Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Ivan Bryukhovetsky (1663-1668)

Tse Buv jakraviy predstavnik to finish Ruin . Він був добрим промовцем, умів впливати на юрбу, був we will typify the demagogue. In polichnichnyh views of the beavs by the Moscow Moscow patriot and the tsar for the єdine volodar of Ukraine. Buv antipode Teteri, having vvazav for the governor of Ukraine the Polish king.

1665 to Ivan Ivanovich Bryukhovetsky, after traveling to Moscow, becoming a boyar, disarming Moscow from the book. Dolgorukyu і zrіksya on the corridor of Moscow, the rights of Ukraine; Zalishilisya tilki stanovi rights of kozakiv. The pledges of Moscow have been violated, all payments have passed to Moscow; The hetman does not have the right to lead the small towns with the smaller powers. Bryukhovetsky asked to send the Metropolitan of Moscow to send.

The actions of Bryukhovetsky were in Ukraine. Navit administrator of Kiev Metropolitan Metropolitan Methody (Maxim Filimonovich), scho buv rannishe prikhilnikom moskuskoe vladi in Ukrain, shod. Ігумени київських манастирів declared to the governor, Sheremetevo, sho vony, yakshchoo priiske z Moskvi metropolitan, "to close up in his own manastiri," praying, "the more death is to come, but the way to Kiev in the Moscow metropolitan." On the right, I plodded on.

Tim hourly arrived in Moscow to register the population and the payment. Perepovnyuvav chalice terpinnya dogovir, styling of Moscow from Poland in 1667 in Andrusov without the participation of Ukrainian representatives. For the tsim treaty, Pravoberezhnna Ukraina moved to Poland, and Livoberezhna - to Moscow. Київ on two роки it was filled with під владою Москви , and після того таккож having passed to Польщі. Sіch bula is supplied with a protectorate of the powers' oboe.

In Ukraine, the first step is to widen the zagalne of an unpleasantness against the Moscow order and Bryukhovetsky. Poboyuyuchys rebellion, hetman virishiv zmіniti oriєntatsіy і in 1668 rotsі scrolling Radu elders, on yakіy stating, scho єdiniy poryatunok - vignati of Moscow voevodіv і просити протекції Туреччини. Prior to Tsarorod, they sent a message to Ukraine in order to receive the pidndal of Ukraine on the basis of the vacuity. The Sultan was very happy. Bryukhovetsky was embroidered with Kiev Vaslav prince. The Tatars came to the aid of the Krimsky khan. The insurrection rebellion against Moskvi began.

Tim Hourman of the Right Bank of Ukraine, Petro Doroshenko , in the year 1668 takozh scrolling Radu, on yakіy it is praised not to see the surface of Moscow and Poland, but to surrender to the protection of the Sultan. Sultan і on the occasion of the good weather. Doroshenko in his own way crossed over Dnipro and Pishev to Bryukhovetsky. Ruh yogo buv triyumfalny. People вітав Дорошенка і переходив на його бік. If you are close to Opisny, de buv tabir of Bryukhovetsky, the Cossacks have rioted against Bryukhovetsky and beat yogi. Doroshenka gossiped the hetman of the faces of the sides of the Dnieper. Tse Buv moment naybilshoi glory Doroshenka.

The prototype of the triumph is not trivial. We were attacking Moscow. The population of Chernigiv region was afraid to porivate with Moscow. The Poles' attack was unsuccessful. Doroshenko slyly submitted to Pravoberezzh, to organize the defense. On Лівобережжі він having cobbled the hetman of Colonel Chernigivsky, Dem'yan Mnogogrishnogo. Ala zgoda mizh them trivala nedovgo; Року 1669 Многогрішного обрано на гетьмана Лівобережної України, і Україна знову поділилася на дві частини.