Історія України - Subtelium Orest

Російський революційний рух на Україні

In 1870-ti rock became apparent, but the popery skasuvannya kripatstva ekonomichne stanovische villagers did not polish, and the autocracy did not pretend nyakih signified readiness to submit to the compromise. At suspilstvi roscharuvannya was broadened. Tse prprichinilosya to zrostannya sredovishchі іntelіgentsії radical moods and readiness zrobiti all for znischennya old fret. In a word, it is time to pamper yourself in order to create revolutionaries.

At the end of the XIX century. Sotsialniy warehouse інтелігенції, з якої виходила більшість революціонерів, having recognized pomitnih змін. Здійснена після реформи лібералізація освіти meant, шo gentry vzhe not warehousing переверої більшості студентів університетв, and відтак і Інтелігенції. Now, before the universities, there were blue mosques, priesthoods, dribnich officials, kozakiv and navit villagers. At the three universities of Ukraine - Kiev, Kharkiv, and the Ode - in 1895. Stinks stored close to half of the students. Tse seredrovische riznochintsyv nadalo novyі іntelіgentsі pivnikh pozaklasovyh rice, sho дещо зменшувало її відчуженість від мас.

Ale is poprarian in the twentieth century. University Property Insurance sold deprived of the criminality of the estate. In 1895 the river. On Ukraine it is added more than 5 thousand. Student. And the revolutionaries, zvichayno, became an unknown part of the enterprise. For example, in 1881 r. (Пік революційної діяльності в імперії) per 100 million population is financed vsоgo 1000 випадків антидержавних дій. Nareşti, the revolutionary ruch at the urgency of its bouilles of additions of the national signatures. Namagayuchis stroit bolotby tsarism osedenni "vserosіyskі" force, yogo participants spochatku nehtuvali natsionalnymi problems, and zhodom began to divide into them yak on the main cross-over in the iochniy revolutionary borotby.

The Populists. Pochinayuchi in the 1860's rockies radically tuned juvenile empirically called Narodniks. The name itself is to talk about those people who have been tak- ing people up, but they have been turning themselves into people's hearts, and in silence they have been talking about - with villagers. Tse ototozhnennya z selyanstvom ta ідеалізацію yogo, притаманні радильно настроєній інтелігенції, it is important зрозуміти з a point of view of purely раціональних міркувань. Wongs of a very important world virostali z pobottya vini, scho rozvinulosya at the young, idealistnym mood students, yakі porivnyali svo privilejovan stanovishche z heavy share of villagers. Різновидом підсвідомої компенсації селянинові for yogo zligodnі became yogo ідеалізація. Moral purity, nakotto authority selyaninovі, інтелігенція vivodila y yogo tjazkoї y chesnnoi pratsi. On the duma, especially the particular aspect of the villager's estate, the community, scho, yak was building, it was said about the admission of the villager to his yizmu that about yogo naturenu shilnist up to socialism.

Idealizatsiya peasantry characterized not only the Lisha narodniknikov (such a pidhid pivnyu mіrou podіlyali hlopomani i іnshi grupi іntelіgentsії), protivoklychno їхньою рисой була рішуча відданість справі революції, яка поклала бчаток новое справедливом ладові. Pershu group of people-revolutionaries organizers in 1871 r. In St. Petersburg Mikhailo Chaikovsky ; Подібні групи виникали по всій імперії. In Ukraine one of these groups was sleeping in 1873 r. In Одесі Федір Волховський . Vona nalichuvala 100 members. Sered them buv і Andriy Zhelyabov - Ukrainian student із селянської of the motherland, a country with a year one of the most obvious revolutionaries in the world. Inadvertently in Kiev, a small crook of anarchists, called " Kiev's Huge " . Until now, they included those who, in spite of everything, would become revolutionaries: Vira Zasudim, Volodimir Debogoriy-Mokrievich and Yakiv Stefanovich .

Through the revolution of their groups, they were pushed to the top of the world by the most effective methods of delivering supplies. One of the strains, of the accusations of the populist populist Peter Lavrovim , having insisted on the postpo- sition of the people before the revolution, for the sake of the propaganda of propaganda. The other, not so popular, the spotter pidhod asociated with the barkist and charismatic postaty of the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, who, having called on the revolutionaries before the violence of the violent pidburnivi actives, provoked the spontaneous mass protests to the people. In 1874 the river. For Lavrov, that yoga pribіchnіvіv, zdaloсяsya, instructing zoryaniy hour, if після страхітливого hunger in Поволжі близико 3 тис. Narodnikov in all empire threw navchannya in universities і, having got into the village villagers, they went to the village to establish contacts with the people and gotuvati yogi to the great insurrection. The protété of "progress in the people" , yak yogo was called, has learned the jaunty strikes. Selyanie just vidmovlyalisya mati spravu iz zuzhintsyami z mista, perevdyagannya yakih on hliborobiv often viklikalo glupuvannya. Nerіdo selyany naveit dopomagali gendarmam vyyavlyati revoltsioneriv.

In Ukraine, "progress in the people" was spoiled by the head ranks in the outskirts of Chigirin of Kiev province. The populists vibrate the end of the world, fall in the wake of one of the ruins of a crooked gaidamat rebellion, pivstolіttya to that, spodіyvaychis, scho here and dosed the roasting of rebellion. Hoch tsei ruh і зазнав невдачі, цікавим yogo продовженням steel події, що відбулися у 1877 р., If Stefanovich that yoga anarchist group, scho was based in Kiev, vdalisya before proby bogus affirmation of the villagers tsarev, fabricating the "tsar's Manifesto", in some peasants was punished Utvoriti "taemnі pogony" i povstavati proti mіscevih pomіschіvіі i bureaucrats. Qiu so I'm called "Chigirin-z-ZMovu" vikrili, vyavivshi prichecnimi to neizhnezko 1000 villagers.

At that hour, the people's letters were zosrediliisya on roboti with villagers, from them they rushed to zavtati respect for robots, chiselnist some zrostal. In 1875 the river. Євген Заславський having snored in Odessa illegal «Південноросійський union робітників», пo becoming one of the first robot organizers in Імперії. In the oncoming rock z'avivsya a number of smaller robotic communities, organisations on the screen were quiet, they disappeared on the soil of Russia, the protagonists put the stink of ungodly, and the old buzz of the buvs dying.

Після невдачі "ходіння в народ" Actively the radical national populists zverneliysya to iidey Bakunin , virishivshi, scho rozpochati revotsitsi mozhut more than violent and terroristic actives. In 1878 the river. Vira Zasulich, kolishnya participating in the Kiev group of anarchists, wounded the revolver of the Visny Commandant of St. Petersburg, General Trepov. Byzarom vinikla group of rozkolnikov - sumnozvіsna "Narodna volya", yaka zrobila terorizm main ambush svoїї діяльності. Suvor konspirativna y neponnikna izzovnі "Narodna volia" (in the middle of the participants in the anchor boulevard and in Zhelyabov) rozpochala campaign of half-dead killing, kulminatsіyyu osaky becoming a swing at Oleksandr II in 1881 r. The king's wicked wicked a zagal condemnation of violence, discredited the terrorists, and overcame the detachment of the need to conduct a reactionary policy. It is characteristic that during the hour of terrorist campaigns 1879-1881. The Narodniks were especially expressive in Ukraine. In Kiev, there are a lot of important officials in the boulevard. Dehto z revolutsionerov navіt bringing, scho polіtichnі vbivstva vinayshli soіі "південці", yak Zhelyabov, Dmitro Lizogub and Mikola Kibalchich .

Російські революціонери й українське питання . Hoch at the center of the respect of the people of Bula sotsialnaya revotsitsiya, at the pies of preparation to the sky, they could not nehtuvati "placid memories", tobto national peculiarities of the russia peoples of empire. Провідний ідеолог народників Лавров вважав націоналізм за побічний аспект світової історії й висловлював серйозні сумніви schodo yogo zdatnostі сприяти прогресу людства. Qiu positsiyu pidtrymuvala bahatu revolyutsioneriv Ukrainskogo pokhozhennya, on the duma of some, boulo b krasche, if natsionalnі vіdmіnnosty znikli; Hai, molivav, tse protsyvatsya hvorblivim, abi tilki narodilosya novie vsesvitnє sotsіalistichne sospislstvo. Alya left, the stinked, national peculiarities of the doctors.

Viraznim butt povyazyannyh z natsionalionnym osoblivostami problems, scho vinikali at narodnikov, boulo pitannaya selyanskoe community. Revolutsionaries vvazhali, scho selyanske kommunikane zemledovinnya in Russia - reconsolidate the natural shhilnosti russians to socialism. Відтак вониновок воиновок, нібито Росія може minute каіталістичну стадію розвитку й при до соціалізму швидше й безпосередніше, ніж Європа. Protec tion theory locked the situation on the Ukraine. In the Ukrainian village widened boole privatne zemelvodinnya, th act of the Narodniks zspachom talked about "vrodzhenu vidrazu" of Ukrainians to the community. Інші революціонери, такі як М. Стародворський із кам'янець-подільської групи, визнавали, що «on the right on the right стонть інакше. Our people are the bourgeois, that's the stink of a private instinct. " More than that, on the dreary of Starodvorskiy, the hoarding of Ukrainians to private ownership could mean, "Malorosya, dovmorno, stane bar'erom on the shill of the widening of socialist realities in Russia."

Popri ti rozhodzhennya Mizh Narodniki ta Ukrainophiles, especially ikhnim young generation, they had a bugo of a bagatel of a spy, but they were hovering over the Internet to the village. Often, zborniuchi etnografichnі materіali na selі, young Ukrainophiles installed friendly druzniks with populists, yakis engaged in revolutionary propaganda. Bagato from them poednuvali obidvі spravi. Навіть on organізаційному рівні революційні group were actively співпрацювали з "young" communities. "Stari" and the giants, members of certain glyboko porinuli at the warehouse of the dictionary of the Ukrainian language, did not seize their young colleagues, but the obchastin became the jerk of the seriosity of the wife of the dome by the generations of Ukrainians.

Revolutionary ruch sprinkinivsya is not deprived before the rosecol of the means of Ukraine, but to the significant number change of the number of ikhnih pribichnikiv. Dynamism, the heroic romance of the revolutionary ruhu de Datali, overlooked the young Ukrainians. Brought to the lions of revolutionaries, stinked anti-national positions, they crashed their calls in the Ukrainian direction and did not contact them. At the time of the crisis, the young Ukrainians struggled for the sake of social radicalism, spearheaded the revolt, and sweated vzhe rozv'yazuvati natsionalnne pitanie. So the revolutionary populism having adhered to the holy bim chimra more than the talanovit youth, it called for a critical weakening of the Ukrainian ruhu.

Marxism. Spannelicheni i rozdratovanі slіpoyu vіrou selâni v tsar i і з розчаруванням усвідомлюючи, що середній селянин волів би скоріше бути куркулем, ніж borotisya s sozіalnu rіvnist at selyomu selі, bagato radicals began to sum up in revolutionary potential villages. Vnasledok ch'yogo chimalo radikalіv repaired sprimati іdeї, yakі pred'yazvali nadіyu v revolyutsіy znovim klasom - proletariatom.

Dzherelom tsikh ide Buv Marxism. Portovnyano z obscure ideologism populist viglyadal, scho marksizm iz yogo nagoloom on ekonomichnyh vidosnonakh proponuvav nauchno dostovnyi method analizu sotsіalnii povedinki. Він giving the principle of subordination of all the beliefs in the exploitation and exploitation and bringing the disruption of the class struggle to the revolution. More than that, zalalosya, vіn mіg clarify syspіlnі vіdnosni by the extension of the condition of the people and in the be-yakії країні світу.

In a single one, we close the aspect of Marxism to the yoga boule, it's straightforward that we should not have time. Speaking about the namobzhenzhenya ostann'yy veshchichki mizh kapitalom і proletariatom, Marx perebachav, scho naybіlsha v svіtі revіtsіcіa vіdbudetesya na dalekomu majbutnomu. Перемігши в цій титанічній боротьбі, пролетаріат здійснить the residual synthesis соціалізму. In this way, Marxism does not deprive radicals of radicalism, but optimism, and throws brains up to those who, with stubborn teeth, can grasp epochal pods.

Marksistski ідеї з'явилися on Ukraine to finish early, if Zibers, I arrogantly shunuvav Marx, in 1871 р. Vpershe zyumyomiv their own students and colleagues in them. Radyansky vcheni vvazhayut, scho causal nesprozhmostnosti Zibera zbuditi zatsikavlenost tsimi idei bula yoga zoseredzhenst lishe na ekonomichny teorii of Marx, and not on yogo revolyutsionnomu vchenny. Bayduzhist up to Marxist ideas, scho sposterogalasya spotchatku, takozh zasnayuyutsya Tim, scho in that hour, I still do not get a large-scale industrial development and proletariat in Ukraine buv malochiselnim.

The merit of the customs of the Russian intelligentsia with Marxism is zvichayno attributed to Georgy Plekhanov - roschyrovannomu populists, cotycha pochav read Marksa pid an hour of his vignannya in the Swiss. In the year 1883, At Genevine vin ssnovuy perchu rosiysku marksistsku group "Vizvolennya pratsi" ta publikuyu perekladkі rosіyskoyu movoi pravtsi Marxa, illegally pohiryuyuchi їh in імперії.

Перша постійно діюча марксистська група on Україні під назвою "Rosіyska group of social democrats" виникла 1893 р. In Києві, її organіzatorom buv Yurі Melnikov - росіянин, scho zasnuvav remіsnichu school, yaka served as a channel to widen the marxists. Інші марксистські групи з'явилися у Харкові, Одесі та Катеринославі. Ukrainians rikollysya sredi cich of the first Marxists, bilshist yakih warehousing russia with the great house євреїв і невеликим - поляків. Tse zrozumilo, pozayak socio-democratized their respect for non-Ukrainian proletarianism, the problems of what was important for the settlement of Ukrainian artifacts.

In Russia, the socialistic-democratic Rukhu is wholly redistributed. The membership of the Marxist Social Democratic Party in 1898 r. Zaestichuvali. In 1903 the river. For її vіdnovlennya happened to be a screech nova z'їззд. Проте замість зміцнення партії з'їзд спричинився до роколу в її лавах, по відіграло важливу роство для Росії та України. Більшовики на чолі з Володимиром Ульяновим (пізніше відомим під псевдонімом Ленін) came to the forefront of the disciplined compact organization of professional revolutionaries, and became the avant-garde proletariat. In the historical perspective, the Lenina and bilshovikiv bula under the velikoznoi vagi. Prote todi won out for the people of Russia. The shchodor of the tsar's gendarmerie, the yak of the bula is kindly informed about the disinformation of the social democrats, then all the peasants vouchsafed their way, so that they could spiral in the fall of the theory, yak from Marx, by adding chances to success in the empire.

Інші неукраїнські партії на Україні. Зміцнення соціал-демократів змусило мобілізуватися їхніх ідеологічних суперників - народників. In 1904 the river. Stances were creating a partnership of socialist revolutionaries, the ideology of the anchorage was the sum of the Narodnik principles and Marxist principles, and tactics, such as kolis, included the shuffling of half-dead killing. Нарешті, діяльність радикалів підшххнула стрення партії лібералів, що entered the warehouse of the zemstvos and Mali for the meter of the installation of the Constitutional fret for the visas of Anglicas chi Francia. In 1904 the river. The wives fell asleep "Union vyvolennya" , but by becoming a party of constitutional democrats, abociated - cadets. Sturbings by the appearance of illegal anti-tsarist parties, the detachment appealed to the adherence of the rivnivag, pidtrimuyuchi organisatsiyu such ultranatsionalistichnyh prouryadovyh partners, yak Rosijska monarchy party, and takozh group on the kstalt of the "Union of the Russian people." Tsі ultravravі ugrupovannya, scho korostuvalіsya vіnlyakoyu pіdtrimkoyu orthodox priestsіnііі і nazivalisya in the people "chornimi hundreds", spetsializovavsya on pogroms єврейських communities and anti-Ukrainian agitatsії on Україні. Zasnuvali here its polimichnichnogo organizatsii i natsionalnі menshosti. Polyakiv was represented by the Polish Socialist Party, and євреїв - цей найбільш політичне active and organisations of the people of Імперії - the national Marxist Bund clinched the nationality.

The Russian partners in Ukraine are far from being the leaders of the leased economy. Prior to the cadets and sociologi- cal revolutions, the Chimalo Russified the natsionalnom svidomikh Ukrainians, lulling in the tsikh organisatsii nayefektivshy sposib borotby with a scratch. In the ultra-nationalistic, anti-Ukrainian organiza- tions, the fate of the "little people" took their place, and they were angry with the people in the predicament of tsarev, that hate to the yogo goros.

Rosіyskі ta neukraїnskі partnerships were put up to the Ukrainian ruhu in a rіznomu. Skiljayuchis at the decentralization, Socialist-Revolutionaries did not pay attention to the pragnnia of Ukrainians, they were amazed at them from their zrozumin. Polskie sotsialisti i especialno sionisti ta Bund, yakih єdnali z Ukrainicami namagannya zavoyuvali sobi cultural autonomy, often z preparedness spivpratsyvali z okremimi ukrainskimi ugrugovanni. On the other side, the Marxists and the overflowing bilshovik at quietly ignorant vipadkas, if the food was being ruled out by the Ukrainian people, privately, they ventured to privyochi their fortune to the Ukrainian "separatist" tendencies.