Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

2. Transfer of Director

On the 2nd of January, 1919, the Director of the Republic of Kyiv moved to Vinnitsa. І Kyiv was negoyno occupied by the Bolsheviks.

The director left Kiev for hours of glyco-anarchy and zneviri. Shukayuchi dopomogi, won znuvula to the command of the Vyss'kyi forces Antanti, and Vaughn posed for the negotiations: Dimitry V. Vinnichenka, V. Chekhovschokta S. Petliuri; Control Antanti over the finance of Ukraine; Звільнення з в'язниць гетьманських міністрів та владик - Антонія й Євлогія. No food was squeezed about the lack of independence of Ukraine. Унаслідок цих умов Винниченио вийшов із складу Directorії; Vіn vіihav zakordon. Petliura, having seized on herself the obovyazyka head of the Directorate and from the Social Democrats.

At the Antangi worm, the Novi kabinet ministir is disjointed, inconsistent. The head of yogi became S. Ostapenko, the supporter of the alliance with the Entente. Prior to the request, the government issued the following memorials: І. Ogienka (Maybutny Metropolitan Іларіон) Є. Archipenko, O. Shapovala; Від галицьких діячів - O. Nazaruka that інших. Already against the class, the boycott of socialism was ridden. The Bolsheviks led the agitation against the Director, yak "bourgeois class."

In the fierce-birch period of 1919, the Bolsheviks , who had attacked the advance, promised the Soviets at Moszir-Korosten, in the Galician Visas, and in Kremenchuk on Birzul, on the Antandi Peninsula. With the onslaught of Bolshevik forces, the Directorate of the 6th Birch crossed Vinnitsi to Proskurov.

Сили большевиків збільшував перехід на їхній бік повстанців Григорієва і деяких інших.

The director's forces were drowning, desertion was growing in them, the discipline was falling into disrepute. Z oglyadu on tse introduced a new posad: head otamana, yakomu pidlyagala entire army of the UNR. The postings were given to the generals Grekov, who, having spent a whole hour in Odessa, at the same time with the Ministry of Lawguardies, Matsievich. Actually kerіvnitstvo armiei was engulfed in the hands of Petliuri, but the teammates cheered up part of it and chaos. Commanding forces Antanti, not podayuchi realy prodazhi, vystupalo shoraznovymi vimogami: viklyuchennya Director Petliuri ta Andriyevskogo, gears Ententi kontroli vsiei vnutrishnogo diyalnosti! Director, Director of the Directorate of the Army Denikin.

On the 19th of the Birch of 1919, the Bolsheviks wanted Zmerinka to cross the Pivdenno-Zahidny front, in which the army of the bula was divided into three parts - Pivnichnu, Pivdennu ta Proskurivska.

At Proskurovі vіdbulosya ostannnoe zasіdannya Directorії ії in the warehouse. To neїввійшов Є. Petrushevich , yak zavnirnik ZUNR Pislya that Director podililsya: Petrushevich z Andriyevsky perehali to Stanislavov, de pochali vypadvatiti is unreliable. Petlyura, Shvets and Makarenko went over to Rivnogo.

Під натиском повстанців отамана Григорієва війська Антанти почала евакуацію Південної України: війська Антанти мали 35.000 вояків, російські добровільці - 5,000, and Григоріїв 15.000

Order Ostapenka, yak entantofilsky, having lost the sense of principle. On the back of the square in 1919, the reorganization of the Directorate has been transferred to Rivne. The director is now in charge of Petliuri, Makarenko, one representative of ZUNR, one of the two members of the Socialist Party of Ukraine. The functions of the Director of the Ministry of Finance are vested in the Director's office. The Directorate of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education. On її утримання Рада Міністрів has designated a singer a bag

The new social order was built: B. Martos (USDRP) became the head of the Cabinet, the ministers: I. Mazepa, A. Livitsky, M. Kovalevsky, G. Sirotenko. The new detachment zvernuvsya to the people z deklyaratsiєyu, yakіy zaklikav to borotby with Moscow Bolsheviks. In the battle of them vin virishiv spiratysya not on someone else's strength, and on rebeltsiv. Alek - yak sotsiyalisti boykotuvati detachment Ostapenka, so the rights of the stake were put into opositsiyu to sotsialyastichnogo class Martos, zapolnuvayuchi yogo in Bolshevism. Prior to the opposition, the members of the Directorate - Petrushevich and Andriyevsky - were lying. Opozitsіya pragnula zameniti nakaznogo otaman Osetsky otaman Oskilkom, and vnochi proti 29 kvitnya 1919 roku zakrobleno sproibu zamigannyam viorati on the president Petrushevicha. The coup did not go into effect, but Oskilko was swept in with monotonous concerts to Poland.

Rebellion Oskilka brought in the army a lot of disorganization. Oskilko grasped the ties of significance to the Rivnyi and Tim, having flashed the front to the Bolsheviks. The 5th herbal unit leaving Rivne and evacuated to Radzivilov, there, reformulate Vyss'ko and prepare for the Bolshevik advance.

In Galicia, the gigantic option of the bullet of the sorceress is before the Socialists, and before Petliuri, especially. President of the Ukrainian National Radio. Petrushevich, after showing the members of the supra-Priests' party, the Antanta was not going to cross Petlyura, vvazhaet yogo for the "Bolshevik", and that he would not give him any help, leave the wall for armies. "Українська on the right zagibayot vіd kommentvnya Petlyuri, the army does not understand yomu, bo vin not є vіyskova lyudina." So I looked at the three rights of the stake nadnnipryantsiv, they were amused by the Galicians for the incompetence of the war with the wire of Petliuri. However, they did not come to navigate the reorganization of the army - after securing the advance of the Polish army, the 16th herb of the Poles got Lutsk, de Buli great storehouses of the Vineyard lane, and took bagatoes; Dali bula zlіkvіdovana maže all Holmska group. Tsoi catastrophe wiked the evacuation director from Radzivilov to the Red and Ternopol. Poles pierced the attack. "Milyardovo mayno, with great difficulties, we jumped into our base-Brodi-Ternopil-Volochiske-the booze of the Polish Vyss'k," wrote the participant, General Kapustyansky.

In the herbal-chervnі 1919 р. In the army the ґruntovny reforms were transferred, the wardens of Yakim Vona became a regular regular Ukrainian artillery - in the form of a napartisan, like a boule on the back of the wreath.

On the first days of the day, the Ukrainian cherry withered the assault on the Bolsheviks; On the 6th chernavnya they borrowed the Starokostyantyniv line - Proskuriv - Kam'yanets. Uspihi on the front pidnisli boyovy spirit rebels. Тільки незалежні соціял-демократи відмовилися від контакту з урядом Directorsії.

At that hour, socialists, hlіborobi-democraty sotsialisti-federalisti, and part of the pragmatist of the Galician class, prepared a coup. Vony hotiili usunuti sotsiyalistichniy іrіlі Petlyura і golgoshi Petrushevich dictator Galicini, and General Grekov - general otamanom. Tse boolo povyazanye z vymomuyu zhurnishin ta kozakiv Zaporizkogo corps to turn on the commander of the corps Colonel Bolbachan, a kind of nezadovgo before tsim buv usunut. Bolbachan, vidatny voennachalnik, duzhe popular in the army. Buv the opponent соціялістів. Yogo zaireshtovano th rststrіlyano for the court of justice.

The Bolsheviks invaded the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, pushed Proskuriv and Pidishili to Kam'yantsya-Podilsky itself. At the same hour, the Poles came ashore, the Galipchinsky Territorial Territory's Zapolyuyuchi part of Volyn. Osoredkom polichnichnogo vaiskovskogo zhittya becoming Kam'yanets-Podilsky, and there zosedredya opositsitsi proti sotsiialistichnogo trick. Соціялісти-самостійники відбували надади в Кам'янець-Подільському університеті. Prior to the opposition, the following were observed: professors - V. Bіdnov, 1. Ogienko, M. Kurilenko - commissar Podillja, V. Prikhodko - the head of the Podil's'kyi provincial zemstvos ta іn. The stinkers filed a memorandum, in which they stated that they were to quash the work for the sake of slander, give the land to the peasants for a ransom, utilities of cabins from without apartments, etc. All the struggle was conducted in legal forms - not zakolotiv, but discus.