Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

3. Revolution of 1917

On the cob of 1917 in St. Petersburg, bought 200,000 "spare" soldiers, such as Mali hanging in front of the front. Once upon a time, there were stinkings of one living thing in the populated areas of the city, and they were easily pushed through revolutionary propaganda, such as Bolshevik. At mіstі not було надійних полків. Vipadkovo, through snizhni zaviryuhi, 23 people were harassed at the bakery in the bakeries, and in the capitals there was a swishing of hvilyuvannya. Zastraykualo 90.000 робітників. On the streets there were demonstrators with shots: "Down with the war!" "Down with the autocracy!" Demonstrators huddled, if 24 liutogo in kramnitsy z'yavilosya to finish hliba. Ніхто з адміністрації not having poured that рухові of the important value. Derzhavna Duma Hotila bula vikoristati yogo, schob achieve vidpovidalnogo Ministry. And in the course of an hour on the volcanoes, they shoved the posters. Bullets are hammered in the middle of the field, і козаків, і робітників.

25th day the breakout of the rule of the Derzhavnoye Dumi on the camp of tizhniv was proclaimed. The rebellion flared up. At the curses accosted to the ruin of the regime. Twenty-eighth day before the insurrection, the Volynsky Reserve Regiment was stationed, and the Yakim boolo had bagatoes of Ukrainians. Not zvazhayuchi on tse, not zvertayuchi respect for zmіtsnennya vplyvu revolutionary parties (eseriv, esedekiv and bolshevik), yaki keruvali zavirushenni, kabinet ministri not pressing rukhov znachennya. Tomu scho Derzhavnu Duma Duma dismissed, zurganizovano 27 лютого Тимчасовий Комітет Державної Думи, до якого ввійшли предвники різних фракцій Head of the Comitet is facing the head of Derzhavnoї Dumi, M. Rodzyanka. On the same day zrevolyotsionizovana Masa turned "Radu robotnichih that soldier's deputies." Two detachments had lost their way, with the real power of the bula in the hands of those soldiers.

On the 1st birch Day the Rada saw the order of Part 1 ". Tse an order in the installation, the soldier seized the regiments, the battalion of the mouth comiteti; Scho in polichnichnyh right soldier rumhayut tilki svoїh komіtetiv ta rad; Scho kasuyutsya - "chpnopochotannya", tituluvannya, "honor of honor" and others, d.

Timchasovy Cometet Derzhi Gno Dumi not vpadach nadi ruhnuvati ru and not bachiv, yak zrostala s.iyarad revolyutsіynih organizatsiy. Additions be realistic. The Comittee of the Preserves and Dumi, hammering on the mood of the most important command of the army, visiting in the capital city with the introduction of objective information about the host of speeches. In Stavtsi, in Mogilev, de perebuvav golovnokomandvach, tsar Mykola II, that yogo headquarters, they were disconnected, unconscious telephones from M. Rodzianka, і vyschy veenachalniki - komandivach pivnichnogo frontu, M. Ruzsky, that chief of staff of the head marshal M. Al'ksssev - bullets perekonan В силі Тимчасового Комітету. In the capital, yak і in usіy Rosii, not boolo nosyya sovereignty: tsaritsya, yak bula Actual regent, little oriєntuvalasya in podіyah, and krіm addition opykuvavasya svoyї dіtmi, scho тоді всі хворіли на кір.

27 лютого in Стацці it was held about the insurgency in Petrograd and the fate of Vyoma Viaska. Mikola II having seen the order of virginity against Petrograd above the regiments with the wire of General M. Ivanov, who, having pressed the dictatorships on the same day, and the same day, 27th day. Himself poehav to Petrograd. Alya in the road hall of the halls, the royal backbite, and the wine of the first birch-tree, poured 40 years into pricelus up to Pskov.

Generali M. Ruzsky and M. Alekseev, oderzhuyuchi optimistichnі інформації з Petrograd about the contact між The Dumsky Committee and Rado robots and soldiers' deputies, they crossed the tsar to the date of the war on the outside world and the meeting of the M. Ivanov poits to Petrograd. Ці інформації не відповідали дійсності: the insurgency was widening, in Kronstadt the sailors scored the bagat of the senior officers that admiral Virena. Rodzianko that інші думські діячі вірили, що zrechenchenya tsar napinit insurgency, and at once to the commanding officers of the army, yogis perekonyali zrektisya. Ale Tsar zriksya is not deprived for himself, but for his sina, he does not have the right. By his manifesto transferring his brother Mikhailov, to him, he received the invitation.

So in the 3rd birch of 1017 rock in Russia, the tsarist dynasty clung to the monarchy itself.

Use, sho robilosya in Petrograd, zalishalosya taєmnitseyu for all імперії that front. About the rebellion, they knew the Talks in Petrograd and those commanding fronts, they did not know the truth, and that was the reason for that owner of the Timachovy Committee, not for the sake of sake. For the sake of those soldiers' deputies.

Dvladdya devalya miraculously. Prote, Rada of the robbers. That soldier's deputies in the vimagal of the Timuchas Uyezd, do not bazhayuchi brothers for themselves vidpovidanosti. Timchasovy Order of Mav diyati to sklikannya Installing Zborіv, scho povinni buli vstanoviti form of the power: monarchy chi republic. Warehouse Timhasovogo In a row of buv voids of the 3rd birch. The prince G. Lvov stood by yogo cholis: by the most prominent members of the Buli ministri: P. Milyukov's lawsuits, O. Guchkov's Vyskivs'k, O. Kerensky's judiciary, and O. Kerensky during the day, becoming a popular one in Petrograd, especially in the Rady of the soldiers of the soldiers' deputies. Він був лівий ес-ер, і серед інших міністрів, it is important кадетської партії, він disregarding ourselves "we will lay". Ale spoletka vin korostavsya poshanoyu і sered ruled.