Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


A) Getman

On чіlі Української державы standing the hetman . The prototype of the Ukrainian time is the Ukrainian power of hetmani buli viborni. I took the yogo of the General Rada, ala in the most obnanni not boolo firm principles. It was rival, but the hetman was robbed "alive", tobto to death. Such a "live" hetman Bovd Khmelnitsky that shetmani of the XVIII century. - Ivan Skoropadsky and Danilo the Apostle . Ale was charged in the "hetman's statati" 1669 and 1672 rockies, the right of the General for Radi to pogbazit himman vladi yakshcho vin "zaradit."

Yuriy Khmelnitsky, Ivan Vigovsky, Pavlo Teterya, Petro Doroshenko put their own mace on the General Directorate and de-okay for the "hetman's order", putting General Radov for the hetman. Zdebylshogo Rada asked the hetman to take the baton of the club and be absorbed by the hetman.

On Getmanshchiny there were two types of sovereign state: republican and monarchic. The Hetmani, the Yakis, packed the mace in front of General Rado, viznyuchi tim її zvernіst, especially Ivan Vigovskiy and Petro Doroshenko, boules as representatives of the republican type of rule, and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Dem'yan Mnogogrishny, Ivan Samoilovich and especially Ivan Mazepa were noses of monarchical origin. Tsia monarchical tendencies were manifested in pragnenni rule without the fate of Radi.

Another vyyavom monarchic beginning of the buli, try the hetmaniv vstanovititi spadkovist u svoe rodu.

The first, hto pragnuv vstanovititi spadkovu vladu in his family, bov Bogdan Khmelnitsky . Yogi nalіdnikom mav buti senior sin Timish, osuzheny z Rozandoyu Lupul. Nespodivana death Timos zrynuvuvala Hetmana, ale 1657 rock, vidchuyavachi near death, vin provivі obrannya on his attacker young sina, Juriy. The General Rada of the yogo turned, she inscribed the whole pile of Bogdan viciously. Zaberezglis malovnichichi described tsikh viboriv. The sergeant's sergeant seized the two parties: one was behind the hetman, and the other was behind the tradition of the traditional-defiling the hetman with vocal voices. Лідером цієї партії був друг, товариш і найближчий співробітник himman, general clerk, sebto chancellor, Ivan Vigovsky. "In the hvilin, if the share of Derzhavi ..., - wrote V. Lipinsky, - the agitation of the dynastic dances of the old, beloved hetman wrought a terrible catastrophe in the ranks of the sergeant-major." Getman lived all the zahodiv; Spotchatka vin blagav vidatnіshih predstavnykіv ershinshinsky opozitsіynoj partners; The general wasaway of Ko-Valewski, that Colonel Lesnitsky, having recognized Yurii's opisuns, and Vigovsky himself asking bogi as a yogic mentor. Ale did not help; Todi hetman pereoshov to teroru: punishing stratity Lesnitsky and shchotoryokh colonels, and Vigivs'ky - lancyugami to the ground prikuvati i bilya nіg svoikh trimav "not a little day".

For opozitsієyu the foreman put an opozitsіya u visku, sho boolo in Poland under the command of Colonel Zhdanovich. V. Lipinsky pripusvav, scho th himself Zhdanovich nalezhav to opozitsії, to the party Vigovskogo. Vіysko turned to Chigirin. Naslіdkom hvylyuvannya hetmana buv y nyogo sertseviy hit, vid yakogo vin і pomer. The tragedy of Ukraine is great; Through tsi zakoloti viskysku vona prograla vinyu proti Polshi. Tse tragicheskii epizod showing, yak gliboke bula antimonarhіchne korinny sered senior.

A friend of the demand was enraged in 1671, Dem'yan Mnogogrishny , yak calling his brother's offensive, Vasil, an imposing hetman. Tse pissed down the enchantment of the sergeant-major to the Multi-girlish and hastened the yogi's perdition.

I trytu zrobiv hetman І. Samoilovich : vіn hotіv transfer the mace to the elder his own sinovі, Semenov, але that died young. With another sine, Grigoriєm, batko mav pogganі vіdnosini. For a new candidate for Hetman vvazh I. Samoilovich is a young sina, Jacob. It is possible, but the perspective for the elder mother of the sluggish hetmanis to the family of Samoilovich, inflicted bugalos and posled the most hetman himself: the senior sergeant helped in 1787 the fate of Usunuti Samoilovich. "

The fourth is the purchase of Bull. Mazepi , a kind of prapnuv play in Ukraine to absolute power. Ale is not a straightforward mav. Senior nebizh yogo, yakogo vyn hotyv zbabiti naslidnikom, Colonel Ivan Obidovsky, zagivnuv pid an hike on Swedes in 1702 rotsi. The young, Andriy Voinarovsky, did not give much weight to the nose of the Hetman's club. Pislya death Mazepi in Bender, Voynarovsky did not pretend to the mace and was satisfied with Mazepin's fall.

The rest of the boole was sold for Kiril Rozumovsky. To Rock 1763 part of the foreman of the fold to the royal order of the petition, in which the hetmanship for the Rozumovsky family was confirmed. Tsim was guaranteed to preserve the state nature of Ukraine-Getmanchina on the distant hour,

- Pishe L. Okinsevich. Tse dobera rozumila Katerina II, yaka hotla, shob "sama іm'ya hetmanіv bulo zabuto." At the helm of the senior sergeant, the hetmanat vzagali.1

Hetman mav neomevzhennu vladu: vіn buv head Derzhavi, її reprezentantom at vsіh zvonnіshnіh stasunkah, the head leader of the army, administrator, legislator, it was evident at the sight of univarsal; Hetman bouv to the prosecuting court, before a jishly appealed to a judge; Він мав право затверджувати вироки. Він мав right to solidify the viroki. Moreover, Buli kategrії people, yaki korostalisya privilei i і not pіdlyagali zvichaynimi courts, and tіlki hіmі hіtmana. Tse buli bunchukov comrades and riznyh kind of individual, scho perebuvali pіd protektsієyu hetmana, widi ta dіti vidatnih dіychіv. Hetman often himself acknowledging the general's rank as the sergeant-major. To the fund of "vinyh viaskovichy majetnosty" vin grasping earthly manastirami that we enlist the persons for the service that for the riches. Nadannya cich lands was subject to Hetman's universals. In the 17th c. Hetman s konkuruvali in tsomu vіdnoshennі moskovskі tsarі, ale nadannya zemlі kings Buvaev not often i stink deprivation zdebіlshogo pіdtverdzhuvali nadannya getmanіv.

At the XVIII century. The lord of the hetman boula is exchanged for the post-Soviet Russian resident minister, for the control of the hetman. За кілька місяців until the death of Hetman I. Skoropadskogo, міністра замінила Малоросійська Колегія . Zhadne rozporyadzhennya central vladi not a little were strong, yakshcho not boo-boiled tsією Колегією. For Danila the Apostle, the resident-resident has opted for a special installation

- міністерську канцелярію, у віданні якої були насамперепер політичні cоvіth thаt inform. From 1734 to 1750 the function of the hetman was handed over to the Board of Hetmanski Ulyu - the settlement of the head of the Russian seniors; Competence of the Board of Governors of the competence of the hetman.

Getman K. Rozumovsky namagavsya zvіlniti up Ukraine od rosіyskih SET i rotate derzhavnі traditsії, ale vzhe rusifіkatsіya Ukraine so poglibilasya scho reform Rozumovskogo could not vіdroditi old tune. Skasuvannya getmanskoї Vladi on sutі Chrest puts on mozhlivostі further іsnuvannya Ukraїnskoї powers, navіt in formі powers zalezhnoї od Russie.

1764 року Друга Малоросійська Колегія цілком перебрала competence and function Хетманського Уряду. Skasuvannya Druha Malorosіyskoї Kolegії in 1781 rotsі meant vzhe іnkorporatsіyu Getmanskoї Ukraine Rosіyskoyu іmperієyu, peretvorennya її on zvichaynu provіntsіyu: її shelves skasovano, teritorіyu podіleno on gubernії, organic Vlady, yak tsentralnі so i mіstsevі, zlіkvіdovano i intercede zvichaynimi rosіyskimi install.

Protyagom vsogogo hour існування Гетманщини Україна waged a struggle, and that bagato was littered with nichinism, unbroken. Not installed in the capital city. For Bogdan Khmelnitsky vona bula in Chigirin; Nadal Chigirin was full of the right-bank hetman, P. Doroshenka; Yuriy Khmelnitsky, on the hour of the third hetmanuvannya, zrobiv his residence Nemiriv on Podilli; Livoberezhny hetman, І. Bryukhovetsky, Mav the capital of Gadyach; D. Many-captain of the capital before Baturin, and for Mazepi Baturin, the boom of excitement behind the Zagorodians of the European capitals. For zrazkom Versailles rezidentsіya Mazepa Bula pose mіstom, beagle-rіvtsі de standing pishny getmansky Palace, s great zalyami, scho boule prikrashenі portraits paintings that viznachnih muzhіv Europe. The middle of them is a beaver portrait of the "King of the Son" - Lyudovik XIV, who had a very high opinion of Mazepa. There, boules - biblioteka, koshtovny museum zbroї. The palace is the otchuvav park. All zenshchishev Menshikov in 1708 rotsi.

The Ostanja capital of the hetman's boule in Glukhov, a sort of buvo of inspirations and visions of garrings, pishnyam temples. A breeze of the hetman with parks.

Hetman Mali vlasnі іnsiґnії: mace in formі wand s kuleyu nagorі, zdebіlshogo ozdoblenoyu precios kamіnnyam, that horsetail. Bunchuk buv zapozycheniyu u skidnіh narodiv. Tse buv rіd banner, the holder of a highland nakorni Kink tail.