Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


The Kiev state, subordinated to the earlier early-middle powers, was forced to sit down on the hour. By a protrait of two people (for the life of Volodymyr before 1015 rock), Polotsk princedomed himself; In the middle of the 12th century. Відійшли під by wire of its dynasties remained in the earth, it included the warehouse of part of Ukraine-Rus. The great power of Volodymyr and Yaroslav was absorbed by the Kiev region from the suburbs. Acting hour, having endorsed the title of Grand Duke, ale vin shoraz bishe peretevyvavsya na nominalny; Actually the Grand Duke is not a mav. To the douche pokazov shchodogo "spivshisnuvannya" of two great princes: Svyatoslav III, vlasne prince Kiyeva, and Rurik, prince over the suburbs. An hour passed since the day of the year, they were impeached to pay the authority of the Grand Duke, as they roamed Іяслав II, Rostislav 1, and the authority of them spirited on specialties with the princes, on their posts before them. Nі ekzekutivі, nі realії іn the Grand Duke not mаv; Not mav viaska, not mav mozhlivosti primutsiti prince vikonuvati his will, yak tse mіg robiti Volodimir Monomakh i navіt Mstislav І, shcho podbavlyali nepokrnih-prince of princes and nivit zasilali їх to Візантії. The reasons for the fall of Kyiv Rusko boolo bagato. The Persian of them is the great power of the nation: the capital of the nation in Europe and before the warehouse, it was not only the Ukrainian people, the people's congress of people, who owned the church of the dynasty. Osoredkom vladi buv Kiev. Kolosalnie open spaces a little zalyudnenyh lands ugrudnuvali і so weakly komunikatsiyu. Poki to the cholі power stood the mighty prince, yak Volodimir chi Yaroslav, yakі trimali in the conquest of his synov, the power of the rule of the bulo bilsh-mensh goodness zorganizovane. Alya yakschoo princes gushed the batky wolf, - hoch and mi bachili vyayiv neslokhu zboku synov Volodimir - then the wives of the elder brother, uncle, and the unhappy tribe of the stench were resisted.

Міцність династії захитувала чисщенність нащадків Ярослава та Marriage of the singing of the law престолонасліддя -чи то по лінії brother for brother, chi na prostі - іід батька до сива, - кожна зміна The Grand Duke has wiled nepohrozumnya, borotbu ічретсяденгів; Todi, for the curse of S. Tomashivsky, "nizh buv dopovnennyam i korektorom nepravotnogo rights. Volodymyr lived out yogo against Yaropolk, Svyatopolk and Yaroslav - one against one; In the CP st. Grind zboryna borotba for Kiev Monomakhovich with brotherhood Mstislavichami, and dalі - Monomakhovich sіz Svyatoslavich. "Do you know our fatherland?" T. is not a man to the north of the Dnipra, "distavshi Kiev, - showing Jaroslav Іяслаславич, great-grandson of Volodimir Monomakh, Svyatoslaviv Vsevolodovichevі Chernigivsky, on thі підставі, що Київ був його отчиною по Володимирові Мономахові. ALE of the meeting: "I'm not an ugrin, I do not lie, I have only one grandchildren, skilki tobi up to me, stilki y meni," sebto-sladshchina is guilty of lying on top of all the strips of Yaroslav. І dійсно, якщо not on підставі rights, then, widely використовуючи yogi "korektora" - zbruynu force, Kiev more than once zapoplyuyut Svyatoslavichi, hoch did not like kiyani. Властивістю лінії Святославичів була солідарність у звнішніх стосунках, яка робила їх значною силою. The power of the Grand Duke is changing. Volodimir Monomakh mog punish prince "come, if yogi poklichut", Mstislav 1 міг відібрати Мінськ у непокірного князя, Хоч Polotsk prince boulo pose as house of Yaroslavich, on the order of Rostislav 1 "copied" 12 princes and пішли 1168 року проти половців - але все це були Lisha Vinyatiy. Velikii princes mali force, zavdyadchichi its sapistim prikmetah, its authority, posashani before them інших князів. In tsilomu the authority of the grand dukes falling, stink not mali pributkiv, ani viiyska, and lie in the midst of the old princely dates in need of their viasco.

A show of show boules in the book of the XI century. Встановити колегіяльність рішень, скріплених хресним цілуванням на з'їздах князів, снемах. Alya vzhe first, Lyubetsky zhizd 1097 rock without giving positive poslidkiv. In the middle of the 12th century. Snomi huddled up, not becoming postinoyu inostitsitsiiyu federated power. One hour at a time, the princes of the princes were robbed of the voice of the priests, the organ overruled the boyars of that Miskoy merchant, the patrician. There were vipadki, if viche screeched the prince, he rumbled - vobo was scraped by itself. Viche vtruchalos vsi spravi, lamalo spadkovi rights of the prince, robbed loved yom osib, vidchinyalo ім міські брамиі and "showed the way" unloved. Перша зафіксована в історії революція в Києві vibuhnula 1068 rock, if viche on the face of the Grand Duke Vseslav, Prince of Polotsk, but not the maw of the greedy right to the Kiev stil. Після того бачимо рішень віча - в закликанні Володимира Мономаха, in the tragic Історії Ігорії Ігорія 1144 р., In the Borodobі Ізяслава з Юрієм, in the zaklikanny Yaropolk, Vyacheslav, Monomakhovich, Smolensk and Chernihiv princes. The princes viche laid the "row", zakriplyuyuchi yogo crescent tsiluvannyam. Віче вирішувало питання війни. Alyo vono for the whole hour was enraptured with the appearance of Vipadkov, did not cloud the character of the statehood, and did not become a zaraka of the parlyment, at that hour in England (Velika Khartya libertines, 1215), abo in Ugorshchin ("The Golden Bull" 1222 p.). Не досягли українські віча навіть рівня розвитку віча в Новгороді. The third causative cause is the fall of the Kievan region, the power of the boule rozdryblennya ts. It took a while to see the visions of the Polotsk princedom in the village of Izyaslav, the sub-power of Volodymyr's mother Yaroslav Mstislav. For the tsim pishov rozpodіl of the power of Yaroslav Mizh Sinami. Pislya vsoogo vovesh voshes hour spostіgalos' two processes: namagannya Grand Prince kievskogo ob'ednati vsi zemelі pіd svoyuyu vlodoyu i pragnennya okremih lands vіddіlitisya і vstviti vlasnі derzhavi, svoimi dynastіyami. Qiu tsentsіyu skripiv Lubetsky z'ezd, vasledidok chogo velike princedom diliitsya na numerlennі maleni, bіdnі princezvstva, nezdatnі to the state life. Otzhe, having smeared dynastic interest, perekonannya, scho kozhen nashchadok mae right to sluggishness.

The weakening of the Kievan state, naturally, the viclikalo її zubozhіnnia: the danini was clinging to, and the witch was holding wars in the ranks, vijsko, yak power could vystaviti, lying in the darkness of the princely priests, yapi vona raspalasya. A tsevіs'ko poptibne bilo pіdtrimki to the authority of the Grand Duke, і for zahistu borders. Vodnochas iz zlablennnyam power zaststryuvalisya mіzhusobnі vіyni prince for the grand-prince's styli and mіzh zakremimi dukzіvstvami - for Kiev інші міста. "The word about the regiment of the Great Victory" in the mystic form transmits the tragedy of Ukraine, the yak razdirali princes "kotori", vkorotchichi zhittya "Dazhbozhih unukiv." Tragedy mizhuzobits bulo tesh t, scho prince often responded to the help of polovtsiv. Polovtsyk attacks became a post-yavishchom. In the pranks of the princes, there was no mollification of organisovati of such campaigns, but of the organizovav Volodimir Monomakh, while driving the Polovtsians beyond the "gate gates" to the Caucasus, the Yak Mstislav 1. To the same extent, you should not be more defensive in nature. Південна частина Київщини, зокрема Pereyaslavschi bula stostoshena. For 50 rock - in 1061 rock - novohovuyetsya kolo 50 great polovetskih attacks, but they wrapped Posulya on a croaking place and asked me to postpone the lynn settlement on північ. Polovetsky kochoviska perešali steppes, which passed trade marks to the Black Sea, and saw the Tmutorokanska Rus that series of Ukrainian mst. In the middle of the 12th century. Кочовиська половців stood on Орелі, on Самарі. At the XII century. The sign of the guard post at the Kievan border guard station. Kaniv. If the trade caravan "grechiniv" abo "zaloznikiv" came from the steppes, the princes of the Vyssia already stood ready for Kanev. Rock 1166 Grand Duke Rostislav zorganizuvav pokhod up to that town, I participate 12 princes. The prince went to Olesh to visit the forest. Rock 1168 Prince Mstislav znovu z 12 princes went out to give pride - to Oreli and Snoporod. Увага князів до охорони караванів сіддчить about those, yak velke mіsce nalezhno torgіvі in zhittі Ukraіn.

Alya zovnishnya torgivlya Ukraini-Rusi zapepadala nelishe vaslidok zapoplennya stepiv kochovikami. Causes of buli glibs. On the goal were the subordinates of the svitovoi znachennia: zmіnivsya shlyakh z Vіzantії t Maloi Azii to Evropi. Perche the cause tsogo CCB dogovіr tsіsarya Vіzantіyskogo Oleksіya Comnena Venetsієyu z roku 1082, Yakima tsіsar for Relief in vіynі s Sіtsіlієyu, giving dozvіl Venetsії torguvati without mita i mother svoї port on teritorії Vіzantіyskoї іmperії, vnaslіdok chogo Venetsіya became svіtovoyu torgovelnoyu powers. Duzhe poshkodili tranzitnіy torgіvlі Ukraїni- Russia takozh hrestovі hiking, SSMSC vіdkrili for іtalіyskih, frantsuzkih, raynskih mіst morsky Way to Skhid, bezposeredno zv'yazavshi Zahіdnyu Europe s maloyu Azієyu, Vіzantієyu. W tsogo hour roztsvіtayut іtalіyskі i nіmetskі Mista, head over Raina, scho zasnovuyut Raynsky Union, Hansa, yaky skhoplyuє pіvnіchnu Europe that Baltitske uzberezhzhya. З міст, які entered the warehouse of the Ukraine-Rus, vtyaguyutsya in novy Torgovolny vir Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Smolensk. Дніпрянська Україна it is full of pose, we put it in a ruchom, when we lie more on that, Kiev, miserable yogo princes, boyars patricians. Gold, scho vkrivalo bani kievskih temple, viblisku teper on the baths of the temple of St. Mark in Venice, on the palaces of the Canal Channel.

Yak said vische, protyagom dvoh stolіt Kiyivs'ka Power rozpalasya 15 okremih land SSMSC zaperechuvali right of Kyiv to zagalny provіd, i odnі maintained upstream, INSHI gіrshe organіzuvali svoє Vlasnyi Zhittya yak suverennі powers. At the same time in the XIII century. viyavlyayutsya pragnennya to novih ob'єdnan, napriklad, Volyn ob'єdnalasya s of Galicia is the Turov-Pinskoyu earth, Rostov-Suzdalpfsha - s Ryazanskoyu earth. The process of the fall of the great power of the Buv authorities is not only Ukraine. The monarchy of Charlemagne was subdivided into three parts - Italy, France, Nimeccinu, and the partis were divided into groups. Evropeyskі viyshli s powers of podіlu updates, vіdrodzhenimi, Ale tsogo not steel Kiїvskoyu s powers, more yakraz in chasi ії naybіlshogo attenuation neї chatuvav Novi vorog - mongolskі ordinal, scho we dіstali titles Tatars. The Tsi Ordi completed the fall of the Kievan state, on which the Galicia-Volinsky princedom was pinned, and it poured into a hundred rockyvs of Ukraine. The Ukrainian power was launched halfway around the corner, setting up the whole of the Right Bank of Ukraine and saving the ІїІІІІІІІІ traditions. Organizing the Galicia-Volinsky prince is important for Ukraine, Ukraine has resisted the usurpation of the tradition, the deregulation of the Ukrainian sovereignty of the new Rostov-Suzdal princely estate, the yak stated its claim to the kerivnyu role in the Ukrainian state.