Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

6. Похід військ УНР та ЗУНР на Київ і Війна з Денікіном

At serpny 1919 rock ARMY of UNR, that ZUNR was ridden by the Bolsheviks against the Bolsheviks. At the beginning, the UGA team was advised to leave for Odessa in order to clean up the Black Sea, reinstate the Entente, and then crash into Kiev. Tsey plyan - naybіlsh ratsionalnyy - zustrіv opozitsіy zboku komandvnya army UNR, yak vvasalo, scho polimika vimagala zavolodіti spershu Kyevom. Priynali compromіsove rіshennya: піти one o'clock in і on Odessa, і on Київ, and in addition to that - on Korosten, shob prikritysya vіd attack from півночі. Plei tse bui is unarmed, having poured out power. At the strait before Odesi, there were supriddnipryansky troops, commanded by generals V. Yu. Tyutyunniki and Colonel Udovichenko; On Zhitomir iysli 2-nd Galitsky Corps ta Sichovi Striltsi pid zagalnoyu command of Colonel Wolf. The main part of the army is the 1st of the 3rd Galician Corps and the Nadnnipryanska Group of Zaporozhtsiv, sent by the fire command of General A. Kravs, went to Kyiv.

At the same hour to Kyiv, we flock to the Dnipro shore, and was very close to the command of General Bredov, "Volunteer Army". About ruch tsієї армії, through marriage розвідки, did not know Кравс та інші commanders of UGA, hocha knew all in Києві, але protests about офензиву українських армій did not know.

On the 30th serpn of 1919, the Bolsheviks, without a fight, poured in Kiev. On the 31th sickle is recognized the purity of the entry of the Ukrainian armies to Kiev, that parade vyisk.

About those, it turned out 31 serpens in Kiev, before the hour is not known to the objective description, it is necessary to make the subjektivnyh enemies - these are "eyewitnesses," the obov'yazok of some - nothing but bachiti and "not a pamyatati" .

Belya noonday vіyska A. Kravs vvіyshli up to Kiev, passed Bіbіkovsky boulevard і rostashuvalysya on Maydanі біля Міської Думи (not on Sofіyskomu, yak was written by S.Vitvitsky and S. Baran). On the balcony of Dumi, the Ukrainian prapor is seen. Тоді ж частини денікінськоїї армії підійшли up to Дніпра під command of baron Staxlberg. Lancugovyi mіst not buv obsadeniy, i tі parti wholly passed over yogo. Not zostrіchayuchi proyativu, денікінці have passed to Думи і steel навпроти українців. While Colonel V. Salsky, general M. Tarnavsky, visited the parade, stinkers caught the fact. Далі, on вимогу денікінців, on бальконі it is exposed російський прапор. Yogo zirvav, for the order Salskogo, one of the present zaporozhtsi and throwing the feet of the horse Salskogo. Zachinailsya metushnya, pochalasya strannina z oboh bokiv. Ukrainians came in, not zvazhayuchi their own perevagu: їх було three cases, and денікінців - тільки three shelves. The deputy of that, shob dubbed by force, yak seducing Salskiy, Kravs pisov zi by the elders before General Bredov for a conversation, ale Bredov zareshtuvav Krava y yogo elders and prostrimav "pіd homemade arrests" to the offensive wound. Тоді Кравс, від імени групи галицьких військ, підписав ганебний договір з денікінцями about the good faith in the group of people from Kiev to Vasilkova lіnі.

"So gloriously pochevsya і so ingloriously skynchsya pohіd об'єднаної Української Арії на Київ", - writing the premier of UNR, І. Mazepa. Він мав цілковиту рацію, accused of the order and the command for pardon. It is possible, naslichki hike to Kiev buli b insi, yakbi commanded by Viskys boolo in the hands of nadnnipryantsiv, and not Galicians, for the whole hour they have manifested "denikinofilstvo" and they have seen the possibility of spying for them. General Bredov at the roses with General Kravs chitko vyaviv stavlenya denicyntsiv up to Ukraine: with Kravsom, the representative of Galicia Armii, vynguzhuvavsya rozmovlyati, ale z "armeniu Petliuri: - ni, i yakshchoo priehde on talking M. Omelyanovich-Pavlenko, then" bude risstrilaniy " . Tse glance "Dobrarmії" on Українську Derzhavu vіrasno okresliv Denikin u vіdozvі "To the population of Little Russia) in кінці серпня 1919 року: зін naming the Ukrainian ruch" zradnitsky, sprymovaniem on rozpodіl Rosii ".

Ala pomolki is crumbled when the most rozpodіlі vіyskіvі forces: to the cosmopolitan Odessa, skeleton partіnі військ УНР під to the command of the supra-priests generals V. Tyutyunnik and O. Udovichenko; To Kiev, part of the UGA, under the command of generals A. Kravs, M. Tarnavsky, O. Mikitki. Ім'я Петлюри було is popular in the people, але він чомусь не був з Українською Армією, шо has entered to Києва, імена ж галицьких генералів народі нічого не казали, та й самнндурування австрійського зразка, яке wore Галицька Армія, нагадувало окупантів, яких тількищо здихалися - австрійців. Everything was tune-up yaksho not fortune-teller, then - at every time - baiduzhy to hike to Kiev.

Naivshy provіd - Petlyura zі its own headquarters - buv gliboko shvilovany kievskoyu catastrophe. Petlyura zvernuvsya to the contract with telegraph, in which declaring that the army did not want to podkorjatisya gave Kravtsov.

In the 1919 rosta, Denikin zminiv: a hike in the campaign against Moscow, having played through the Ukraine. In his own ways, Denikin wrote: "I do not know the self-help of Ukraine. Petlyurivtsi mozhut buti abo nevtralnі - тоді вони повинні negajno zabayti zbroyu y roziitisya na svoyї domіvkah, abo - priadnatisya to us, recognizing our gas. Yaksho petlyurivі not vikonayut tsih minds, then їх nalezhit vvazhati for the same opponents, yak i bolshevik. At the same time I vkazuvav on neobhіdnіst priyaznogo vidnoshennya to Galichans, shobob vіdtyagti їh з pіддлеглости Петлюрі. And yakshchoo chyogo will not be covered, then vvazhati yeh for the fight side. " About rіshennya Денікіна наступати проти армії УНР довідався УНР group 22 вересня 1919 р. Vipadkovo - z perehoplenogo to the order.

Ці ряки із спогадів Денікіна раскривають all glibina of tragedy, yak was experienced by Ukraine, and at once in its entirety Sciord Europie. Zamist 'ob'ednati vsi siili v bototbі z bolshevizmom - Denikin ya yogo otochennya led the struggle with Ukraine, firmly standing on valuuivskiy "platformy": "Ukraine is not a bullet, there will not be any trouble." Денікін пише, що з ним погодися Franzія та Англія, яле не згадав лист найрозумішго політика - Черчілла, який був у ті роки військовим міністром Anglії: він радив Денікінові - зважаючи на загальну політичну коньнктуру - "go, the skins can be used to Ukrainian separatist pragnennyam" . Ale head of Denikin standing unintelligibly on Ukraine's ignorance, yak interpreting the yak "pivdennu Rosii."

Ruch "Dobrovolchoї armії" по Україні Spotchatik viklikav nevorozhist ta nadії populated, yak zememagal pіd bolshevitskoyu okupatsієyu. It was easy for the kerivniki of the Denikin Rukh to be shut up for the sake of the populace, and to set up a new base-a reserve for distant Bolsheviks with Bolsheviks. Ale vperta ідеологія to wire - ігнорація України, як державі and бажання to turn back the wheel історії - gave fatal renditions. Borotba from Ukraine became the head method of Denikin, Dragomirov, Bredov, Lukomsky, and other bilikh generals. Tse nabibolshyu jaskraristyu viyavilosya in Kiev: on the other day on the introduction of "good", they rushed to pick up the Ukrainian wives, in addition to the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Далі - всі українські школи, Університет, Академію, всі українські establishі зліквідано, а замість них засновано російсьіі. The name "Ukraine" is buried, її замінили - "South of Russia", "Little Russia". Hatred of the Ukrainian upstart yshla handrail anti-Semitism: Shlyah Armii Denikina of knowledge buv liquidovskimi pogroms. Up to the whole of the treasury, the Bolsheviks were re-educated. Ridiculously characterizing the "Dobrovolchu Armiyu" one of the participants of the TI, having entered the її lava, shob borossiša with the Bolsheviks: "We iz zapuplennyam zustrichali in the leather village and the proklonami saw off." . .

Zvichayno, tako umvi vyklyuli mozvilіst spіvdії Udry UNR z Denikinom - і 24 весня 1919 року The director, the president of the Ukrainian National Radio Radius Petrushevich and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote a declaracy, in which the Ukrainian people shouted with a wolf-armor Denikin.

Київська the catastrophe vyyavila glibinu ідеологічного розходження між УНР та ЗУНР. Todi yak The Directorate of the UNR did not allow the Duma to talk about the densities with Denikin-ZUNR put the Borotka for the head of the metro in Poland and hunted for an alliance with Denikin, in order to help Antanti against Poland.

On the right, Antantoi was more than comfortable. The Ukrainian Delegation to Paris was baiting the uninitiated staging of the World War II to Ukraine, the Zokrem Nadnnipryanskoe, the Yaku firstly treated Yak part of Russia. Liberalne boulo stavlennya to Galicia, the right of parts of the Austro-Ugric Emiria on the ground was uncovered. The hopelessness of the stanovishche perished the bazhannaya predstavnykіv ZUNR vіddііlitsya vіd nadnnіpryаntіvі z іdinoї, sobornoїї delegation. The secret secretary of the Galician class, V. Paneiko, the professor. S. Tomaszivsky - they began to spend separatist negotiations with the World War II, and in the talks they decided to go to the land of the Ukrainian lands, but they were in the warehouse of Austria-Ugorshchina.

Neschastiyam for Ukraine buv nevdaliy warehouse deloґacії: nі golova її - G. Sidorenko, kolicheshnyi vіys'kovyi ігіігістер Director, Інтелігентна людина, інженер шляхів, ні B. Matyushenko, відомий doctor, ні professor O. Shulgin, ні А. Марголін - не надавалися на ролі Diplomats in such a difficult hour, not zvazhayuchi on їхній ширий patriotism. Do not steal the Bouvet count. M. Tishkevich, a kind deputy Z. Sidorenka, a delegation head. Tse bula lyudina stranger Україні, і навпаки - близька до деяких кіл російської еміграції.

Київська the catastrophe on суті has completed визвольну a struggle. Accomplished agonya. The Ukrainian Vіyska was described as a thrice by the Mongols: the Bolsheviks, the "Volunteer Army" and the Polish one, which in turn absorbed Zahidnya Volyn ta Podillya. Українська армія not small spare. Antanta trimala Україні в стані бльокади, explanatory tseim, scho peresilana Україні зброя і амуніція mumbo to spend to the Bolsheviks. Vona does not have any help, Ukraine does not care about the Bolsheviks, Yak dopomagala Denikinovi, Kolchakov to those leaders of the "Bilo Rukhu", Ali Naveit did not allow to deliver to Ukraine Mayno, yo yogo The director attached to the American League of Companies for 8000.000 dolar: Odyag, sanitarny materiivali tochno . The director was not a small penny, he was drunk in the Kam'yants-Podilskyi їх over the city. Останній літак, що віз надруковані в Німеччині гроші, впав на триторії Румунії, яка has disabled вивезти їх. Ті гроші (300.000.000 гривень) distalisya to the Ukrainians in the class of tilki in 1920 rotsi. Polska took payment in the form of tsukru for the area of ​​Mayno, and did not give the hard-liners the sale. Tilki Rumunia sold the UNR an ambition.

Українська армія is not small odaga, chobit. Petliura wrote to A. Lіvitsky, whilst perebuvav todi from Warsaw: "5.000 pairs of cobs, plaschsv that 5.000 ruііDіits with piles could use our stanovishche." The second exit of the boulevard of the rekvizitsiya of the warm mountain is in the middle of the village; The bq rekvizitsiya was translated into English in 1919 in Kam'yantsi-Podilsky. Stanovishche pogyrshuvali nezvichayno early frosts. Visnazheni, hungry, fucking odjanneni, people easily piddavalisya riznim posts, the head ranks of typhus. Shpatalіv bulo zamalo, not bulot t medikamentіv, nі dostatnogo meditschnyu personnel. The death of the bula is great.

Mayzhe is medically-sanitarian, she came to the cordon, she bent the International Chervona Khresta with a captain for 200 lyzhok, but yogo pridbav galitsky detachment from Vidny on the pillar of 1919, ale prišov vin tilki in the commune through Rumunia, Bo Poland was advised to miss Yogo.

Such Buv Zhahliyi Army in the "tricutniku death" - Mizh trioma wolves - Polscheyu, Sovetskaya Rosiye and Denikinsky army.

Stanovishche accustomed to the intertwined mezh wires. Після київської catastrophe, Є. Petrushevich on the sovereign narodi stating that "supradnistryanskaya army with her own blood" had known Zbruch to Kiiv, the Khresnyi Shlyakh Lyubov to Soborno-Ukrainy. . . In spite of the Galician detachment to create one will with the nadnpipryansky order. " Prote, tse boole tilki words. Do the same day, if Є. Petrushevich viholsiv his promo, General M. Tarnavsky taeemno vіd nyogo vyslav delegation to the Denikinsky command in front of the separate treaty.

General M. Tarnavsky's fillings are obsequious. Nablizhchy yogo spivobitnik, aide-de-camp D. Paliiv, writing in 1930 about the separatist dogovir with Denikin: "A whole boulevard is a blunder, I can not be allowed to navigate in nykritichnishih hvilinah. З виійського становища був це крок наскрізь фальшивий ». The cause of this crooked bouquet is rosy: it was not known in the UGA, but the army Denikina had learned the hard ways in which the Bolsheviks were treading, the Orel was hastily invading Ukraine and the boule was recovered in the Ukrainian lands by people's insurgents.

Зміст договору, що його підписав M. Tarnavskiy 6 листопада 1919 року, був такий: Галицька Армія go over to the warehouse, from the head to the mine, at the time of the rozporyadzhenny head commandovka zbroynih forces Pіvdnia Rosii. Galytskyi detachment to pass a copy of the Russian volunteer command. Until one o'clock the mission of the Galician detachment, it's unbelievably to go to Odesi.

This is the rank of the dogovir with Denikin skasuvav Galytsky front. Koli on naradі урядів УНР та ЗУНР in Derazhnі general Salskiy stating, "tо ze - ganebna zrada", dictator Є. Petrushevich, without vіdoma yakogo perevів акцію Tarnavsky, crying. On naradі boasted negayno arrests Tarnavskogo ta vseh tih, hto pidpisav dogovir, i viddati peh court. Ale court vinis "uvilneychichy virok." А кілька днів пізніше Є. Petrushevich declaring that he was interested in the idea of ​​self-esteem and shuffling poryatunka in the union with Denikin, and with two shots: a weather statute for the Polish citizen from Denikin. Poland, praying, you can take Pravoberezhnu Ukraine, and Russia is not terrible. That treba will wait for the autonomy.

In tsikh words, the ideology of the emergence of two parts of the Ukrainian Army was revealed; Stony jokes, but the Galician order does not maventuyzymu in the battle, whilst giving a superordinate unit a whole hour.