Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


1. Україна before Переворотом 29 квітня 1918 року

The Іdea to the hetman manat did not die by the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Revolution in 1917 roku zbudila in Ukraine pugnennya mati his power, pid hour Pershos great manfestatsії sred pravors with sotsyalyastnimi guslami buli prapori with wimogami - hetman. Uves 1917 rik shotshov in zagalnuyu hoeplennnyi sotsiyalistichnimi ideology. It was built, but the strength of the cichid of the bull was not possible. Characteristically, Що ТУП (Association of Ukrainian Postupovtsіv), yak існувало коло 10 років як понадпартійне об'єднання, після 1917 року змінило its name to Partію Соціялістів-Федералістів. At the meeting in the Kyiv University Studenti, the "polichnichnu freedom" rug was rife for professors to lie down before the amicable partnership, alle tilki - sotsialjastichnoi - sotsialjsgіv-revoltotsionerov chi sotsіyalistiv-demokrativ. At that hour, the tolerance is great. At the Central Radi Buli all, for a little vinyatkom, socialism, and vona easily knew the Spivna with the Bolsheviks in the battle with the "bourgeois" Timshasov Uryad, a sort of bouveau at the full of socialistic ideals. Borotba with socialism was not built up, ali piії різко змінили mood of the great part of the population of Ukraine. Pershe - unreasonable rush bolshevikiv, yakі may not zustrichali proyativu - і 5.000 troupiv u Kiev, yakі vizdnachili їhnyu peremogu. . .

To a friend is the polity of the Central Radium . Turn, pid nyuronoyu nimetskih bagnetiv, viklikav at masі populyarnya sorozhe abo at every time bajduzhe stavlennya up to Tsentralnoi For the sake of: people have tasted dovir'ya before the rally. Shkodila deklaratsіya Tsentralny Radi - zaupennennya, scho course її polіtiki, yakii giving naslіdku bolshevitsku okupatsіyu, and після неї - німецьку, to be lapped nezminnim. Deklyaratsіya bula goroshena Same Todi, if the population spodіvalosya zmіni.

It is a mere reason, Yaka sent a message for the Central For the sake of: not-nimetsky okupanti, yakі, having become a firm foot in Ukraine, vtruchalisya vnutrіshnі її spravi. Вони, уважно спостерігаючи співвідношення різних угруповань України, скоро зрозуміли, що уряд не мав міцного коріння і не міг забезпечити post-office хліба згідно з Берестеський договор. Avstriyskiy agency Z. Odesi and Kiyeva have formulated a certain order about the unpopularity of the authorities of the middle of the population. Count Forchach hanging on the ground to reserve the Ukrainian department of the Nymetskiy Governor General, and the radical reform of the Austrian detachment was respected for respecting nesvoachasnu.

One hour after the loss of popularity of the Central Radium, the ruch proti ne. Great Mas Villans and Myskoy people, pravnuli vstanoviti novy detachment - nesotsiyalistichny. Prior to the Central For the sake of zvertalisya delegates from the ranks of the prokhannys skasuvati land law. Vishche guessed about the resolution of the Lubenskoye z'azd. Analogic resolution was praised by Veliki Maly landlords on the 6th-17th quarter of Kharkov.

In Kiev, the Ukrainian Bulk Ukrainska Narodnu Gromada, before the anchors entered the bagatoes of the 1st Ukrainian Corps, the Corps of the Kozakivs of Vinny Kozatstva. Видатними діячами її були: M. Ustimovich, Gizhitsky, 1. Пащевський, V. Kochubey, M. Voronovich, V. Lyubinsky, M. Vasilenko та ін. Hromada visited tisnі stosunki from the Ukrainian Hliborobіv-Demokratіv, until the brothers V. і S. Shemet, M. Міхновський ta V. Lipinsky, and takozh stosunki with the Union of Land Vlasnikivs. In half of the square Hromada contacted contact with the commanders of the army. On naradі nіmetsі.ko ta austrіyskogo komandivnya virisheno, zvazhayuchi nemozhlivist spivprotsi z Tsentralnoy Radoyu, pidtrimati іnshu vlandu, yaka posledala b naslіdkom coup.

New regiment vperachalos utovoryti form diktaturi, z sovoyuyu vladoiu, without a people's representation, prinaymn for the first hour. For naykraschu form vladi it is known hetmanat. Candidates for the hetman were called ryznikh osib, in that number Є. Chikalenka, a baggage pomyschika, a distinguished gromadskogo dyacha.

Candidate Є. Chikalenka is an open-air catwalk. One of the reasons for this, the sky of the candidate himself, the skyline of the Neimetsky command, the Baghadokh vplyvivyh Ukrainov visuvati on the cholo of the power of the hour of the Gromadyansky vinyi tsivilnu manu. Pomizh інших кандидатів, zokrema М. Міхновського, був commander of the 1st Ukrainian Українського Corpus ta pochesniy otaman Vіnogo Kozatstva, P. Skoropadsky . The reputation of the eminent military leader, having been introduced to him, is a representative of the old Ukrainian aristocracy, with a glib patriotism. The founder of the family of Skoropadsky Buvo is the brother of Hetman Ivan. Stargate XVIII century. Рід Skoropadskih having given to a few species of dyaches. Mihailo Skoropadsky - one of the most popular women of Ukraine of the XVIII century. Yego sin, Ivan - deputy to the Committee of 1767 rock - buv nastilki popular medium kozatstva, scho yogo vvazhali for the candidate for the hetman. In the XIX century. Tytka maybutnyogo Getman Skoropadsky, Єlisaveta, on cholovіkovі Miloradovich, bula vidotnoyu ukrainskoyu diyachkoi. Vona dopomagala Ukrainian schools in Poltava and presented 8.000 Gulden in Lviv. Fellowship of the name of Shevchenko.

Українська Народна Hromada in kitsi kvitnya, leading the conversation with nimetskimi chinnikami, negotiated that the warehouse of ministers of the Maybutni class was signifying.

Nimetsky General Grener, which in fact keruvav usiєyu vіys'koyu reference nіmtsіv in Ukraine, z'yasuvav umvi, on some nimtsi pogodzhuvalisya on the coup. Головні умови були такі:

1. Viznannya beresteyskoy grounds .

2. Rozvjazannya Central For Radi.

3. Attendance of Installing Zborіv before the "urgent zaspokoєnnya" of Ukraine.

4. Pidlleglist polovim courts osib, scho vidupatimut proti okupantіv.

5. Вільна торгівля.

6. The vidnuvlennya rights of power to the land. Seljani maitu pay for nadanu land. Best of great maitkiv. 7. Payment for військову поміч Україні. General Grener pidkresliv, scho nimtsi greedy fate in the coup not britimut and pidtrymayut hetmana lishe nislya, yak vin bude oby.