Історія України - Subtelium Orest

Люблінська унія 1569 р.

On the ear of the XVI century. It became obvious that the Veliky princedom of Litovsk was close to zapepadu. In 1522 r. Moscow відібрала у нього Чернігів і Starodub on північному сході Україі. And in 1549, that 1552 rubles. The two great invaders of the Tatars were not able to resist the two. In 1562-1570 of the river. Nastoyayucha crisis cried out critically between, if Lithuania has become a new Trinuvichu vinyna with the Moscow kingdom. Vysnazheni great vionnymi vitrates and opinnivshis before zagrozoyu Moscow invictory, Lithuanians zvernelisya to Poland on dopomogu. The Poles are ready to buy bunyi nadi, for a fee. Now I'm setting my head to smell the stench in one part of Poland, Poland in Lithuania, and up to the tsikh of the mountains, having conjured up a spiral monarch.

Pobojuchuchis acted its panivnym stanovishchem before the Polish competitors and zaneopokoinii nebezpekoyu zostanony katolitskikh vplyvіv, litovskiі Ukrainski magnates leaned on the residual zlitty from the Polish. Ale is not displeased with the panuvannia magnates of the middle, that dribna shlyakhta pidtrymala polikіv, spodіyvaychisya zdobuti sobі shirokі privilei, yakimi korostuvalis polski feudal.

Slicings in 1569 r. In Ljublіnyi by King Sigismund August Diet passed at the dramatic tahorstrіy Borotby. Unhappy with the negotiation of negotiations, tycoons of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Protestant Lithuanian prince Krzysztof Radzivill, that orthodox Ukrainian prince Kostyantin Ostrozky was embroidered with ix. At the view of the Poles for pidtrymki dribnogo shlyachti on Volyn, Pidlyаііші та Києві have been told about the accession of the lands to Poland. Tse zmusilo nerovistih magnativ turned for the negotiations, і 1 lipnja 1569 р . Bula укладена Люблінська унія .

Внаслідок підписання унії утворилася Річ Посполита , що мала єдиного виборного короля, сейм, гроші, податки та єдину зовнішню політику. Alle Velyke prince of the pinnacle of the world zberigalo autonomy, zokrema mіsceve vyryvannya, vіysko, skarbnitsy that system of courtship. That teper up to the Polish crowns entered all the Ukrainian lands, but earlier they were littered with Lithuanians.

Люблінська унія 1569 р . Became for українців подією величезної ваги. In spite of all of the shortcomings of the Velikie princedom, Litovske stretched out two people to talk to them for a pleasant reason. The Ukrainian princes and hochi and pidporyadkovuvalysya Lithuanians, one small mali great vplyv s Suspilny, ekonomichny, relyiginy and cultural tsarina zhittya. Prote, yak svidchila share Galicia, but the first to spend it on Poland, in the transition of the Ukrainian lands from Litva to Poland, it was delivered a sum of money in the form of loans to Ukraine, as well as to the environment.

Між XIV і XVI ст. On the proscenium vyyshli kraїni, yakі in the approaching table viznachatimut share of Ukraine. Spotchatku vrazhayuchih uspіhіv in Ukraine achieved Lithuania, the rule of the anchor vyyavilosya naybіlsh priinyatnim for українців. Aly bilsh numerical and aggressive Polish gentry postupovo vitisnit Lithuanians from Ukraine. Vdayuchis before vіyskovoj a vice to Lithuania that diplomatic угод, вона vyznachila naybagatші українські zemlyі zak golovnykh об'єкт своeї експансії. On the back plan vimalovuvalisya інші power, корі впливатимуть на Україну. The tsarist kingdom of Moscow, yak shvidko zrostalo, Krimske khanate, povyazjane іz omnemogutnoyu Otmanskyyu імперією. Obviously, for such encroachments, the prospect of reaching Ukraine is not very difficult.

To know about the Ukrainian lands, kilka raziv, robbed me to ask questions on the zahist of my own interests. Naiviznachnimshim z them buli zapoplennya vladi v Galichinі Dmitrom Detkom in 1340-s rock, if zgasla mistsevaya princes, pidtrimka Ukrainians Svidrigaila in the 1430's rock and lithuania insurgency Glinsky in 1508 r. Ales foreign to us in front of the Polyne Panuvannia gave birth to a new, cultural asymmetry of the Ukrainian nobility in power. Postupovo ototozhneyuchi vlasnі pragnennya z potrebami dervi, sho viyavila readiness іti їй nazustrić, українська gentry vtrachala zdatnіst boroniti miіtsceі Іnteresi.