Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


State of harmony

Існування The Hetmansky Power is hunted for a short hour - from 1648 to 1781, if the Russian Empire has permanently institutionalized the Hetmanska Power and changed it into a zvichaynu area - namisnitsvo. To Rock 1783 the remaining barns of the power fret are skilfully disappeared: Vijskov's organisation is that unselected village.

The Ukrainian state, from the very beginning, stuffed the character, the power-holders of the 17th century. The countries of Europe - the nature of the state, and the nature of the remaining form for the hetmaniv І. Samoilovicha І. Mazepi . Зберігається він і тоді, if at the XVIII century. Українська держава, під російською окупацією, втрачає свою незалежність.

The Ukrainian state was not roaring with a zhachichnym shlyhom, yak zahidnoevropeyskі sistemy, yakі poslіdnovno crossed the wings of evolutions from one formation to the other. In the Ukraine, Ukraine was not a bullet of such a long time, but also a Great Prince of Serbia and the Great Border of the Hetman state, and in the 17th century, if Bogdan Khmelnitsky cobbled the cobblestones of the new power, since the past had not been overflowed with nothing, except for spooges. To that power of the XVII century. Was created on the "tabula rasa", on a pure miсcі. Created vona pіd hour vіny, під гуркіт гармат, у полум'ї пожеж. We created її військовики, переможці, the middle of these Mayzhe did not boule civilnyh people із with its own traditions, yak boolo in Zahіdnіy Evropi. The very power of the small is called "Visko Zaporizka", but the name Zberigalasya th, if actually Zaporizhzhya lived its own zhittyam. Lisha at the XVIII century. Chiu nazvu deputy office "Mala Rosiya" abo "Malorosia" stosovno to Ukraine's Livoberezhna. Цей військовий character відбився на титулятурі всіх урядовців Гетманської держави, які до кінця існування її wore військові naimenuvannya і поeднунували функції військові з державними.

The Ukrainian state in 1654 did not infringe its sovereignty in the courts and in the official acts. Vishche bula vzhemova about those of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Pereyaslavl 1654 with the representations of Tsar Oleksiy bula in rozuminnyi hetmana that sergeant-major timchasovim vynnim union, podbnim until quietly, sho buli early. Цей союз з могутньоою тоді Московіею не зменшував незалежности України і не перешкоджав їй укладати нові unions и та коаіції.

1657 th рік buv culminating moment of B. Khmelnitsky's prestige, and at the same time і ne nelezhnozheniya Ukraіnskіі powers: the can of the koalіtsіya Ukraіny, the Sevenhgorod, ШвієївЂ заг †<†<the country itself; Війська українські та семитородські закупували Замостя, Краків, Берестя, Варшаву. Pinsk szlyachta beneficially received to the Ukrainian state; Wolin asked the protectorate of Ukraine.

In fact, look at the Russian students of Rosenfeld, Baron B. Nolde, D. Odinets, V. Myakotin, and nibito Ukraina, who lost their rights under the treaty. Навпаки, цей договір зміцнив ставище України, як держави. Himself B. Khmelnitsky vvazhal piddanstvo Moskvy, yak timchasovu that nominal form vzaemovidnosin. Characteristically, Moscow did not visagala vіd Ukraine "вірности" and did not blame the "zrady" for the contract, which Ukraine did. For Zahіdnої Europie, після Переяславської угоди, Україна was enraptured by the state. Archbishop Parchevim, ambassador tsisarya Ferdinand to B. Khmelnitsky, in 1657 rotsi nazivav Ukraine "glorious th voyovnicha Respublika."

Pislya death of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, korostayuchi weakened Ukraine, Moscow systematically namagalasya re-create nominalnoy formality to real. Tom in the "hetman's stati" rabbi zmіni, yakі mali for the meter of obmezhiti samoupravlennya y derzhavnyi rights of Ukraine. That is not zvazhayuchi at all in the "hetman's stati", Ukraine was enraged at Moscow before the XVIII century, as the state, in the Moscow region, and in St. Petersburg, as a treaty, sebto, yak, by the powers. So the boule in 1722, 1727 rock.

Stosunki Moskvy from Ukraine were settled in the XVII century. On the basis of the above charter - "Order Maliye Rossii", yak otitsitsyno nazivali Ukraine, abo pisnіshe - "Malorossiyskiy Order", on cholі yakogo standing boyar, a kind of not beating orders Posolsky Prikazov.

For Khmelnichchini, the Ukrainian state ob'єdnal bіlshu part ukraїнської території. Bogdan Khmelnitsky nimichavsky plat: "drive away the wolves for the Vistula", obednati whole Ukraine, ale not caught up with this zhobi.

Roku 1667 Андрусівський договір розірвав Україна на дві частини, з яких one was huddled in the nominarnoe zalizhnostі vіd Moskvi, and the other has crossed the real estate in Poland. Ales 1668 roku Kozatska Rada in Opisny demonstratively podkreslila, scho vona not viznaє minds Andrusivsky peremir'ya, і Україна об'єдналася знову під владою єдиного гетьмана - Doroshenka, schopravda, tsevalo a short hour, a fact to be filled with the fact. "Getmanom of Ukraine обох боків Дніпра був пролошений 1676 року Samoilovych - for a short time., Нарешті, наприкінці XVII st. Востнє об'єдналася all Україна під владою Mazepi.