Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

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By not giving a piss to the manifesto of the 17th October 1905, the reaction was rocked . The Tsar's regiment got on all the zahodiv, the law obmeshiti, yakі obitsyano manifesti, and adhere to absolute autocracy. It was aimed at the very title of tsar, in which I uttered the word "autocratic". The detachment was subjected to "chornosotenni" parties and animals, it is important in the villages of the villages to be ruled out. Ob'ektami pereslizduvannya znovu steel zhidi, and before them it is doled out українців та білорусів. Rossiysky detachment vvazhuv cultural and Ukrainian ruk for transitional steps to the state separatism of Ukraine, which is not in the binoculars. Nosії російської влади persisted, пo українці "I want to admit Ukraine to the Russian state in the self-government with its own hetman, its ambassadors and consuls to foreign powers, its coin system and its own viashnym Vyss'k." Otzhe, in his own pobyuyannney stink viperedzhali polichnichny pragnennya Ukrainskih diyachiv, scho not ashley gave autonomy.

Obizhnik P. Stolypin 1910 roku zarachovuvav Ukrainian people before the "alien" and zaboronyv be-yakі Ukrainian authorities, Bo "ob'ednannya on the national curtains to the national national wedge". Roku 1911 Stolііgіn, explaining the report, schо "історичним zavdannyа російської державности є боротба з рухом, у теперішнім часі прозваним українським, що містить у собі ідею відродження старої Україні I will arrange malorosіyskoї Ukraine on autonomous national-territorial basis."

Mayuchi is so directive, the landlord of the land has started to oppose the Ukrainian authorities: "Prosvity", Ukrainian cliquies, libraries are closed; Zharoneno sell ukrainian books, navigate the gospel of the Ukrainian language, їo її vidav Synod, that grammar: fence Ukrainian concerts, afishi, viviksi and t. N. In Kiev, closed "Literacy Partnership", sho існувало коло 40 років. Alya vse tsi pereslyuduvannya ta represії viklikali pobrotnu retsііy: stinkers primushuvali people, shoo ranysh ostoyon Ukrainskogo pitanya, stavishsya to ynogo it is important, bo rezglyuzdya represi boolo nayavne.

In 1914, the rotsi group defended the day of the Svyatkuvat of the people of Taras Shevchenko (11 days); It is not tidings of zbori, manfestation, but the day of the panahidi. Zrozumilo, scho all tse viklikalo protests on all Ukraine, zavorushennya, arresti, viklyuchennya studentov із shkіl. Навіть у Держаній Думі. After a protest. Treba say, scho nislya short zaspokoєnnya, in universities znovu rivals "gatherings" and strikes. Students nachevmissne screeched the reaction of the people's people - Schwartz, and even more Cassau. Svoshi unlawful stuffs stinked curiosity about the lack of college students, or even professors: the rock of 1911 colo hundred professors and associate professors from the Moscow University to protest the protests of Kasso. Behind them was a group of Professor Kiyivsky Polyechnitskii Institute.

Represії viklikali novіі заворушення in factories, factories. In 1912 rotsі zagalniy strikik viklikav roststrіl 200 ta prorenennya shil bіlshogo number robіtnikov on the "Lena mines". On the sign spivchutty villagers, those robots vishstovuvali demonstration. Students of universities have struck a strike.

Represії уряд, які мали хаотчний nature, викликали у різних партій прагнення об'єднатись. Roku 1908 іі українські політичні діячі об'єднались на загальних засадах конституціоналізму и парляментаризму, незалежно від проірії даної партії. So the new organisation was established - the Ukrainian Postupovtsiv Association (TUP) , yak became єdinuyu Ukrainian party. Vaughn little kernivny body - Radu, yaka scrolled periodic z'azdi.

Поволі налагоджувався contact з російськими прогресивными партіями та окремими діячами. In 1913, the Russian federation of autonomous republics and federations with representatives of non-state peoples of Russia stood on the national-territorial autonomy; They took the fate of the federation - the Ukrainian and Ukrainian representatives. Pervoured porozumіnnya mіzh TUP, dumskimi fractions trudovikіv ta constitutionalheskikh democrats (kadetiv), yakі zobov'yazalisі staviti pidtrimuvati ukraїнські домогання in the sphere of cultural and national self-determination. Stronger appeared proivodniki cich groups at Dumi with the drive fenced off at Kiev's svyatkuvati table in the day of the people of T. Shevchenko. Doom vpereshe rozgornulasya povazhna discus in the Ukrainian language, and the world has coped with great enmity. To Rock 1914. To the drive of the rally of the svyatkuvati from the day of the people of Shevchenko, the stick of discourse was seen, and in the yakii navіt dehto, the rules of consecration were obeyed by that fence. The high dignitary, the striker of V. Kapnist, the Count Kapnist, having shown that the fence of the svyatkuvati is from the day of the people of Shevchenko - the education for the country of Ukraine.

"Ukraine vysev vyyavil its power and vplyvi in ​​Rosii," - writing M. Grushevsky.

Taka Bula Ukraine for the first time.