount of money to get credit for repayment;

D) sums of money, to be on the safe side, and to turn on iz from the payment for payment by the creditors.

The loan is given at the zvichaynomu order. For bazhannyam klієnta yomu mozhe bouti vіdkryta checkbook, z yasya provaditimetsya vidacha poses.

Oskіlki kredituvannya pid outpost Bills zdіysnyuєtsya viklyuchno in furrows zalishku lіmіtu kredituvannya, vazhlivim zavdannyam bankіvskih pratsіvnikіv Je control rozmіrom vіlnogo zalishku lіmіtu. Before decommissioning, the special postal rahunku in the bank is converted to the inviolability of the unconcerned Lym at that station of promissory notes (realities, lines of extinguishment). Applied rozraunku vylny lining lіmіtu credit is shown in Table. 5.2.

If in the process of becoming a positnik of an on-call loan, the post-mortgaged promissory notes of the medium will not be submitted to the appeal of the bankruptcy, but the bank will dispute the problem of the seller and the propon yomu vikupiti tsi vechelsi abo zameniti їh in the lines of lines with the best bills. When the bank is not bankrupt, the right bank can overturn the loan. W metoyu uniknennya vtrat od filed Fake Bills komertsіynim banks dotsіlno domagatisya od klієntіv right іnkasuvannya Bills іz outpost scho takozh daє zmogu bankovі otrimuvati dodatkovі income. In razі otrimannya bank the right to іnkasuvannya cluttered Bills at oderzhannі payment of a promissory note to nastannya line zaborgovanostі repayment for a loan the bank Mauger zarahuvati scrip payment yak yogo vikonannya pozichalnikom zobov'yazannya. Різниця між sumoyu payment for a bill і zaborgovistyu poschalnika, yakshcho taka vyayvitsya, підлягає поверненню.

Table 5.2


Actually on the "11" leaf fall of 2001 p.


Installed by bank vidnoshennya zaborgovanosti to zabezpechennya



Instructions ліміт заборгованості за позикою під заставу векселів

10 000 UAH


Quite sumy bills, priyinyaty at the outpost (sumka zabezpechennya)

7000 UAH


Suma заборгованості за покоюю

4800 UAH


Actually vidnoshennya zaborgovanosti to zabezpechennya (row 4 / row 3) • 100%



Mozhliva zaborgovanіst for pozikoyu, vihodyachi s factual zabezpechennya i priynyatogo vіdnoshennya zaborgovanostі to zabezpechennya (suma vіdkritogo loan) (row 3 • Row 1) / 100

5250 uah


Вільний ліміт заборгованості (row 2 - row 4)

5200 UAH


Mozhliva dodatkova pozika (Row 6 - row 4) abo (row 1 - - row 5) • Row of 3/100 against bіlshe not for SUMI row 7

450 UAH

Active-Passive character spetsіalnogo pozichkovogo (kontokorentnogo) rahunku, s yakogo nadaєtsya call loan promissory note, peredbachaє mozhlivіst viniknennya debit yak, so i credit balance. On kreditovі zalishki Bank perіodichno zdіysnyuє narahuvannya protsentіv in rozmіrі scho splachuєtsya them for zberіgannya koshtіv on the production rahunkah abo Well pererahovuє kreditovі zalishki on the main precisely rakhunok pozichalnika. The order nahrauvannya percentage for specials razhnym rahunkom analogichny rozraunkku percent of payments for kontokortentnym credit.

Repayment of the credit pid outpost Bills Mauger zdіysnyuvatis Shlyakhov pererahuvannya koshtіv for rozporyadzhennyam pozichalnika s yogo stream rahunku (pіslya chogo Yomou povertayut vekselі) abo zarahuvannyam bezposeredno on spetsіalny pozichkovy rakhunok platezhіv, kotrі nadіyshli od vekseledavtsіv for bills, scho boule peredanі the outpost (Yakscho pozichalnik not Got Zmogi to extinguish zaborgovіnost іншим a rank).

Zverennya bank tjagnnenya on pozvlenni vecelі mozhe budi zdіysnene shlyhom:

1) the submission of a bill before the payment of the zobov'yany individual, yakshcho promissory notes for the interception of a transferor's endorsement;

2) the sale of a bill, yakshcho vin otrimaniy for a transmissive and unsatisfactory.

Kredituvannya pid outpost Bills Je dosit privablivim of companies for scho іntensivno vikoristovuyut vekselі in svoїy gospodarskіy dіyalnostі volodіyut th digit of bill portfolio. Especially for the sub'ektiv gospodarskoi diyalnosti век vekselny onkol. Priinyatnіst dannoї form of credit is written on a daily basis, which allows the poshchalnik to promptly otrymuvati kosti for rahunok bankovskogo credit, the unique trivaloy procedures otsinki lendingprodostnosti, yaka pobarchena, napriklad, with oblikovoi credit. Krim chyogo, a poshchalnik richer percent lisha for the actual term korostuvannya credit, for vidminu vіd oblіkovogo credit, with a cliche often zmusheny pogodzhuvatis on the lines that the real need to be translated into positsi.