Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

C) The Church in Zakarpattya Ukraine

Church on Transcarpathian Ukraine in the XVIII century. Vyishla z-pіd іnozhnostе vіd latinskogo є bishop in Ерлау-Єґері. Mariya-Theresia piedtrimala pragnennya Zakarpatska of the Ukrainian Church, ale tilki 1772 roku papa Clement XIV having been satisfied with the prokhaniya and progolosiv samostinichist Mukachivsky Unyatsky bishopric. The first bishop of Mukachivsky Buv is Ivan Bradach. Він firmly borasya proti latinizatcii Churches i obostyuvav skіdnіy ritual.

Кінець XVIII ст. Buv "golden doboju" church and city of Zakarpattya. In the specialties of Іbiсopів І. Bradach, especially A. Bachinsky, who became a front man of the Vidensky court in the right of Zakarpattya, vono little nichrashchih church diyachiv. Vazhlive little value moved to 1780 r. The fall of the episcopacy of Mukachev to Uzhgorod and the burial of eparchy seminaries there. Mariia-Teresia was attracted to Zakarpattya, respect. Vlastivo - for the Transcarpathian clergy fell asleep vona seminary Barbareum y Vidnі, і тільки згодом до тієї семінарії began приймати allії українців греко-католиків.

Roku 1776 Mariya-Theresia punished severely dodderzhuvatisya rivno-pravosnosti Unyatsky and Latin katolitskih churches. The bishop became a member of the Soymu, the clergy of the Bullo Zvilnene in the Vyss'ke Commune. You can achieve this in the Austro-Ugorschin, de Boulo Poles, and not in Poland. The adversaries of the Mari-Theresii-Yosif II and Leopold II-were punished by the misdeeds of their rightfulness. Materially Uniatska Tserkva bula well is protected by surplus rheliginogo fund.

Rock 1816 is new to the city - Pryashivska єparhiyu.

The clergy of Zakarpattya enchanted the national ruin. Low dystatnyh diachiv pushed pidnesennju a body of culture. Prote, інтелектуали, що вийшли з кола A. Bachinsky, could not transfer their forces and customs to Zakarpattya to Russia, de posili znachny posi: P. Lodiy, Yu. Gutsa (Venelin), M. Baludiansky - yak professor at university, І . Orlay is the director of the Nijensky Liceum, Puppeteers are yak writers.

Українізація Transcarpathia trivala bad hour. Після Віденського Конгресу австрійський уряд, poboyuyuchis заворушень слова'янських народів, підтримав мадярів, Щоб забезпечити ім ролю панівної нації в Угорщині. Madyarska Mova distala the rights of the state authorities in Viaskiv, administrative and spiritual establishments of those schools.

Ugorsk the rebellion of 1848-1849. Not znajshlo pіdtrimki on Zakarpatty. Vidatnі zakarpatskіі діячі, and the middle of them о. O. Dukhnovich, the canonical capitulum in Pryashev, sings, istorik and teacher, the sorcerer was placed up to that day, Fr. O. Dukhnovich zorganizuvav at Pryashev hurtok pisatnikov, akky putting an active proveriv madarizatsii. The active adversary of the Ugorsk region of the Buv A. Dobriansky, having co-ordinated before the Head of Russia Rado at the Lviv program, the Galichini settlement from Zakarpattya to the autonomous "crown frontier" near the warehouse of the Habsburg monarchy. Pіznіshe Dobryansky ocholiv delegation of Transcarpathian Ukrainians to Franz-Yosef І, yak domagalasya contrariness in the intermissions of the Ugorskie "Russkogo voyevidstva."

Tsі domagannya did not give anything. Navpaki, Madyarizatsya pissed. Sered zakarpatskoy інтелігенції, zokrema sered clergy, prichavsya roskol; Part її ugrshchilasya, part, yak protest against ugorschennya, recruited moskvofilskih moods. Zrostalo perekonannya in the power of Russia, yaka zdushila ugorske rebeland і може захистити українців від угорського гноблення. Orthodox spread in Zakarpatty. A fusilier propagator of the Muscovite community in Buv. І. Rakovsky, editor of the "Church News" (1856-1858).

Bishop Stefan Pankovich (1867) puzzled the ransom of the Moscow mobility. Pid yogo vplyvom back to the "Society of St.. Vasilіya Velikogo »opposing moscow factions. Він having folded the protest against the Ukrainian priests at the congress in Budapest, yakі A. Dobryansky on the estate were intending to enter without a clandestine rite. Спроби його довести різниці між релігійними звичями росіян і українців posted a call for training мадярів. Rock 1871 congress at Peshtі in Ukraine in the Autonomous Church. Pankovich was billed as a renegade. Pislya nyogo unit recognizing the ibiscopal Lisha "Madyaronov", the peregrins of Ugorshchina. Nishchilosya vidannya religinogo natsionalnogo zmistu, zanepadala diyalnist "Society of St.. Vasiliyya Velikogo ", the settlement of Zakarpattya Galichini was violated. On Zakarpattyi they wrote with a slang jargon, while standing in the middle of Russia and in the church-words of the mosque in the house of the mosque.

Zakarpattya was falling. "The deprivations of all kinds of explanations of the Ukrainian side of the Ukrainian intelligentsia (clergy), as though powerlessly, all zmadi-rizuvalasya vidchuzhilasya vіd its people," the people opinivsya pid mіtsnim vplyvom madyar through school, church, order. Until then perenuvav sin in the terrible bastards. Naslіdkom tsiogo stanovishcha bula emigratsіya to America. Since 1870, they rocked and reached the end of the 20th century. Viiemirovalo to America 200 ° / o natural increase.