Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

B) Bukovina

Roku 1774 Austria, Warsaw, Poland, Poland, Poland, Poland, Poland, Poland, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Lithuania, Poland, Lithuania and other countries. Austria motivated tseim, schotsya teritoriiya nalezhalya kolis up to Galicia princedom and ili in the XIV century. The Moldavian gentlemen, the Moldavian gentleman protesting against the Austrian occupation, the yogic overhead, the Turkish sultan, who gave the zigzag, protested. Tsia krayina became the main reason for naming "Bukovina", yak bulo in the XIV century. Acts of time Bukovina ruled Viaskovoe vladoiu, a la 1786 roku її priadnano to Galicia, і so vobuvala vona until 1849 rock, if it is visually fixed yak osibnu provintsii.

On Bukovinі, on the hour of the transition, її під владу Австрії, було 69% українців, 26% румунів і 5% інших національностей: інівів, вірменів, греків, угорців, німців, поляків.

The first part of the Austrian authorities was granted an intensive education until Bukowini rumuniv із Moldavії та Семигороду. Tsya іmіgratsіya, and takozh falshivі іnformatsії rumunіv austriіyskomu ulyadovі spied on that in Austriytsiv, uyavlenya folded, nybi Bukovina vzagali rumunskoyu kraїnoyu, і in schools, the whole territory was rested in pro-Ravujuwati rumunsku mau.

The Austrian government transferred very low reforms, to wake Bukovyna in the presence of that zadnebanoi, I was pestering him in one. 1781 rock kripatstvo zamenno panshchinoyu for the agreement of the villagers із panami. Rock 1783 bulo nasnovane nimetsku that rumunsku schools. At perekonannі, scho bumovnist Bukovini rumunska, Austriya recognized on administrativnyi landed rumuniv, yaki rumunizuvav Bukovina.

Приєднання Буковини до Галичини in 1786 році it is a little negative. Naslidki. Polish gentry Galicini did not allow the villagers to settle down and spread the polonization and that latinization. To Rock 1808 near Chernivtsi, a Persian hymnazium was founded with a latin dragonfly. At pochatkovyh schools, the Rumunka was given by Polish polls, not even by Ukrainians. With the help of a wholly laid bouleau, the privatized Ukrainian shelters were blown up, in some way by the deacons. So the schools were called "dahivka", and, alas, zvichayno, boolo-zachalo. Domagannya vprovaditi Ukrainka in the shkivnomu navchannny pidtrymuvala Lvivska Greco-Catholic consistory, with Metropolitan Mikhail Levitsky on choli, or positive vryadova vidpodіd not zmіnila spravi, scho Craiova Shkilna Rada virishila, scho Ukrainians, children are guilty of embracing Polish authorities.

The liberal regime of tsisar Yosif II for the yogi of adversity was affected by the reaction. Especially the reaction of the Vidensk congress of 1814 to the rock became hot. Hoch osobiste kripatstvo boolo skasovane, villagers were sunbathed in the economy of the countryside and in the neighborhood of the panshchina. The village of the villagers on Bukovin was much grievous; Gnit zbishshuvalo those. Scho selijani buli Ukrainians, and the Pani - it is very important rumuni.

The first half of the XIX century. I became acquainted with a number of villagers' zavorushin. Hutsulshchina led the way. Hutsuli , the head of the rabbits , such buno animals, lived in the wilderness of all the other people's lives. Naprovesnnye stinkers drove their thinness to the Poloninia, to the gypsy passages, and the vimogi of the landowners, the Hutsul gubed into the panshchina, and the couriers shouted. The smell of stink zvertalisya to the court, alle zdebylshogo progravali spravi. Todi povstasya rebel , yakі in the 1840-their fate ocholiv villagers peasants Luk'yan Kobilitsya .

Rock 1848 insurgency in the territories, pits in Austria - Italia. Чехії, Угорщині, Галичині - відбилися й на Буковині. Буковинські посли були у Львові, in Головній Руській Раді. Rock 1848, on the Constitution, back to the Bukovina before the parlor at Vidny; The midst of them is the drill of L. Kobilytsia, who for the sake of the autonomous autonomy of Bukovina is the transfer to the land of the townspeople. In the case of the paralytic, all the posts became in the state opositsiyu up to rumuniv.

1848 rock, після розв'язання парляменту, Kobilitsya znova pіdnav rebel, yak hunted the whole Bukovina. Bukovynsky insurgents mali zv'yazki with insurgents with the wire Koshut on Ugorshchin. Insurrection of a little social character - of the villagers, the nationalities, and the nationalities - of Ukraine against the Austrians and rumuns. Kobilitsya having set her own mind to create an autonomous Hutsulshchina, yaka pіdlyagala b tіlki tsіsarevі. In 1849, the rebellious boule was deceitfully subdued. L. Kobilitsya became the hero of his people, and the death of the yogi was saved by the legend of that song.

Borotba for the Autonomous Oblast closed 1861, if Bukovyna was recognized as the "crown region" of Austria, with the title of a matter, with subordinate administrative bodies: the first body is the central detachment; Yogo reprezentuvav reckonings of the Austrian party kraiovy President, I pimped at the old age, the heads of other bodies - autonomous government, sho was stored in the Krajowy Soymu - parlyammentu, on which stood a marshal, najvischea persona mіscevoi self-government, ta Craiovy Vіddіlu - виконавчого органу, якпі recognizing місцевих урядовців . Actually autonomous institutions were in the hands of Romanians and foreigners, and the Ukrainians did not succeed in completing the search for Ukrainian customs for the order.

Vidovlennya Bukovini yak naremogo edge vіdilosya na її національному відродженні. З 1870-them rockів посилюється ботьба українців із румунами за національну окремішність, one side, Тс германізацією - з another. Bukovina has a vicarious relationship with the Ukrainian people. Rock 1869 is based in Chernivtsi, the " Ruska Besіda " partnership, the Persian organization in Bukovina, the falcon - the whip, the yaqa rewritten on the literature, the comradeship. It was pronounced vono until 1940 and I played a role in the national vidrodzhenny chyogo edge. Prote, in the partnership visibilah rozbizhnіst poglyadіv: Більшість належала до москвофілів, які all "єdinu zagalnorussku moivu", and the menshist bula for the people Ukrainians. Rock 1870 is based in Chernivtsy half the partnership " Ruska Rada ", and in 1875 the same place is the location of the Ukrainian university in the cathedra of the Ukrainian language.

Stanovishche Bukovynsky Ukrainians cried in the 1880s of their rock, if the provinces of the Ukrainian zorganizovannogo zhitty perekali peoples: vlyadyki ім to parlamentu vislano natsіonalne svidomikh posliv. Velikie znachenny mali іnshі chinniki: one side busted moskvofilsky ruch, a whack of lykaty austrian detachment, vaslidok chogo, shob obmezhiti yogo, given bolshe liberty in natsionalnyh pitanney Ukrainians; At the same time rumuni scared the detachment with denunciations of "moskvofilstvo" of Ukrainians. On the other side, the Austrian detachment vtrachav довір'я до румунів після того, як 1878 року, внаслідок російсько-турецької війни, румунсьсьі воєвідства - Moldavia ta Voloshchinu - joined in an unlawful state - Rumunia, the yak rock of 1881 became a kingdom. Rumuni in Bukovina was appointed to Romanian rule. Avstriyskiy uchar pochav із більшою увагою ставитися до українців.

1884-rd rik acquainted with the permutation of peoples in the "Ruskii Besidi", the mosques of the Muscovites were forced to appear, and in 1885, Peoples have perebrali провід in "Руській Раді". Togo rock "Ruska Besida" began to vidavati national chasopis "Bukovina". In addition, the hour will be set for Bukovina's bagateness of Ukrainian comrades, that number, the number of certain rock 1914 reaches 590.

Until the day the periode nalezhit dіyalnіst vidatnih pisatnikiv: о. S. Vorobkevich, G. Vorobkevich and O. Yu. Fedkovych, meaning I for the Bukovina pobivnyaetsya v znachennyam Shevchenko for Ukraine. Sered Bukovynsky pupils of those gromadskikh d yachiv cholovi mistsya nalezhat: prof. S. Smal-Stotsky, M. Vasilkov and O. Popovichev.

In the form of the Ukrainian provinces, in the ideological struggle for Ukraine, "I", Bukovyna in the course of another half of the XIX century. Small contacts with Galichina ta Naddnipryanskyu Ukraine. Буковину відвідували: Я. Головацький, O. Naumovich, O. Bavinsky; The great mallet of Mali - M. Dragomanov, O, Koniski ta іnshі.

So, at the turn of the 19th century, the table was set up to call the Ukraine, and the buoy was to pay for the purchase of Russia, and for the land, but for the purchase of Austria.