Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2



Yuriy Khmelnitsky, more than hetmanuvannya 1657 rock

Juriy was lulled by the hetman of the Lisha one month, while he himself was seen in the hetmanate in the Serbian town of 1657. In addition, Starshinska Rada in Chigirinho timchasovo passed the mace Ivanov Vigovsky, and the General Rada, with the participation, krim kozakiv, the ministry of the clergy, 26 serpnya 1657 in Korsuni, confirmed yogo obranya. At the thi Radi, the boules are located in Shvetsiy, Polshi, Semygorod, Austriya, Turechcini, Krimu, Moldavia and Voloshchin. L. Okinshevich vvazhaє, scho Vigovskiy buv deprived regent, ale M. Petrovsky, D. Doroshenko, І. Krip'yakevich and B. Krupnitsky yogi for the rightful hetman.

Ivan Vigovsky (1657-1659)

Іvan Vigovskiy walking around in the ukrainian gentry. Batko yogo Ostap buv imeniksnik Kievskogo castle in the province of Kisel and a member of the Kyiv Brotherhood. Ivan Vigovsky vychisya Kyevo-Mogilyanskiy Akademii, serving with the polish detachment, burdens of buv with the prince Solemiretsky. Pislya rozgromu polokiv on Zhovtikh Vody pereishov to B. Khmelnitsky, and right up to the death of the hetman, was emboldened by yogi nablyazhchim spivrobitnikom.Zaymav posad general clerk , shaving fate in bagagoh embassies, and vyaviv himself blizkim digigomatom.

Rocku 1657 was issued dogovir з Швецією, яка визнала незалежність України іїї кордони до Висли. Від Литви приєднано воєвідства Beresteiske that Novgorodske. The union with Krim is revived. Turechchinoi. Polska domahalasya poverennya Ukraine, obitsyauchi її wide autonomy.

Not zvazhayuchi to blizkuchu zovnіshnyu polichiku, in Ukraine for the whole hour there was a struggle. Nasampered opozitsіy vyyavili zaporozhtsi, obrazheni, scho їх did not ask for vibory hetman. Before Moskvi, the reports of the cat's otman Yakov Barabash, the Poltava colonel Martin Pushkar, whispered Vigovsky in Polish sympathies, in the "sell" Ukraine to Poland. Moscow trimalasya double.

In the wake of Moskvi, the General Rada was scrapped in Pereiaslavi, in the above, wo wo, to destroy Vigovsky. At Radi present boev boyar Hitrova. That is not zvazhayuchi all come in Moskvi, Vigovskogo back monotonous. Як компенсацію Moscow дістала згоду на збільшення числа восвідств - from Ніжені, Чернігові та Переяславі. Після того Хітрово поїхав до Полтави намовляти Пушкаря підняти проти Виговського повстання. Having recruited 20,000 "gul'tians", naimitіv that 20,000 zaporozhts, Pushkar having broken up the shelves of Bohun and the Serbian from Poltava. Prote, Vigovski rozgromiv rebels. Pushkar Bouvet of engagements, and Barabasha scared at his throat. At the same time, up to 50,000 people have disappeared.

In Ukraine, the struggle of the different groups of the population was popular: the sergeant-major, the yaku lykav tsar's absolutism, more shariah to the polish, the countryside of the village - the Navpaks - the boules were irrevocably instructed to union with the Polish: they punished the Panshchina, Pansky Gnits, and rewigings.

16 весня 1658 року Vigovskiy uklav at the Gadyachi allied dogovir from the Polish. On the side of Ukraine, Yuri Nemirich, a spokesman for the bullet, was a diplomat, a colonel, and Teterya. The essence of Gadyatsky's agreement is as follows: the three Powers - Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine - to create federal powers, to Moscow, Moscow. Prior to Ukraine, the "Velika Knyazіvstvo Ruska" entered the following places: Chernigivske, Kyivske ta Bratslavske. Legislature of the landlord Naleonalnye Zboram, and vikonavcha - hetmanov, yakogo Ukrainians inhabited inhabited "alive", and hardened king. Князівство Руське має фіск, власану монету, армію - 30.000 козаків та 10.000 найманого війська. Polski vijska does not flout the right to cross the Ukrainian cordon, and then proceed to enter the command of the hetman. In Ukraine it is possible to make money. Релігії - Roman Catholics and that orthodox - to be recognized as equal. There are two universities, colleges, schools, and drukars.

Such zmіst vidatnogo tvoru, the author yakogo buv head ranks Juriy Nemyrich. Gadyatsky dogovir not buv realizovany, prote vin mie velikhezn znachennya, yak pamyatnik derzhavnitskoi dumki Ukrainy. O. Levitsky rushed to call the Gadyatsky dogovir Ukrainian national program. Ale that dogovir standing vische vіd rіvnya understand the current Suspylia, навіть yogo еліти, elders. Tse buv dіysno great pam'yatnik Kozachchini .

However, hoc and not realizations, viniklik in 1659 rock vinyu in Moscow. Vigovski zvernuvsya to European dvoriv with manifesto, in which I accused Moscow of pereshennny Pereyaslavsky agreement: in the buried Litvi, zavoyovanoyї Ukrainian forces, the Videnskiy contract in the Polish, in pidtrymtsi rebellion proti hetmana tochno.

One hundred thousand Moscow army under the command of Prince Trubetskoi and Romodanovsky was ruining Ukraine. Vigovsky, with the additional forces of the nimts, Poles, Tatars, 28-29 Chervnya pid Konotop rozbiv Moscow visko, with chomu zagniv tsvit moskovskogo boyars. Prince of Pozharsky Tatar was taken in full and stratified. Moscow was hunted by a panic, the tsar's dvir zbirassya tikati before Yaroslavl.

Aly Vigovsky did not procure legal aid, the insurrectionary insurgents had a riot: Roman, Gadyach, Lokhvitsa podtrimuvali Moscow. Новий запорізький кошовий Sірко thundering Tatars, Ніженський проnопоп, Maxim Filomonovich, Ічнівський, Semyon Adamovich, hung up Trubetskoi denunciation about "zradu" of Vigovsky. The protagonists of the hetman were old colonels: Tsitsiura, Zolotarenko, Somko ta noshi. Pіd hour of the insurgency is hammered by a colony of 3.000 українців. Vigovski sklikav at the German General Radu і svіv transferred mace. On the hetman is the reverse of the name of Yurii Khmelnitsky. Виговський has submitted to Польщі і дістав воевідство Київське. Rock 1664 він був стражений поликами на донос полковника Тетері.

Until the end of the hour there are a lot of reports on the subject matter of the hetman Vigovsky. Тогочасні літописці Velichko and Samovidets , and takozh the author of "Istorii Rusіv" evaluated yogi negatively. This is how the Vigovskoi historians and populists M. Kostomarov and Vovk-Karachevsky themselves, for some of them boulevil the hetman of the elders, and not the people themselves, but did not want the union with the Polish and not finishing the Poles. V. Lipinsky writing, scho Vigovskiy buv one iz naybіlsh osvіcheny derzhavnyh діячів-патріотів України. So otsinyvali yogo i D. Doroshenko and B. Krupnitsky.