Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


1. The director of Kyiv

On the 18th year of 1918, the director of the UNR cleverly entered before Kyev. At the Sofiyskiy Ploshchad there was a prayer and a parade. On the 26th the unit of UNR was sent to the head of V. Chekhivsky (USDRP).

Stanovishche novoye vladi boolo is a bit harder. The army of insurgents is great, it sheltered the triumphal ruin at Kiev. Roznanula z takoyu zhvidkistyu, z obaklyuyu was created. Masu її gave villagers, yakі, knocked down the Hetman regime, hurried to dodom, shob diliiti. Pans'ku land ( Central Rada rіshennyam vіd 26 грудня 1918 року was praised by the law about the transfer of pomisshitskoj zemelі to the villagers without vikupu). Ukraina bula is otochena wolves from the sysіx bokіv. At the entrance there were polski vіyska, yakі переважали українські кількістю і якістю. Negayno, pislya povalennya hetmanatu, posihivsya rus Sovetskikh vіys'k on the Ukraine, On південносхідньому cordon зростали російські антибольшевицьі сили під командою генерала Денікіна. Pivdenna Smuha, from Odessa, Mykolayiv, Kherson, Bula is occupied by the French. The Ukrainian order is not a mav spilnikiv, not a mav pidrimki. Німецька та австроугорська армії, які, згідно з мивим договор з Антантою, мали охороняти Україну від большевиків, leave the Entente, do not get over the self-interest, nesdatnyi buli to Borotby. Vonya tez rozlalisya і raptom turned around zbivoviksko ozbroєnih people. In all Ukraine, the Vimsko Trimalo "nevralititet", the soldiers built zboyu, amunitsiyu and they joke nagod to vizdu.

Stanovishche under the burden of heavy burdens, that is, all the yogo was not a boulement, not a boule of spinal lynn in half. On the other hand, on the first crooks, a detachment was adjoining, a boula of the struggle against Hetman that yogo. Director, yak zagadano vische, extinguished Hetman pose law, and skinny gromadyan, scho zostriv bi yogo, guilty buv arrest yogo і and transferred to the hands of the republican authorities. Partina Hetman's ministriks bula zaareshtovana, інші виїхали абоo have passed in підпілля. Areshtano vivezeno before the manastiriv - Metropolitan Antoniy (Khrapovitsky), писко bishop Єvlogiyya ta kilkok orthodox svyaschenikiv. Todi in Ukraine did not bully fill the Ukrainian Church, but the priests did justice to the negative attitude of the enemy. Znachnu part of the service is zvilneno. Був проект зліквідувати Українську Академію Наук, «як витвір hetmanatu». The decree of the Hetman's party is zanulovano.

It is buried to live in the Russian language. Punished zamenit: rosіys'kі vivіski on kramnitsah and those cards on the doors - Ukrainian and others. Zahisnikiw hetmanatu, yakikh is taken in full, uv'yazhni - part in Darnitsy (the rest of the fight for Kiev), and bil'shu part in Kiev, in the boudinku of Central For the sake of.

The structure of Ukraine is fully representative of the bula taka: the representatives of the political (social) parties, on the ear of infancy, have been praised, and they have been hiding the leadership of the director. (V.Vinnichenko's head, S. Petlyura, O. Andriyevsky, F.Shvets'ka A Makarenko). And legislators have the power to lay down the Labor Congres, "we will work the people in the opposite direction, without the participation of those who accumulate money." Such a structure, naturally, gave the enemies of Ukraine accusation of the Director in "Bolshevism.

In the rally there was a "people" understanding. Premier V. Chekhivsky nastoyuvav, scho the right to take part in the contest, the tales of the "working masses". Able viznavati for "working"? There are no rights to the rights of not "capitalists" and "agents", or to all the information: professors, lawyers, lawyers, teachers of the middle classes, etc. Distals viborce right vystavniki інтелігенції, які мали "безпосередні" стосунки з народом (лікарські помічники фельдшери , Vchitilі people's shkil, servicemen's office and etc.). So rozumili authorization "labor principle." Vikonavcha vlada nalegala Radi Narodnikh Ministrov, and the vlad on the streets Trudovim to the seljans' grants, the labor of the "labor and enterprise".

At the wire, not a bullet of the dive - nі polіtichnoї, nі соціяльної. Provid hot want to satisfy all the "working masses". The greatness of the yogi stood for radiansku plyatformu, for the alliance with the Bolsheviks against Antanti. Tsebuli: V. Vinnichenko, V. Chekhovsky, M. Shapoval, at once as the President of M. Hrushevsky. Another part, yaku pidtrymuvav S. Petliura, Bula for spilnu diyu yyuda z Antantoyu proti Bolshevik.

The two members of the Directorate lied before the Ukrainian Social Democratized Party of Ukraine (UPRPP), and that of the Party, which was scrapped for 10 December 1919, and a mother of great value. Alya did not see the signs of sight, the Navpaks-the two were heard: the "kiyani" of the zodiac stood for sovietsku oriectatsiyu (M. Tkachenko, M. Dragomiretsky, Yu. Mazurenko, M. Avdієnko and іnshі), and "катеринославці" were opposing Soviet (I. Mazepa, P. Fedenko and іnshі). The enemy was taken up by opponents of the Soviets, i thistles of Soviet Soviets, 10 delegates, vedeparuvalisya i zorganizuvali okremu fractions "nezalezhnyh sotsіyal-demokrativ."

Borotba with the Bolshevik Viseks of the Bula is thicker than the rod; Stinks vikoristovuvali chinese, yakі z fanatichnoy zhestdistyu yshli v biy. Kiev has become hopelessly hopeless. Masha got off for a long time after the cordon. Order ішов назустріч їй й форвав різні дипломатичні місії для виїзду на захід. Dozens of people їхали до Швайцарії, Риму, Відня, Paris with the great states of the kosty, scho "pіdtrimati prestige of the UNR".

At the beginning of the 16th anniversary of 1919, the mood was expressed: the representatives of Sichovikh Striltsiv, O. Nazaruk and Yu. Chaikovsky, were asked to suspend the dictatorship of S.V. Petlyura, Є. Konovaltsya and A. Melnik. Інші - O. Yanko та M. Shapoval - were tutored at the established Soviet authorities. Tolly Petlyura saying anti-Bolshevism. Bezpororodnist wire harnessed to zagalnii nastry. Ukraine, the middle of the dwelling has been squeezed by tighter forces-the Entente from the Bolshevik to the Bolshevism from the Pivnochi-not a small force for Borotby. Vіysko grew taller and grew more and more careless.

In such a state of affairs, the mayhem of the unprecedented sub-day passed, the yaka is small in importance: the sacred concordance of Ukraine, on the 22nd of December 1919 in the Sofiyskiy Ploshchas, the evil of the UPR-ZUNR was blown out. Representatives of ZUNR Buli: L. Bachinsky, L. Tsegelsky and S. Vitvitsky. Alya pid tisk nevidradnih podi holy passed dryly, quietly.

23-th of the year 1919 р. The session of the Labor Congress. A total of 528 delegates arrived and 400 delegates from Ukraine: L. Bachinsky, L. Tsegelsky, D. Vytovskiy, S. Vіtik, T. Starukh ta іnshi. Part of the EU-ers, she gave naiibyshe delegates, podililasya three streams: lіvu - "Borotbisti", yakі stood for sovets'ku vladu; Right, yaka stood for democratic socialism; І Center (під by the wire of M. Grushevsky, M. Lyubinskiy and M. Shapoval), having occupied the middle position of the right to the right and the present on the transfer of power, "we shall work for the rivals of village and rural deputies". Tsia group is small but 13 deputies, not zvazhayuchi to the presence of M. Grushevsky. The popularity of the yogi zapepalala, і on the head of Kongressu, not yogi, but S. Vіtica.

Situation, in which the Trudoviys Congress was busted, the bula was heavy. The Bolsheviks peeped to Kiev. Єdine pittany, I congress priakvyat respect, buv vibir oriєntatsії: chi on Bolshevik, chi on the Entente. Після промов представників уряду, ухвалено паркипямснт Великої Соборної України, and timchasovo, before scribbling iіpr-chymentom, legislated the ownership of that defense of Ukraine доручити Directorії of the UPR, before joining the representative of ZUNR-яко. Petrushevich. On the 29th of the year 1919 р. Congress has grown.

Borotbyu proti bolshovitskih viskys neskladyuvalo those on the basis of їх became Ukrainian parts, zformivany for Getman for defense Chernigivshchina vіd bolishevikіv - Boguns'ka y Taraschanska divizіїї. Совстські війська йшлі: на Україну without proclotting in the wings.

Naprikinsky leaf fall in 1918 in Moscow, the "sovietskyi detachment of Ukraine" and Sovietski Vyssa yshli were "utopted" for "personal support". The fate of the Ukrainians in quiet Viask polekshuvala Sovetsku propaganda i izkladnuvala establishment of the UNR. On the 1st of July 1919 the Bolsheviks occupied Kharkiv without a fight. Zaporizhky corps with otaman P. Bolbochan podavsya up to Poltavi, yaku dovgyy hour defending vid Bolshevik.

Політика Директорії не була быможна об'єднати українські сили: дух опозицій і з правого 'боку, і з лівого. It took a bit of time to get "overpopulated" in groups. Passed to the bik bolshevpkiv one of the naybіshih rebel groups, under the command of the otaman M. Grigoriyeva, yak before Timov dovgy hour fought on the Pesenni Ukrainy. They have no more people, no more director. Перейшов на бік большевиків anarchist Н, Makhno зі its own great pen, garmatami. Він діяв в районеі від Гуляй-Поля, Кременчука до Катеринослава. Shche bishe znachennya mav perehіd na bіk bolsivikiv Dniprovskij divizіїї, що stood bіlya Kiєva, under the command of the otman D. Terpil (Green). Vona priinyala Bolshevitsku programu i rtashushalasya na pіvden vіd Kiєva, in the district of Trypіllya. The Ukraine was screaming at the insurgents' pens under the command of the otamants, yak was not recognized by the authorities of the Directorate. Засяг їхніх дій, звичайно, не був wide: кожний діяв у своєму районі На Чернігівщині діяв Angel, on Літинщині (Поділлі) - Я. Шепель і т. Вони міняли орієнтацію: then they stood on the director's office, then they switched to Bolshevik and introduced Th anarchy.

The director of the bula bezosila borotisya sovstskimi Vіys'kami, іz plinnymi moods of rebel otamannіv, anti-Ukrainian agitaciye. Vona is small, regular army, menshu, nizh mav hetman's order. Head parts of її buly: Запорізька дивізія з oтманом Болбочаном на чолі (якому не довіряв Петлюра) і Стрілецька дивізія а згодом Corp. Січов.их Стрільців, на чолі з полковником Є. Konovalets. Це військове з'єднання було найбільш дисципліноване й національне свідоме. In addition to that, there were a lot of polkів, yakі zalishilisya vіd cross-legged. Загальною вадою всіх військ УНР був marriage квалиіфікованих, досвідчених старшин. Tse buli odo kolitshnі senshini rusіyskoj chi austrstіskoї armіy, little svіdomі z natsіonalnogo poglyadu, abo natsіonalne svіdomі pіdstarshini, feld'febelі, and іноді simply "добровільці", піднесені to старшинської ranks. Wongs often do not mali nі spetsіyalnoy, nі naivіt zagalnoy serednyoї osvіti. Bagato zakidіv vyslovlyvali protivogo, scho post Golovnogo Otamana having borrowed Simon Petlyura, tsivilna lyudina.

Ushtsi obtstavani gave pidstavi for bazhannya bagatooh members in the class to establish contact with the commanders vіys'k Antanti, overly French. Війська Антанти окупували Pівденну Україну і з їх commanded to talk through the Ministry of Zakordonnyh Cossacks K. Matsyevich, General O. Grekov, who were constantly pestering in Odessa. Alya agreed boulo hard: the main antimony Antanti was emblazoned with the admission of Ідиної Росії, і for Ukraine, not a bullet in that.

Відмовляючись допомагати Directorії в її ботьбі з bolshevism, Antanta generously podtrimuvala rosіysku "Dobrovolchu Armiyu", on which stood General A. Denikin: vіd Antanti dostavala vona ozbroєnnya, odayag, utriannya.