Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Yuriy Khmelnitsky, friend of the Hetmanuvannya, 1659-1668

An appeal to Radi in Germany, Jurassic Khmelnitsky bequest in the senior sergeant of the Antipolsky strait, yak hunted up to zmitsnennya union with Moscow. Novy hetman buv people's small osvity, ambitious, additions to the charm of Bogdan, ale vpertyi i zavzyaty. The head surfer Juriy Buv general was Ivan Ivan Kovalevsky, who told the old hetman to the yogi opikun, Lutsk Colonel Petro Doroshenko was near that cat's ottoman Sirko .

Юрій зі старшиною вирішили наладнати відносини з Москвою і добитися вій не поширення прав для України, приєднання північної Чернігівщини, частини Білоруси, зарони воєводам vtutchatisya vnedrіshnі spravi kraїni, liberty of the diplomatic stosunks. Everything was tentatively designed in statues, read by the slogans of Zherdevsky.

Juriy Vislav embassy with P. Doroshenkom at cholі, yak handed over to Prince Trubetskoi Zherdevsky statti , ala Trubetskoi їh not priynav. Having requested Juriy zі senior sergeant to Pereyaslav, de General, the Rada turned the yogi into a hetmani. Terrorizovany Trubetskoim, Juriy priynav, zmist Zherdevskih stattey - nibito statti Bogdan Khmelnitsky. There are 1654 boules in Moscow in which they were crushed, at which they carried out the principle of the Ukrainian pogodnennya moscow, and the metropolitan of Kiev - the Moscow patriarchy (about the metropolitan in the editorial board of 1654 rock was not bogged down). The text of articles, zastverzhenih on Pereiaslavsky Radi 1659 rock, cardinally rіznitsya vіd text статтей 1654 року і є грубою підробкою! M. Grushevsky in "History of Ukraine-Rus", writing: "the lack of authentic articles, the Moscow deacons have poured out the sides of the Ukraine-dovilnu falsifikat".

The tragedy of the far from Ukraine and the Bula in that document became a document of 1659 becoming the ědinim official text of the so-called. " Statute of Bogdan Khmelnitsky ", and on it were written down by the reason of Usi Getmani. Nadrukovaniy vin in the "Complete Assembly of Laws of the Russian Empire."

Згідно з цим фальсифікатом гетьмани, після обрання, повинні були їхати на поклін цареві; Do not have the right to conduct diplomatic embassies; I was glad I could not get the hetman to go around without the king's permission; The hetman did not declare without the tsar's king that she knew the colonels; Not a mav of the right to appear in the likeness of being guilty of peace in the streets, you must punish the king; Kozatsykі pledges mali vityti z Bilo Rusi; Metropolitan of Kiev is guilty of a boev to be acquainted with the authority of the Moscow patriarch.

All tserorizovany Moscow boyars stvdiv his pidpisom Yuriy Khmelnitsky, yak ponimttya not mav about dіysnі statti Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The Moscow squad did not rejoice with Yuriy Khmelnitsky. Voevodi vtruchalisya in upravlennya, distributed to the svy royzud zemlі, Moscow pledges plundered the population, the order through the head of the hetman vіv talk to the elders. Hetman's Vlad Yura became a nominal. The annoyance of the populace grew impenetrable.

Московські війська пішли on Pravoberezhzha against Pols; З them пішов і гетьман зі своїм військом. Pіd Chudnevom, on Volynі, in 1660 rotsі Poles rozbyskі taії Ukrainian wіys. Yuriy pidpisav z Polnoy dogovir, scho buv repeated the Treaty of Gadia, ala without the "Grand Duke of Rus'", the Ukraine protested the autonomy.

So the Ukraine is subordinated to two parts ; Livoberezhna was sunk under the rule of Moscow, and Pravoberezhnaya became an autonomous part of Poland. Juriy did not vvychav nadії ob'єdnati znovu all of Ukraine, al-tskogo not vonyag. On the ears of 1663 rock, svіdomіy svoїh nevdach, vіn zrіksya bulavі і пішов у ченці.