Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

3. Україна під Російсько-Совєтською окупацією

In 1918, if the National Alliance had called the Bolsheviks to help in the wreckage of the hetmanat, the masi of the peasants were minting them for free and in unmediated rozmіrі. Pid vplyiv sovetskogo propaganda virili, scho priyde "vlada robitnikiv a village."

On the 14th of January, 1919, the fate of H. Rakovsky, from Kharkov to Kyiv, was the Soviets detachment of the "Independent Ukraine's Soviet Socialist Republic." Ale vidrazu viyavilosya, scho, krim nazvi, noviy uyryad not myo nichogo Ukrainsky. Державна мова була російська, адміністрація - російська. In villages, the rekvizitsiya reserve zbizhzhya, leanness. All were tied to Russia.

Bolshevitsky komisar (in the Maybutnom "narcotics ministry" - the master of zakordonnyh spravno - a shche pisnіshe - defender of the president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) O. Shlikhtsr pisav, pso z Ukrainii vdalosya zabrati 8.5 mіliona pudіv hlіba zmіvost 50 mіlіonіv, і scho "the puddle of harvested hliba Blood clots. "

Крім грабіжницької політики not припинявся національним терор. For Borotby in the "counterrevolutionary" in Ukraine, the 1919 rock Allukrainian Nadzvichaynu Komіsiyu (ZUCK) , pid kerivnitstvom Latsis, is grounded. In the Cheka bulo bagatos latishev that Chinese. Крім центрої ЧК, були губерніяльні, повітові, залізничі і т д. Військах it is truncated "окремі відділи". So usya Ukraina opinilas pіd terorom polіtichnoї polіtsії, yaka robbed cowards, arrested, sostrіstlyuvala without court that слідства. Rostrstlyuvali at the denunciation, for the counter-revolution in the "counterrevolutionary", for prinalezhnіst up to "bourgeois", ofitseriv, іntelіgentsії. In Poltava, for example, the checker Shurov was typing tim, scho "кінчає четверту тисячу хохлів".

All Ukraine Bula is hunted by protibolshevitskimi rebels. Починаючи з Лівобережжя та Чернігівщини, stinks have bought Київщину, Поділля, Катеринославщину, Херсонщину. In the quarter of 1919 in the one deprived Kyiv, 14,000 bagnets were cast in the Kyiv region, 2,500 in the Chernigiv region, 3,600 in the Podolsk region, 3,000 in the Volinsk district, at the age of 21,000 at 20 garmas, 140 in the third gangbang of armor quacks. For office assignments of the Soviet Union, in the Chernovny-Lipny 1919 rock bunk 328, rise. Під час т. Зв. "Chervonogo teroru" rozstriljano vidatnih Ukrainsky vtseny - V. Naumenko. P. Armashevsky that інших.

Крім селянських, зановуються повстанські партійні оргаізації. Thus, the party spirit of social democracy is one of those social-revolutionary ideologies . The headquarter of Yogo Ocholyubov Yu. Mazurenko. Vin Vishlav ultimatum to Rakovsky: in the course of 24 years pass on to the authorities of the rebellious committees. Zvichayno, greedy naslіdkіv tsei ultimatum not mav.

The All-Ukrainian Revolutionary Comet was abolished, standing on the Radiansky Plytformi, ale the wrestling of the anti-Bolshevik Bolsheviks. Vin zaklikav people to wrestle with the Moscow ocupans for Ukraine's Nezalezhnu Radyanska Respubliku. On cholі Comitetu stood A. Ricic, M. Avdysnko, A. Dragomiretsky - Ukrainian Social Democrat. The head zbroііnuyu force yogo buv zagіn otmana Zeleny, scho діяв in the outskirts of Kiev. The crew of B. Sailor was at odds with the force.

At the bottom of the boule, it is a colossal, fatal pity. The director, yaka mala vіys'ko, fahіvtsіv, did not come to the assistance of the villagers і not ocholila tse mozhnny, spontaneous collapse. Vona knew the contact with their partner socialistic lights, they were standing on Radyan's beach, the village hated the village. One hour of ruin.

Not zvazhayuchi on those, but the Bolsheviks were strangled by the insurrection with the neemovarnoy zhorostokstyu, the stinkers snapped up the new horizons, not zustriuchayuchi povazhny proyativu. In the middle of 1919 roku rebeltsy volodili Mayzh tsiloju Ukraine, for вийняткой Волині та Поділля.

Tse buv hour, if komunistichnі ідеї поплюлювали Західню Европу: Польща, Австрія, Чехо-Словаччина, Італія, Югославія, Болгарія, Угорщина переживали революцію. The Soviets detachment tried to come "to the end" of the revolution in Ugorshchina and to conduct their own wives. Parta is small to pass through Rumunia, and part through Halychyna - about the soviet Soviet squad rozpochav talk to the Galician. Ulyadom, ale Galichina posted a rіshuchoyu vіdmovoyu. On the right nabula іншого character, if otaman Grigor'їv is not repaired "змінив front" - having acted against the Bolsheviks і заняв Кременчук, Катеринослав, Єлисаветград. The opposite wing of the Cheka regiment was that powerful. Grigor'ev zroviv great on the right: vidtyagnuv sovetski vіyska і zatrimav їх похід на Західню Европу.