Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Ukraine for the Mikoli I

Mikoli 1 was cognized as a serious reaction. Usya Rosii, the bula has been reorganized to the hearings of the centered administrations, while the absolute monarch is standing on the floor. Greedy vyyavu nezalezhno duma not allowed. Spravdi, yak pisav Shevchenko, " in all the yazikah all mow ." . . The coercive terorish was heavier than in Ukraine, while the yak experienced systematically Russification in the slanting slabs of life. Rosіyskiy уря вживав усіх заходів, Щоб затерти будь-яку відмінність України; Name "Malorossia", she officially registered "Ukraina", she often joined the term "South-Western Russia".

A) The nobility . On Pravoberezhnii Ukrainy, the Polish insurgency was intensively spreading the land of the Russian nobility, to whom they confessed the confiscations of the Poles of the mast. At Лівобережній Україні кількість російських поміщиів була менша, але уряд сприяв прейсуненню російських дідичів і туди. In Південній Україні - "Новоросії" - distributed rosіyskim uryadovtsyam zemlі, yakі zalishali shche nezddaniemi po Potomkina.

B) Mista . Shche naочнішою була за Миколи 1 русифікація українських міст . The Ukraine was contracted for trade, it is important to stop, nizh Ukrainsk. -У структурі міст вони посідали вищі місця, як купці 1 та II гільній, тоді як українські купці здобували здебільша III гільдію і в рідких випадках П. У значних містах українцівкупців relocated to the center of the mest on the "edge".

In Kiev, the cobs of quietly merchant dynasties were pledged, they were trimmed in their own hands before the revolution of 1917th rock (Dygtyaryovi, Masalitinovi, Lucinsky, Fomilini et.).

Поволі торгівля passed to the hands of the Russian merchants. At fairs, more than in the past, there were products of Russian goods. They brought a crash from Moscow, Moscow, Volodimirsko, Kostromskoy. Nizhnyonovgorodskoi, Voronizko, Orlovsky, Kaluzko, Tulsko provinces,

Інше становище loaned the capital of Ukraine: Odessa was awarded the "porto-franco" - the right without a limit, was filled with a cosmopolitan city, de traded, Crimea, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, French, Bulgarians, etc.

Цілком відмінний nature of Mali міста і містечка pravoberezhnoї Ukraіny, de deported wait, after them - Poles і naimenshe bula ініїїнців. At the foot of the river Pravoberezzhzha there is little vinyatkovo village. І here you go to the russia in the civic rusifikatsii mist zustrikali streaming.

C ) Villages . The number of country peasants in the various categories has changed signifi- cantly. Pavlo 1, distributing to the people of Livoberezhna Ukrainy 150.000 villagers (600,000 yaku, giving birth to all the імперії), and by 1796 roku having expanded to Pivdennu Ukraina. Відтоді становище поміщицьких селян has knowingly погіршало. Those, sho in the XVIII century, written for 1783 rock, from a legal look boule prikriplennyam peasant to the ground, because it did not happen, in the XIX century. Turned into slavery on the ground. Vin lost his rights, did not cease his rights for the contract and changed his mind to the "Inventor", the power of the deal, a kind of money for him, and the same: "To translate to another place, sell to the land of chi without land, with homeland chi okremo, obmniati," For the saber "to Sibir.

Дідич був судею кріпака, і навіть міг судити cоvім між кріпаком і aside special. Дідич розпоряджався обистими справами кріпака: міг выророти його шлюб abusive primusiti odrotishsya for your own vibor, you can take it for servicemen abo turn "to science" to a biscuit, chobotarya, kravtsya, painter. The vital bush for kripaka was translated to the pansky court in the role of a servant, lokaya, pokoveki, stajnicogo, mashgalera, and to the court of the great pan - in the "artist" theater. Sochi kripaki vstrachali svoe gosartarstvo, the earth and lived on utriannnyi pan in povnyі vіd nyogo zalezhnostі. Дідичі мали the right of karati krіpakіv різками, а деякі з них мали навіть свої вязязниці, de vzhivali tortur. Zvichayno, tse not boolo zagalnym yavishche, alle importantly those, scho pani mali right to life kripaka.

In the first half of the XIX century. Dіdichі поширюють у своїх маєток різного роду промислові підприємства, manufakturi, zavodi і translate to them villagers, vidrivayuchi їх цілком від ріллі, abo використовуючи лише в осінніх та зимових місяцях.

In the first half of the XIX century. You have changed your minds. At the XVIII century. Screamed with a heavy plow, which was pulled by three betting waves. Дідич був заинтересований в том, щоб його селянські родини були заможніі и виставляти по three пари волів. In the XIX century. Poichayayut vzhivati ​​preskonalіshogo plow, sho vimagav odnієї pari voliv. Such a rank did not increase the consumption of the poor peasants of the villager, the Navpaks, the dichi boros bolshe need for a peasant "robotnik", bo vin pratsyuvati і na fabritsi chi in manufactory.

Кріпаки - чоловіки й жінки - відбували панщину , і цебввх head obov'yazok. Panshchina not bula nevertheless: on Livoberezhyniy Ukraina won, it became important 3-4 days for tyzhden, and on Pravoberezhnnyi Ukrainy reached 6 days. At Pіvdennі Ukraіnі, де була lack of krіpakіv, panshchina була менша: не більше як 2 дні на тиждь.

Panshchinoyu was not interchanged praca kripakiv on the Pan, for all gospodarstva Buli nish інші повинності: вони мусіли вовити firewood from LISU. Send them to sell zbizhzhya, lay that lagoditi shahi, bridges, davati panovi kurei, geese, inovy ​​ovets, calves, corvs tochno. ZHinki mousili zbirati mushrooms, dawati egg, canvas, spicyly thin.

Brief the bool of the settlement of the villagers, yakis ashlis "for quitrent", tobto dstavali right rally dіdichevі sivnu sumu grishmi y mashkati, de vony want. "Obrochni" villagers pratsyuvali on places yak remisniki, yak service in the hotel, yak visits, servicemen, etc., etc. Chimalo them zovsim pirivali in the village and in the ancient state, a part of it was strewing their homeland in the village.

In 1830-their rock is encroached on the number of so-called "townsmen" - villagers, who did not mali their state and were sent to the Pan Utriman. In the 1840-their rock on Livoberezhna Ukrainy, the number of "mishyacchinas" reached 25% of the world's number of cranes.

Збільшення армії й постійні війни вимагали рекрутів. Under the law, recruiters recruited special comrades for the lot, for rozkladtsi in the village - lay in the village of villagers. Aly pani Mali right viddavati in the soldier be-whom is his memory his own kripakiv. The building in the recruitment became one of the hiring karts for the peasant, the service in the army of trivala 25 rock in the grievous minds, and little htom vitimati taumi dovgyy hour, and yakshchoy d rotated to the dodom, then zhedylshogo invalidom.

The villagers were joking at the entrance to the heavy station at the beginning, at the school, at the protege, and at the end of the 19th century; Kol Pravoberejna Ukraina opisila pіd vladoju Rosії, and in Pіvdennіy Ukraіnі takozh it is demanded krіpatstvo. Another way to wake up from the grievous station of the buli for the villagers is a rebellion, as in the 19th century. Stayut cheoraz chastorishimi nabuvayut gostrishih forms. There were vipadki, if dozens of syllables appeared. 1819 roku at Pіvdennі Ukraіnі, protesting against the settlement of Vyshkiv, settling 250 сіл, понад 20.000 селян. Nevpinno vibuhali rebellion then on Slobidsky then on Livoberezhnyi Ukrain, alibi naibilshoi were forced to live in the wilderness in Kiev, Kyiv, Volinsky, and especially Podolsk. On Podilli vastazhkim vatazhkom becoming Ustim Karmelyuk, which in the course of 25 rockovs keruwav insurgents, kilka raziv buv zaslany on Sibir, ale tikav and turned to dodom. Він грабував поміщицькі маєтки, а здобч роздавав бідним. The fate of the 1835th yogi is hammered, and 2,700 yogo spirits are attracted to court. I Im'ya Karmelyuk warn the Ukrainian people in the glory of the Messenger for the people's cripes.

The situation was becoming deodalized, and I came to Mikola 1 prišov to the entrance, but to the treasure in akkis spisib skasuvati kripatstvo, ale not zstrstrziv pidtrimki zboku nobility. Stvoreno spetsіyalnі komіsії, yakі mali opratsyuvati otvu selyanskoe reform, a wong nichogo could not zrobiti through opozitsiyu gentry.

In reality, in 1838, the governor-general Kieivsky, D.Bibikov , genuinely grumbled his confessions : having robbed a battle with the Polish gentry. The protagonist of 1840-1844 rock special compilation turned out 64.000 dribbling gentry, yak was not able to bring his rights to the nobility, and they were attributed to the village villagers abode. For the proposal Bibikova pripineno rozdachu in orendu maetkiv, confocal 1831 rock. The land is transferred to the villagers, and such a rank is given to the property of the kіlkіst zvіlneno vіd krіpacchini.

For ініціятивоію Бібікова року 1841 в Київській, Волинській та Подільській губерніях "инінтартарі" has been added to the quiet, які були in korolівських маєток у Польщі. In the Inventory the character of the rozmіr of the peasants' duties was designated precisely. For rozglyadu Inventivі zavmotovano spetsіyalny Komіtet u Kiivi. Viyavilosya, scho povinnosti in panskih mates (filed 8.437 Inventory), boli soi-riznomanitny, scho on pststavі їх can not bslo vstanoviti standard inventory. The Comitet of the warehouse was brought to the very wake of the events, which confirmed the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the " Inventory Rules " rule .

Zgіdno z "Inventorynymi rules" the land, as though the villagers were creeping in, was plastered in the upper corridor; Panshchinu vstanovlyulyalosya in rozmіrі 3 dnіv for cholovіka і one day - for жінки - з "тяглого" годарства, sebto such, in yakomu були конібо conducted; Yakschoo z y gosdarstvі ne boolo ni konei, ni BOLIV, panshchinu vstanovlyulyuvalosya rozmіrі 2 dnіv cholovіka і one day zhinki; The holy panshchina fenced. All kinds of duties were taxing. It was not enough to endure "panschinnyi" days from one tyzhna to another one from one month to another. It was forbidden to live a wife for the burden of pratyu. Дідич мав the right to reserve a panshchina in the field for a panshchinu at factory, or not the right to transfer villagers to dvorakiv. The samovol dіdіchіv shchodo shlyubіv селяні, інчі in рекрути, засилання on Сибір is enriched.

Zvichayno, go Bibikova did not lead to lіkvіdatsії krіpаctva, аlу zavіdki "Іnventarnym rules" made active control of the visіnіynі між pomіschikami th krіpakami, vіznachen interi pomіschitskoy vladi. Practically, the value of the "Inventory Rules" was no greater than that of men, there was no control over the number of people in the village, and the villagers gave zbilshuvali panshchinu that zmenushuvili nadili selyanskih land.

Treba dodati: those who are zombie for the settlement of the village of villagers D. Vibikov - "the sergeant-major of the tsar, corporal Gavrilovich Bezruky", yak calling yogo T. Sherchenko in "Yurodivoy", "zavziyat retscioner, the gates of all the liberal dumas ... jakraviy satrap-samoduri ", Yak characterizing yogo vidatnyi іstorik D. Doroshenko, - zvіv nanyvets bibikov's attack on the becoming governor-general, prince Vasilchikov, lyudina is cultured and liberal. Dіdichi-Poles, yakі could not reconcile themselves to the obmenzhennykh їхніх rights to krіpakіv, zvertalis to Vasilchіkov with prohannіi that skargs, and він seeing "доповнення" to "Іnventarnyh rules", yakі їх actually paralyzed. Unalisok chiogo, - yak pokaviv doslidnik M. Kornilovich, - "the schools of the pressures over the villagers did not boo so hard, at least in the hour."

Unhappiness in the innovation reforms was manifested in post-mortem zavorushenney: villagers vidmovlyalisya vikonuvati panschinu, і dіdichі viklikali polіtsіyu vіys'ko. Bezposednyo pislya introduced reform on Pravoberezhzhy vibuchlo 55 buntiv. At the same hour, more than 30,000 villagers flowed away from Kiev. And vzagali in 1826-1854 rock ru r Ukrainі bulo 126 селянських восстань, and in tsіlій Російській імперії - 624. Крім rastan, bulo bahado vipadkіv ubivstva dіdichіv.

Naybіshe rebel vibuchlo 1855 roku pіd hour Krimskoї vіny, if the russkiy detachment having seen the manifest, in yakomu, beside neppevnih virazah zaklikayuchi of the villagers, join the army in the army, obitsyav їm poleshshi. The Manifesto, written in the Russian language, was read in the churches, and villages of Zozumli, but in the king's cry, he wrote to the Cossacks. The stubs stopped vikonuvati panshchinu і pochali, vimagayuchi vіd svyaschenikіv, shchob led їх before the oath. Svyaschenikiv, yaki tried to clarify the dysynic zmist manifesto, they beat for those who do not like "haway will." The insurgents hunted the village of Kiev, where it was populated by a cognac. Strangled by a yogi vyskoyuyu force, with chyu tysyachi villagers punished with riches, and honeycomb - sent to Sibir. All tsya podіya distala nazvu - «Kiyivska kozachchina 1855 roku».