Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

B) The Church on Bukovina

Priluchennia Bukowini to Austria in 1774 caught the Orthodox Church in the very edge of the suburb of the family of єparchy: the part of the Part entered into the Paradise in Radvitsy, the other - the Mensh part - to the Suceava єparkhії. The builder of the buv monastery is Metropolitan Yaski. The Austrian detachment is not bash, but the Orthodox Church of Bukovyna pidlyagala vlad Metropolitan of foreign powers. Tomu tsisar Joseph II having seen the 1781 rock "patent", yakim viddano all the paras and the manastiri in the intercourse of the Austro-Ukrainian Bukovyna Іпископієї (Дозофієві) Херескулу, єпископові Радовецькому. Pislya that Metropolitan Yaska zrіksya svoeї vladi over єparhієyu in Radvitsy ta in Suceava, and Dosifei іmenuvavsya bishop of Bukovina. Together with the fate of the episcopal cathedra, it was transferred to Chernivtsi, the city of Pishnu was left enchanted with a Consistory. Acting hour of the bishop of the boulevard, unseasonably, to the rock of 1783 is entrusted її to the city of Metropolis in Karlovitsy of the Sremskys, near Slavonia Tsebula Serbian Orthodox Church in Austria. At the warehouse, Bukovynska Tserkva perebuvala until 1873 rock.

At the first hours of perebuvannya pid Austro-Byzkoi vladoyu Bukovinі bulo kol 20 manastiriv that skitiv with 466 chentsami that 88 niggers. Naybіlshі манастирі були в Putnі, in Dragomirnі, in Сучаві та in Сучавиці. 1782 року австрійський уряд зліквідував 14 менших манастирів, а церковні маєтки secularizing. З тих маєтків - лісів, орних полів, рибних ставків, що дорівнювали четвертій частині площі Bukovini - the "church-ruled fund" is located on a regular basis. Розпорядження fund a boul in the hands of the government in Chernivtsi, under the zagal control of the Austrian class. For the ragoon, the monastery, the churches, the middle schools, the Bogoslovsky Institute of Chernivtsi (1824), the Bogoslovsky Faculty of the Chernivtsi University (1875), the 1860th residence of the metropolitan and the catholic church in Chernivtsi, were missed.

The Orthodox population of Bukovina was stored in Ukraine, they called themselves "Rusyns", and rumuns, yaks called themselves "wretches." Ukrainian buli by the autochthons of the found parts, descendants of streets and tiverts. Resentment of the people spodividali orthodox vіru, і to that українців often nazyvali voloshi, not nadaayuchi znachenna natsіonalnіy різниці.

Nairobi znachennya for istorії Orthodox Church on Bukovinі mav metropolitan Єvgen Gakman (1835-1873) . Він був українцем, але багато зробив для румунів; Kosht ​​religіynogo fund rumunso rumunsku gimnazіyu in Suceava rumunsku real school in Chernivtsy. In the Theological Institute I became a literary woman, Rumunska, and not Latin, yak bulo raniche. Alle Metropolitan Eugene ripucha, having appeared before the householders of the Rumun Metropolitan, that he had to come to Bukovyns'k єparhiyu to Rumunskoi Metropolitan. 1873 року він obtained from the Austrian occupation of the town of Nezalezhnyi Bukovynsky metropolitan area, before being anchored і Church in Dalmatia. Eugene Gakman Buv the first Metropolitan of Bukovina.

Another merit of Yevgen Gakman was the fall of the Fellowship of "Ruska Besida" in Chernivtsi in 1870. "Ruska Besida" ob'ednala natsionalno-svidomikh Ukrainians, teachers, priests, politicians. Before the Fellows lay, S. Smal-Stotsky, Jury Fedkovych, oo. G. і Є. Vorobkevich, M. Vasilko, that інші діячі.

Zrununizovany Ukraine, Metropolitan Sylvester Andriyevich-Morar (1880-1895), admitting to all the villages and cities of the Ukraine and the church on the church floor.

Негагато міг зробити an offender of yogo, Metropolitan Arkady Chuperkovich (1896-1902), scho lishe shіst rockів having met the metropolitan cathedra. Golovne, scho zrobleno for yogo pravlinnya - tse ukladennya catechism that pidruchnika relgії Ukrainianskoyu.