Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Новоросійська Губернія

Translated in 1764 rotsі revіzіya Novoї Serbії that Slov'yanoserbії viyavila velikі zlovzhivannya chuzhinetskoї admіnіstratsії, shahraystvo, nepridatnіst serbskih poselentsіv, yak vіyskovoї screener i t. N. Naslіdkom tsієї revіzії Nova Serbіyu, Slov'yanoserbіyu that Slobіdsky zlіkvіdovano regiment, and їh Location zasnovano Novorossiysk gubernnia. Vona hunted, kriіm teritorii chuzhinetskih columns and Slobidsky regiment, trikutnik zemlі na pіvdennomu zahodі, між річками Інгулом та Орл і на сході - Українську лінію fortune of the broad sweeter land on the ground, de boules 30 hundredth of Poltava, Mirgorodsky, Lubensky and Pereyaslavsky regiments in villages , Those are 40,000 inhabitants. Далі на сході приєднано Бахмутський повіт, що належав до Воронізької губернії. Пізніше, 1770 року, to Novorossiyskoe guberniya, there is a great area of ​​zaporozkih lands, in the new lion bay, it was stretched out from the Dnieper, from Oleksandrivsky fortress, to the Oziv Sea and was stopped by the Petrovsky fortress.

Zvichayno, not deprived visnovki translated voznuyotiї rezіizії became the cause of the snoozing of the new gubernia: the main cause of the bula in the sexes of Katerini II, the yaka tried znіvelyuvati all part of the empire, pozbavlyayuchi їh be-as of independence. The first was the Hetman borough, the other - actually - Slobozhanshchyna (office in 1765 rotsi reorganized in the Ukrainian-Slobidska province), now the cherga came to Nova Serbia, Slov'yanoserbiyu ta Novoslobidsky regiment.

Новоросійська губернія поділилася на дві провінції: Єлисаветинську, до якої відійшли Nova Serbia та Новослобідський полк, і Катеринославку, до якої відійшли Word'яносербія та землі поза Українською лінією, and пізніше - zaporozhі zemelі na північ від нової, Дніпровської лінії. Bahmuttsky povit uvishov yak okrema administratsyna oditnitsya.

On the territory of the Novorossiysk guberniia there are also settlements: in the Єlisavetnskiy provinces - in the Hussars: Chorniy ta Zhovtiy (name for a ring of uni form); Єlisavetgradsky pikinersky regiment (reorganization of Slobidsky); Пізніше додано ще two гусарські regiments: Молдавський та Бузький. In the Katerinoslavskiy provinces of Buly: Dniprovsky, Donetsk, the Lugansk shkіperskiy regiments and the Samara Hussars. In Bahmutsky, the Bohmut Guards regiment.

The administrative division of the Novorossiysk guberniya was a folded picture: the civilian authorities established the responsibility for the viscous and the competence of not the bula was accurately rozmozhovana. The commanders of the regiments of those regiments of the mouth of the office of the bullets at the same hour by the administrative bodies for the people's population, as well as the categories of the population, the yak of old, the bullets from the competence of the commanders.

The head method of admnistratsii bulo sproit zrostovi populated areas, zaklikayuchi people from Poland, priymayuchi vtіkachіv із Запоріжжя і навіі з з Російської імперії. It is said about the whole in Manifesto in 1762 rock, which called out chuzhyntsiv to Russia, and the Order of Katerini II of the Comission for the storage of new laws, 1767 rock. Alye zhadny z zikh dokumentov not having divided the report so technically to the resettlement of the settlement, Yak " Plane is populated by the Novorossiysk guberniya ", and the Senate has had a hardening in 1764 rotsi. Tsey "platan" hunted all the life of the territory, the administration, the roses, the earth and the earth. Він був діючим право навіть після скасування Новоросійської губернії та утворення намісництва.

"Plain" is stored in 8 rozdіlіv, з яких найважливіші two: about the system of rozpodilu zemlіt about the order of settlement.

In the basis of rozpodilu zemlі pokladen neoddilne spadkove volodinya pevnoyu dilnitseu. Залежно від якости землі така дільниця мала 26 або 30 десятин. Vіyskovy for not paying any money, but for doing business; A peasant is not serving in Visk, but paying a tax. Crim of the villagers dstavali zemelі і міщищи. Norm pomishchitskoi dilnitsi bula no longer, yak on 48 dvoriv, ​​yaki pomyshchik is guilty of buv settling in the stretch of three rock; Yakshcho vin tsyogo not zrobiv, the land vidbirili to the scarf. All senior citizens dostavali rangov zemli; Yakshcho sticks settled їх - the land passed at їх Власність. For pomischitskogo volodinnya "platuns" putting I can postyyne perebuvannya vlasnik in Novorossiysk guberniya. Якщо поміщик діставав посаду в іншому місці, він мусів продати комусь свою дільницю або повернути її скарбові.

Tse obmezhennya duzhe tsykave: author of the "dance" hotli stvoiti mіsceve zamozhne nobility, yak not bulo b zakritoju caste: kozhny, hto vivodiv z Polschі his own koshtom resettled, distav otitsersku ranu, and at once zim ti i nobility. This is the rank of the nobleman Masu postinously poured new features of the picnic approach, the organizer of the resettlement of the meadow of leather.

Наслідки поміщицької колонізації in Єлисаветградській провінції були такі: з "вельмож" the land of Til'ka Prince Shcherbatov dashed the two generals; 75% буіщиків були офіцери місцевих полків; The middle of them are bullets і serbskі з з Нової Сербії та Слов'яносербії, і колишні українські старшини Новослобідського полку; Dali işli lіkarі, tsivіlnі урядовці, clergy, merchants. Тільки 2% причало начужинців.

Інші исви були в Катеринославській провінції, де серед старшини Мигородського та Полтавського полків були великі landowners: obozniy Runovskiy Mav 63.000 dessiatins, obozniy Kochubei - 5.000 dessiatines. The goal is to explain myself partly in disguise, yak was bothering to check in the Novorossiysk guberniya: attack the Zaporozhts, Poles, Tatars.

To Rock 1769 Tatars invaded 50 slobs of Єlisavetinsky provinces and bagatoes of people худо lethargy took care of themselves. The population of the bulo was terorizovan, that people's bagatos reappeared up to the provincial gubernias. Vrazhennya vіd tsyogo napadu tatar bulo taka, scho in the provincial office obmirkovuvati project translated the peasants pivdennyh mouth Єlisavetgradskogo pikinerskogo shelf to pivnichnih, de population of 15 mouths can boulo rozmistiti in 5-oh. Brave people і in Chornyi ZhOvtomu hussarskih regiments, and in the Katerininskiy provinces.

The head of the population of the Novorossiysk guberniya became settlers - vіys'kovі ta tsivіlnі. Skin aliens were given without a bell for 30 rubles, Ukrainians, scho came from Pravoberezhny Ukraine, that Zaporozhtsy - for 12 rubles, yakshcho recorded before vіys'kovyh villagers, і and 6 rubles, yakshcho recorded before skarbovo slobodi. Сільське poplar boulo is overlooked in Ukraine, ale buly means nyogo y chuzhintsi: Bulgarians, Volokhs, Moldovans, Armenians, Greeks and Russians - the Old Believers of the "one-day" order, the Ukrainian village sowing in the Ukrainian Lyn.

Chuzhyntsi selilisya peresichno on mistah, yak kruptsi, remisniki. Були значні колонії греків на форштадті, кріпости св. Єlisaveti; There, the bulo of the bagatos of the Russian merchants, the Old Believers, the middle of them, the Yak Maslennikov, the Senkovsky, the Yakis, imposed trade bargains with Turechchinoy, Frantsiye. In the beginning 1764 rock is allowed to settle in the Novorossiysk guberniya Yids, yaki took on the export of the export belt.

Uspih colonizatsii Buv is more important. In the Novorossiysk guberniia, in 1774, a population of 155,000 people was bunched. Privybllyovalo villagers are those, but here the bula is small panshchina - dvadenna, and in various times, the susinnyi pomischiki hunted the villagers, that is, the village of dolnitsi lay down to be buried in yoga hands of chi ni. A dali lay zaporozkі "volnostі", kudi easily passed nezadovolenі his own zhittyam villagers.

Zhyttya Novorossiyskoy guberniya bulo burhlive: vplyvalo suisidstvo pravoberezhnoyu Ukraine, de continuation of the 30 stretches of rock trivala borotba, vidoma pid na gvoyu gaidamachchini . Selinstvo obedovistala insurgents proti kripatstva , scho all zmitsnyuvalosya. In 1734, the insurgents hunted down Bratslavshchina, Volyn, Kiyivshchina, Podillia. Pislya nevdach watazhki-gaidamaki tikali on Zaporizhzhya in the Novorossiysk guberniya, there zbornali novy pogony i znovu yshli up to Polsch. Chimalo vatazhkiv resembled the Novorossiysk guberniya.

The very edge of the alignment of the Novorossiysk guberniya all the cossack regiments on її teritoria has been reshaped to regular picnics shelves. The foreman ranked the officers' ranks, and the Cossacks priymalisya to quietly polkiv crowd. Щоб забутися панщини, note down to пікінерів нижчі шари суспільства: селяни, ігідпомічники, але виборні козаки рішуче відмовлялись від "пікінерного вербунку" і тільки під жорстоким примусом were written down in пікінери.

Привід to viyavu nezdovolennya given to punish deputies in Komіsії for storyannya new law. Kozaki soten, scho went over to the Mirgorodsky regiment, and Kremenchuk's own Vlasovskoe, were shot spirally with the pinchers of the Dniprovsky regiment, until they were assigned to the boule, the fate of the deputy in the deposited order. Вони потай від начальства draw their deputies: from Kremenchuk sotnі - Kozak Kochkonog, and from Kremenchuk that Vlasivka - the badge of comrade Denisov (Denisenka). The Kozaks wrote to the deputies, in some places they set up the adherence of the cossack camp. In Komіsії zvernuli respect for illegally obannya deputies. Denisov zareshshtovano, and Kochkonog not z'yavivsya to Komisii. Denisov was vetted by vtkti z-pid varti and z'yavishisya deputy Lubensky nobility, G. Poletika, the Cossacks Slobozhanshchina i s pikineryami Єlisavetgradskogo regiment. A deputy of the Lysavetgrad Regiment, having given the Catherine II soup to the prokhanmen to commit a cossack.

Krivava rebel on Pravoberejnіy Ukrainі 1768 року - « Коліївщина » - знайшло відгуки на Запоріжжі та in Новоросійській областнії. In the 1769th century, the "riot of picnics" of 1769 collapsed. Почався він у Царицинській сотні Донецького полку з того, що the deputy of Donetsk regiment Timchenko відмовився go to the winters with Туреччиною. Yogi podtrimali Dniprovsky and Donetsk pikinerskih shelves. Kozaki from the hetman's polkiv went to the rebel rebel. Sprobi priborkiti rebel buli nevdali. A great group of Zaporozhtsians came to the aid of the rebels and died a long hour at Orelly. On the cob of 1770 roku reyulyarny vіyska donskimi Cossacks appeared proti pіkіnerіv і otochili їх. Ватажків rebellion після жорстоких катутан забито і тіла їх "dragged through the villages for ostrahu іnshim". Baghdah is sent to Sibir on the old convict robots. So Pivdenna Ukraine suffered from the infestation of the Cossack fret.

In the remaining rock існування Запорізької Січі ботьба її з Novorossiysk guberniya nabula character postinoyї vinyi. Croke for crooks zapoplyuvalisya zaporizhky zemlі, prosyvalis settlement in the steppe. Zaporozhtsi ruined the settlement and took the leanness to their own "liberties". Pikineri, tsilimi villages went to zaporozhtsiv. Німецький мандрівник J. Guldenshtedt at his notes about Pivdennu Ukrainu rock 1774 writing, scho bagato пікінерських слобід повністю перейшли до запорожців; Vіn nazivav Zelenu, Zhovtu, Kam'yanka, Camel's ta інші. Відзначав вінше цікаву rice; Passed pikineri not from the primus, but kindly, and from the other side - the Zaporozhts took away to themselves the population of Ukrainian slobods, not torkayuchi rosiyskikh ("moskalіv", yak nazivav їх J. Guldenstedt).

In the settlement of Kuchuk-Kainardzhinskogo the world has been transferred to the new administrative branch of the Pivdenniy Ukraine. Zasnovano Ozivska gubernnia, to the anchor part of Livoberezhna part of Novorossiysk guberniya, land Viaska Donskogo, Kinburn y yogo okolitsami i Bakhmutsky povit. Реша території Новоросійської губернії зашилася під староюю назвою - «Новоросійська губернія».