Історія України - Subtelium Orest

Лівобережжя під владою Росії

Through the nablizhenist up to Rosії Livoberezhzhya deprived in orbitsi vplyvіv Moskvi. In the troubled chaos of the 1660s and 1670s, the rocks of the earth recognized less attacks by the Turks, Tatars, Poles and Russians, and became cursed by the curses of Pravoberezzh. І all ж Livoberezhzhya outlived its part of the ruin conflicts, the cause of some buli is not alien zagarbniki, and the head of the ranks of the estate is the elders' top people.

Tsya vnutrishnya borotba rozgorilasya nebarom pislja the first hetmanuvannya Yuriya Khmelnitsky. Vikhodets із baatogo міщанського роду і відвертий прибічник старшинського елітаризму, Yakiv Somko is in charge of his own superman - Nijinsky Colonel Vasil Zolotarenk , I'll take advantage of the rest of the hetman and order it in the order of a senior citizen of the country. Proty fractions Somka - Zolotarenka vystupiv Іvan Bryukhovetsky , scho resembling the lower vestments and zavdyaki his demagogic zdibnosty becoming otaman zaporozhtsiv. Yak zavzhdi, Moscow took natskovuvaty one faction on іншу. Tsyogo once, pidozryuyuchi propolskih sympathies foreman, vona viddala perevagu Bryukhovetsky. In Chervnі 1663 р. Representatives of the Tsar of Moscow and others were spoiling for the transfer of the well-known "Chornoye Radium" - Galaslavi vobortchiy zborіv, since the time of some Cossack mobs, who had been seduced by the villagers that Byzantine countryside, and she had turned the doorman of the Bryukhovetsky. Zgodom noviy hetman, punishing stratity і Somka, Zolotarenka.

Ivan Bryukhovetsky (1663-1668) . Perebuvuychi at tsilkovitіy zalizhnostі vіd Moskvy, Bryukhovetsky robiv tsar'skomu ulyadovі one deed for іншою. Він із готовністю схвалив невигідний Переяславський договір 1659 р., Having thrown up, in addition, in a cloudy manner to exaggerate the Russian pledges in Ukraine. In 1665, hanging bazhannya "postyat before clear monarchs are clear," first of all hetman from the subordinated post office to hundreds of kozakivs zdіysniv podozh to Moscow. Generous ostavleniya honors muscovitiv (yomu gave the title of the Moscow boyar and znaishli druzhinu zі noble boyarsky sort), vyn u vidpіdі pіdpisav ugodu, yak shche bіshe more than the Ukrainian law. Behind her, the Mayor of all the cities of Ukraine was placed under the Russian control, the tsarist regulators were allowed to sweep the favors from the Ukrainian townsfolk and the townspeople, the Zgoda was given to the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and that was done, but the Vetbori of the hetman mali were to attend to the presence of the Tsar's envoys, The new hetman is now guilty of a bouh-ihachi for pidstverdzhennyam to Moscow.

That passed the call of non-negotiable hour, yak Bryukhovetsky dearly paid for nehtuvannya Ukrainianinterests. Kolya in Ukrainian cities rusted the Roshtashovuvatysya Moscow pledges, the tsar's rewriting began to vyutchatsya in private life of people, and pihatі zbrichchі podatkiv vprovadzhuvali obyazhlivi povinnosti, zarostalo nezdovolennya Muscovites and especially the hetman, which I asked. Navtі predstavniki ecclesiastical upper and middle of them, hto rіghtіsі підтримував просковську орієнтацію, vіdkrito proti pogo posilenl'nya moskovskikh vplevіv. Aly Naybіshe obryrennya sredd of the Ukraine viklikav Andrusivsky dogovir 1667 r., Yaky rishushche turning їх проти Брюховецького та Москви.

Як і співвітчизників на Правобережжі, лівобережних українців уразило th rozlutilo those, sho tsar, пообіцявши боронити від поляків усю Україну, after meeting half of the unavailable gentry. In 1667-1668 of the river. On Livoberezhzhu prokotilasya hvilya rebel against the royal pledge that їхніх українських прибічників. Zrozumivshi, scho nadto far away zashov at his own pro-Moscow polity, Bryukhovetsky look at a number of uni-versals, in some cases, for "the desolation of the cohanomania of Ukraine," and enter into taemnii zosinyi with Doroshenk in the method of assimilating the union of protesters. That boule vzhe pisno. In the spring of 1668 rivers, if the Doroshenka regiments had switched to the L'viv bank, rozgnivaniya natyp kolyshnyh prikhilnikіv spymav Bryukhovetskogo i zabiv to death.

Dem'yan Mnogogrishny (1668-1672) . Під тиском поляків Doroshenko був вимушений rotate to Pravoberezhzhia and admit the inaccurate hetman of Ukraine's Livoberezhna Chernihiv colonel Dem'yan Mnogogrishnogo. "Lyudina is simple and not written" , Polygonshny mav reputatsiyu vatazhka, zmusity pidledglih yakshcho not viddano sobiiti sobi, hoch coryshisya. З падінням свого номінальне-го зверхника Doroshenka Manygrimish overdressing and dumati about rozviv iz Moskvoyu natomіst іщ раз поклявся у вірності цареві, за що дістав у наророду визнання його гетьманом Лівобережної України.

Prote zbylzhennya in Moscow did not svyadchil about naimir Multi-party stati tsaristkoy marionetkoy, yak Bryukhovetsky. З типовою для ього прямопоінійністю Дем'ян Manygrishny looking at the Russians about not seeing Ukrainians and insisting on the wilderness of the Left Bank of the Moscow bail. Ідучи на компроміс, цар погодись обмежити кількість pledge п'ятьма найбільшими містами. Stosovka Kiyeva hetman uniquely nagadav Moskvі, scho yogo, yak і інші українські міста, the king did not conquer, and having taken his possession for the kindness of the bazhany Vijska Zaporozkiy, and that russia do not have the right of viddavati Kiev to the Poles. Zagalom reaction Moscow Moskva boule pomyrivlyuyu. Obviously, the Moscow politicians disappeared, and the hour of the Hetmanovannia of Bryukhovetsky was overtaken aggressively. Maskuvannya Moskvoyu svoye present at the Livoberezhzhi vistavalo її у вигідному світлі

Porівняно з політичною незграбністю поляків, безперервні каральні й репресивні заходи яких на Правобережжі лише підігрівали hatred of the population. Krim partkonkogo vidnuvlenya autonomy, vtracheno yogi cross, Multigrash takozh seized for vstanovlennya on the law enforcement order, spirayuchis to drive his companions. Prote fatal nedolikami hetmana buli netaktovnost і nevmіnnya porozumіshisі із іжшиною. Tse became the reason for the harsh, uninformed cossack top, yak at the denunciations of the tsarev pulled on the bed of the taemnogo sheet of paper Mnogogrishnim i Doroshenkom, and takozh namiriv go to the top of Turechcini. Нарешті in 1673 р. The sergeant-major honored him. Pobachivshi, scho nekokrniy hetman vtrachaye pidtrimku, tsar viddav order zaareshtuvati Mnogogrishnogo, poddati yogo torratam i zaslati to Sibiru.

Ivan Samoilovich (1672-1687) . Yakshcho obryannya Bryukhovetsky vidobrazhalo conflict Mizh starshinuyu folk massages, the Skinennaya Polygryshnogo svidchilo about vnutrishny superechnost mizh hetmanami i sergeyno. Poboyuyuchisya strongly hetmanskoi vladi yak takoy, the foreman three months ago, he was summoned with the help of the offender of the multigrash. At one o'clock in the morning he rode up to the tsar with a propose of obedience to the hetmansky prerogatives. Moscow is cheaper than the rest. So, if in 1672 r. The hetman was Samoilovych's face, he was put to the yom not to judge not the karati of the foreman, but do not enter into the zoning without consulting with the elders' greeting. Until then, the new hetman was pressured to release the corruptions of the companies, but, for the tradition, they patted the peacefully yomu. Nav'yazuyuchi ti umovi, the foreman dilated the holy and without that vidchutny vplyv, ali zdisnjuvalosya tse shalom pidrivu vladi hetmaniv, and vidtak і української autonomy.

Sin priestess, Samoylovich before the voyage of Vijsko Zaporozhka, the pledge of meaningful expeditions, navchayuchis at Kiev Academia. By the prototype of the Maya of his vassal hetmanavannya vin namagavsya pidtrimuvati good stosunki zi sergeant. Він lavishly distributing the land, and having created the corps so zvanyh znachkovyh vіys'kovyh comrades - the young officers, it's important sinin elders, but became part of the hetman's office, and they were getting special, trying to hitch up, zvilneni batkami. Stevoronyam chyogo corps Samoilovich, fostering the form of the elders' dynasties in Livoberezh.

Y zovnіshnі polіtіtsі Samoylovich, yak і vesі hetmani, namagavsya widen his authority throughout Ukraine. Він having strengthened control over the rebellious Zaporozhtsy and in 1676 р. At once із російським військом відважно повів ові поліки, щоб вигнати з Pravoberezhzhya turkіv ta Doroshenka. Chi did not naschaslishvshy moment at Kar'eri Samoilovich instructed, if Doroshenko cleverly folded before him hetmansku mace, після чого він become majachi himself "hetmanom obokh coastline Dnipra." Prote through two rock songs, the Turks watched Samoilovich as a yogi by the Russian allies from Pravoberezhzha. Залишаючи ці землі, Самойлович оргаізував масовий вихід right-bank population on Лівий берег. Unuslovk chjogo pervynna batkivshchina kozatstva practicably znelyudnіla.

We strike with a blow to Samoylovych's hopes of obedience to Ukraine. It was written in 1686 р. So called " Vіchnogo mir" by the Poles and by the Russians. Behind him Київ і землі Війська Запорозького were transferred to the post-imperial sovereignty of the tsar. All the same, despite all the beastly pre-Moscow protests of the hetman against the Poles of Pravoberezhzha and Scihdoji Galichini (Rus'), they were legally lured by Ukrainians, they were deprived of their liberty by Poland. Nevdovoleny Moscow polity, Samoilovich neohoche priadnavsya before the grandiose campaign on the Crim, yo yogo in 1686 r. Organizuvali rosіyani. Hoch in gnomu took the fate of 100 yew. Росіян і майже 50 тис. Козаків, marriage of the preparation for the hard and natural causes have been called up to the failure of the tsієі acіії that great waste. Vorozhe moody priests priests znivuvatili Samoilovich in that nebi vin illegally with a sword zbagativ himself his homeland, and the Russian voivodship was called to blame for the failure of the campaign, vnasledok chego in 1687 r. Samoilovich was thrown off and sent to Sibir.