Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

4. The State Duma

On the 17th October 1905, the blunder of Derzhavnoye Dumi with legislative rights, to be confiscated by competence, is vain, the law can not be destroyed without the gratification of the prince Dumi. II грудня 1905 року дано пояснення, хто саме матиме виборчі права: землевласникидідичі, власники будинків у містах, усі, хто мав to the extent of hollowness, хто діставав платню або пенсію; Mali has the right to represent the villagers to those workers. This is the rule of law of the bully. 20th day of the year 1906 New "Poslozhnya" about the State Duma was created, for somebody there was installed a bicameral parlament: 1) Derzhavnu Radu, yaka іnuvala early, became the Witches Chamber; Half of the membership is small, but half is recognized by the order, and 2) Derzhavna Duma . Zhadne rіshennya Derzhavnії Dumi could not buti without approbation Derzhavnoї For Radi; On grasped by Derzhavnoy Rado, the skin of the richen came to the Tsar to harden. 26 quarters of 1906 the new law was proclaimed by the new law, in the order that the tsarist rule should be imposed, and the legislature should be vested with the two chambers: Derzhavniy Radi i Derzhavniy Dumi. Vibory before Derzhavnoy Dumi was given the right to use opositsynymi elements. At this time, the hour of a certain world, when the instrument was used to insure the rebellion and rights of the organizer, made the tsar not to give constitution, but zberigati autocracy.

Виборці поділялися on 4 курії: 1) землевласників-поміщииків 2) міського населення, 3) селян і 4) робітників. Курії мали неднакове число голосів: поміщики мали найбільше, бо один голос поміщика дорівнювався 45 голоса робітників; Пролетаріят великих міст діставав мізерне Number of Vibrants: from Moscow, наприклад, тільки 17 робітників мали виборче право. Navpaks - villagers distali bagatom mіsts to that, sho udar spodіvаssya, scho vony dadut people conservative поглядів. The order of living in different places, do not let them go to Dumi nezazhanikh osib. For cowboys roamed the cowards, wound up the ships, arrested the people (individuals, yaki buli piad arrests pod sildіstvom, not mali nі active, nі пасиного right to voice). Especially the guest rescheduling the detachment of the progressive press: if the hour, if all the editors of liberal newspapers were banned, they canceled the sliced.

Dumi was formulating the Ukrainian Community of Hromada, and 45 people joined in. Golovoyu її buv lawyer і gromadskiy діяч з Чернігова І. Shrag ; Sered members buli: V. Shemet t P. Chizhevsky - in Poltava, M. Bilyashevsky that baron F. Steingel - for Kiev, A. V'yazlov - for Volin. Parlamentary Hromada is small, its most prestigious organ is the Ukrainian Herald, M. Slavinsky is the editor of the boulevard, and D. Doroshenko is the secretary. The journal took the fate of the best-known sciences of Ukraine: M. Tugan-Baranovsky O. Lototsky, M. Grushevsky, 1. Franco, O. Rusov and іnshі.

Політичною плятформою Української Парляментарної Gromady була автономія України. M. Grushevskiy, laying down the declaracy, yaka is small, but she is vigilant with the Duma tribune with her head. Hush.

Увесь час відношення між Думою і урядом були is publicly available. On the Decree of the Supreme Council, the Duma shall review the chotmara with the following: 1) in front of the Duma, 2) skasuvannya Derzhavnoї Radi, 3) the primusovaya vidchuzhenna pomishchitskikh lands on the creek of the low-landed villagers, and 4) amnestії zasugenim for polichnichnyi spravi. Arrest for all points. Після того Дузму зустрічала вороже всіх міністрів, and урядові в tілому висловила "недовір'я". The promo deputies drank in the width of all empire.

Pislya rozpusku Dumi 180 її deputies, it is important кадетів (серед яких були й українці), zibralisja at Viborgu (near Фінляндії, яка мала автономію) і укали заклик до поселення - не давати солдаів до армії і не платити державних податків.

Dozabarom pislya rozpusku Dumi vibuhli rebel in Sveaborzi and Kronstadt. Zbylshivsya teror: for the 1906th rik scored 768 th injured 820 predstavniknikov vladi. Novy Prem.'er-minister P. Stolipin pochav reformes vsoyogo uryadovogo aparatu і - rishutchu borotbu v revolyutsionnim terorom. For an hour, leaving not Dumi boule, it is trespassed Vyss'kyi judiciary, for virokami such is strained by the extension of rock to 683 osib.

In the period from 1907 to the rock, vibory was sent to the 2nd Derzhavnoy Dumi. At the time, the greedy parties did not boycott. Nespodіvano for a lot more yak half of all deputies vibno zlivih parties; Oktyabristіv, z pomirkanivah - tilki 32 і rule - 22; Reshata deputies of the bula in national nationalities that are without partners. Ніхто з депутатів 1-ої Думи, які підписали Viborzku deklaratsіyu, not mav rights bouti we will turn up to 2nd Dumi.

Змінилося співвідношення депутатів від України: із занального number 102 лівих - соція-демократів, трувивив та та Constitutionalінних демократів (к.-д. або або кадетів) було 65; Від центру - октябристів, мирних обновленців, поміркованих та правих - 29.

U 2-i Dumi теж була Українська Gromada, sho small 47 members and seen a chapel - "Ridnu Sprava - Visty z Dumi". They did not drink the promo membership, Hromadi said. Hromada domagaalsya autonomy of Ukraine, mіssevoї self-government, української мови у школі, суді, церкві. In order that the students of the pedagogical colleges, the Vimagala Gromada, the secular catheder of the Ukrainian language, literature and literature in universities, introduced the Ukrainian language in the teaching seminars.

2-ga duma lisnuvala depres 103 days; 3rd chernyat 1907 roku її it is dissolved. It is recognized novy Vibory, with the chom vibortchii law is meaningfully changed. Vibori up to the 3rd Dumi, in the autumn of 1907, were given 50 rules, 71 deputies-right, 27 nationalities - at once 148 rules; 154 октябристів; 28 "proresresistov." About 54 cadets, 13 Bolsheviks, 20 Social Democrats, 26 Poles, Lithuanians, and Musulman; Лівих - 141.

The new vibrochy law of 1907, however, was changing the basic law of the Duma, but yogo was called "a powerful coup". Vin giving a helper to the great landlords and changing the number of deputies of the villagers is that of the robots. In the Poltava province, for example, 38 villagers have voted for 117 vybortsіvvelikih landowners. Багато українців it was opined at the tirms, on zaslandni; Zbіlshilas emigratsіya for the cordon.

Not zvazhayuchi on the basis of that, the Ukrainian diet attracted respect to itself in the 3rd Dumi: nadto bo veliki buli dosyagnennya Ukraїncіv in the red awnings of the culture and economy. First of all, I thought that the Duma should be respected by the bull, that the whole Ukraine should be shkilnik. In 1908, 37 students submitted a draft for the Ukrainian Navoi in the parochial schools. Tsey project viklikav protest zbok chornosotennikh posliv that "Club of Russian Nationalists", i yomu not given a go. Rock 1909 Professor of Kyiv University I Luchitsky put the food in the Ukrainian courts in the courts of Ukraine. Nutrition takozh viklikalo protest і boulou funeral.

In 1913 rotsi, in the drive to the budget, a number of oratorians zvertali respect Dumi va self-government admnіstratsії in Ukraine. Vidatnі postley - A Shingaryov, P. Milyukov, O. Kerensky, G. Petrovsky and іnshі - freedom of national liberation of the autonomy of Ukraine, and Professor S. Ivanov, a vimagav cathedra of Ukrainian identity in the universities of Ukraine. Together with 1913, Bishop Nicon Vimagav introduced Ukrainian art in schools.

Ці прикди свідчать about великі досягнення українців за XIX століття.

In 1907-1912 the rocks reacted. In the 3rd Dumi, I play the griffins of october (154). Dumi's head is Octobrist Khomiakov, and Pislya nyogo is S. Guchkov, he is Octobrist. З-тя The Duma of the adherence to the law of the rechenets and bula was dissolved in 1912 rotsi. 4-th Duma viyavilasya lіivіshuyu, nіzh 3-tja: u niu bulo on 150 predstavniknikov in the rules of these parties and 130 oktyabrstiv that "tsentrovikiv." Oktyabresti 4-oy Dumi buli bilsh skilnі to opozitsії і not once joined the spilk zlivini parties. The head of Dumi is opposite to the Octobrist - M. Rodzyanka. Vnasledok new vyborchogo law selanstvo Ukrainy bilo podbavlenie rights vyshalati predstavnikiv to Dumi. There were no breezes of the Ukrainian faction, and for the introduction of the Ukrainian language at the national schools of Ukraine, there was no more bilo in that hour, if there were few people, the Caucasus was being deprived of school by a tiny monastery; Дістали її також татари, естонці, латиші.