Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


A) Pochotkova school

Nizhcha osvita in the collegiate Hetmanschinі naprikіntsі XVIII st. Zanepala. Todi yak in 1768 on the territory of Maybutny Troyokh - Chernigivsky, Sosnitsky and Gorodensky - there were 134 schools in the school , one school fell on 746 souls, 1875 in the same campus school, and one school fell to 6.750 dwellers of the population. The villagers themselves exaggerated, and for them, kripakiv, was always suffering.

On the cobble of the XIX century. Perevazhna bіlshіst шкіл була парафіяльними ; Крім того по містах були повітові школи, кількість яких поволі збільшувалася: 1807 року, наприклад, at Києві було 4 parafіyalnykh i 1 повітова школа . On the cobble of the XIX century. In schools, they were about to get used to the method of "llykakerskogo" navchannya, sebto vchitel dozruchav to stealing the teachings of the nazchati іnshikh; Such a method of znushshuvavriti significantly to pay for pedagogical personnel. On the cobble of the XIX century. Shirya schools for soldiers' synov, t. "Schools of cantons."

The middle of the XIX century. Characterized shvidkom rozvitkom progressive people, scho hunted susispilstvo. Pіднести освіту в народі було загальним бажанням передової частини суспільства, яке непляплячи очкукувало звільнення селян. It was implied in the well-known science galuses of that mystery. Vystupayut progressivnyi teachers-M. Pirogov and пізніше - K. Ushinsky, yakі pervannyu pittannya about the public school, about navchanannya rіdnoyu movoyu.

"Laying 1864 rock" about the schools gave more liberty for the їх поширення: різні відомства, the clergy, the comrades, the private individuals, the right to defect the people's schools, pre-trial programs to the digital minds. Prior kerіvnitvva shkіlnimi pravami allowed predstavnikiіv mіskogo znakomedvannya zemstv. "Povoznya" gave the priests the right to see for religin that moral navchannya. Two typed knobs were installed: one-shot, three-handed, three-legged, and dvoklasovi-to the navians with a stretch of rockets. Усі школи підлягали міністерству народної освіти або Синодові. Aly lіberalіі ідеї 60 th rockів зustrіchіsya v posilenlenyam retsіії, yaku viklikal polski rebel 1863 roku, і novim pereslіduvannamі brїneńskoї moivi. It was not possible for the Duma to introduce the Ukrainian language in the schools; Fenced off drukuvati підручники українською мовою, і all навчання bred tіlki російською мовою.

Prote, svizhy straight through to shkil: bagato studentov, zapoplenyh narodnitsvom, deprived the university and iyshli vchiteli up to the native shkіl, shobo carry ovvitu peoples.

W 1870-their rock is great value at the right of the people's eyes Mali zemstvos , they organized a wide shkilnu meshzhu, dbali about kadri vchitelіv, organizuvali vchitelskі seminarії, gave koshti for utriannya shkіl. On the cobble of the XX century. 84% of the kostyas were given zemstvos to schools, 14% - Ministry of Education and 2% - spirituality. Progami shkіl, organizovaniyh zemstvami, zalishalisya ті, які gave the ministry.

Sered pochkotkikh shkil in the middle of the mosque nalezhit "nedilnim" schools, yakі z'yavlyayutsya zv'yaku z zagalnym vyvolnim ruch kyntsya 1850-1860-them rockiv. Pershu nedilnu school in the Ukraine is based in Kiev in 1859 rock. Teachers in ny buli studenti university, and uchni - deti remisnikiv. Навчання have spent in неділі that sacred. Незабаром відкрито ще кілька шкіл у Києві, at чому учнями були вже і діти, і дорослі - здейільша робітники. Wikladali in them, krim students, teachers, teachers, professors and universities. Behind the butt of Kiev, nedilnyi schools were registered in the other towns. Wants mali dobroynyny character, the teachers did not support the payment, and on shkilnyi vitrati sacrificed a few private individuals. Uspih cih shkіl zanepokoev tsar's regiment: the fate of 1862 in the Ukraine bulo їh is already 67, since that day 9 at Kiev. The fate of 1862 nedylny schools zlikvidovano.

On the cobble of the XX century. In Ukraine, they were ridden by organizovati nedil'ny schools , in some cases, it was important vchitlі, vchitelki, progressive інтелігенція, and with the teachings of buli more expensive.

At Galicia, at the hour of priluchennya її to Austria, pocatkova osvita stood bowed low. The goals of the school were "dyakivki" , de dity navchalisya readi y pisati. Rock 1777 The Austrians' Order verified the reform, having requested the summons. Trivial schools for the small and small cities and towns - for the larger towns and monasteries. The Nava Navcha a Bula Nimetska. For Yosef II, the confiscation of church mates, a shkilny fund has been founded, and they saw a farthing for utriuvannya shkil. Кількість шкіл was growing. One after another, for the orders of the пискоbiopolis A. Byliansky and M. Rillo, there are parasitic schools in the towns, de novo ukvali Ukrainka. Alya in 1792, the village became re-established: Greek Catholic clerics were buried in the schools of Relia, and children of Mysili went to the Roman Catholic bones. The sight of the Navians is entrusted to the Roman Catholic clergy, and the Navalmen began to provoke the Poles. Zavodyaky cloaked metropolitan Levitsky that Bishop Snigursky vdalosya achieve permission to navkaati Ukrainian in the schools, de overstated Ukrainians, or practically practiced in the hands of the Roman Catholic clergy, did not admit the Ukrainian language.

On Bukoviny until the Austriansky occupation, the schools of the buli at the time of the monastry and the sound of stars. «Дяківські». Pislya austrіys'koї okupatsії vystok chashbyvalysya nimetski shkoly - trivialny - z nimetskyyu moovoy navchannya. Girsh boulo those, scho Austriansky regiment vvazhav for the people moMu rumunsku і nadisil vchitelіv z Transilvanii.

The Bukovinian settlement in Galichina in 1787 could have been used to finish the shkilnu to the right, or on the dolly up to the evening of that time the Polish people had come for the Polish, yak obovzyazkov. In 1816 the schools passed over to the Roman Catholic conscience in Lviv, and did not recognize the Ukrainian language. Кількість шкіл зменшуваласься, бо українська людність neohotche posilila detey to stranger's school. 1792 rock on Bukovina boulo 32 national schools, and on the cobble of the XIX century. Тільки 15: 1 - німецько-румунська, 9 - німецько-волоких, 1 - угорська, 1 - вірменська, 3 - румунсьсьі і жадної української.

Roku 1869-1870 vyishov law on pidstavi yakogo shkilnitsvto Bukovinі became rozgortatisya. Rock 1896 boule there 335 shkіl, in number 131 Ukrainians; Всього in різних schools українських, німецьких and румунських - навчалося 20.000 українських дітей. By poіtovіh містах були німецькі schools.

At that hour on Bukovin, the struggle between the masses was "sharpened" -the so-called "backbone" of the Russian writings was written by the "b" -and the peoples, the paragons of the people's phonetics, and by the yogo- S. Smal-Stotsky. The phonetic orthography was introduced to Bukovina in 1895. Багато допомагали розвиткові шкіл Bukovini vchitelі, yakі primusheni buli tikati z Galichini, de Panovali Poles.

On Zakarpatty at the turn of the ХVІІІ-ХІХ century. Шкільна on the right stood досо високо, the head rank of zavdyaky to approaches of bishop Андрія Бачинського. 1793 rock boulo 300 shkіl, scho їh exasperated the church hulk. At that time, in the Zakarpattyi, there was a stronghold, nizh in the smaller parts of Ukraine, and then the Ukrainian land gave so much of the visas to those pupils. In cich schools navedali Ukrainian customs, and in the active ones latinal. Після угорського повстання року 1849 кількість шкіл збільшилася.

Pislya Austro-Ugorskoe plebe zstanilosya zminilosya. Počalos ugorstchennya Zakarpattya, і in the state schools nuvchanya mono became ugorsk. Natsionalno malosvidome villagers eagerly endeavored to keep the shkіl, shob do not exaggerate with the Ukrainian kost of Ukrainians. The number of Ukrainian ukrainian cataclysmically changed: rock 1881 boules 353 schools from the Ukrainian Navoi Navka, rock 1899 tolki 88, and 1906 to 23.