Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Татарська навала

The spur of the ruins of the Mongol hordes Viishov to the basin of the Rivers of the Amur. Here the colo of the 1000th rock of stench was about to be created by the pottery, and in the middle of the 12th century. Temujin об'єднав декілька, монгольських племен на північно-сідньоому edge of Mongolia and in the first fate of the 13th century. Becoming a wench. 1206 rock kurutlai - zagalnі zbori predstavnikiіv tribes - progolosiv yogi neomevzheniem volostarm, і vіn prіynyav ім'я Чінгізхана . The capital of the new power can become Karakorum. Звідти монголи підбили Китай з Пекіном і сусідні землі. 1219 року Чінгізхан розпочав війну з Ховарезмом (сучасний Туркестан), and звідти пішов на захід. Naikraschі voenachalniki Chingizkhana, Djebe i Subutai, crossed pivdenne Uzberezzhzhya Kaspiyskogo morya, північну Персію, південний Caucasus, rozbili Georgian visko and z'yavilisya in the steppes північного the Caucasus. Here zustrili їх sat polovtsiv, jasiv, kosogіv ta інших кавказьких народів. At the bottom, in 1222 rotsi, the Mongols rozpiliv polovtsiv, at chomu kilkokh haniv boolo clogged, and the old Kotyan, father-in-law of Mstislav Galitsky, in the wake of polovtsiv vidstupiv up to Dnipro. Kotyan zvernnuvsya to Mstislav Galitsky that up to the Ukrainian princes, prohayuchi dopomogi. In Kiev, the prince of the wilderness, on vykisheno dopomoggti polovtsyam. In the numerical campaign, the fate of prince Kirievsky, Chernigivsky, Volinsky, Galitsky, Smolensky, Polovetsky horde, "vigonts Galitsky" from Halytskyy Nizzia took the fate. On the road pribulo before them a small number of embassies in Mongolia, yakis asked not to vytutchisya vineu, Bo, praying, do not consume Russia. The princes did not obey. Above the river. Kalkoyu (the river Kalets, Bilya Mariyu-fields), the cause of marriage disciplinary order in the command, takozh vtechі polovtsiv - Ukrainian syzy rozbito, 6 prince zhorstoko rolled up, and z Vysyka vryatuvalasya glava ten parts - writing chehchannik. Pislya that Mongols dyshli up to Dnipro and turned to Asia.

Fifteen rockies left, and the Mongols of the priests came by the wire of Khan Batu (Batiya). They stumbled across the Volga, spat Volzk with Bulgaria, and the fatal rock was swept up by the land of Mordviz, Ryazansky land, Rostov-Suzdal'sk, hit the village, villages. Potim Volga went down to the Chornomorsky steppes and two rock bands finished off the polovtsy. To Roku 1939 the Tatars came to Ukraine, they invaded Pereyaslavshchyna, Chernigivshchyna, and 6 chest 1240 rubles., Pislya zhorostokoy oblogov, zdobuli Kiev, scho yogo zavonov boroniv voevoda Galitsky - Prince Dmitro. Misto zruynovano, sposstosheno, baited. Пишучи про це, літописець згадує киян, які ратувалися в Десятинній церкві, on the choirs, і згинули під їх руїнами, З Києва Бату пішов на Волинь, after gaining Kolodyazhin, Kam'yanets. Daniliv and Kremenets wielded the collateral. Zate Volodimir, Galich, and such "hail many, they do not have numbers", the Mongols zilu-nuvali tsilkovito. On the back of the 1241 rock, the Tatar Orders were raided by the Polish, Lublin, Zavihost, Sandomierz, Krakiv, Wroclaw. Біля Ліґніца зустріло їх velikie vіys'ko pol'ske, prus'kikh krestonoscіv, litsarіv Shlezka, Moravії, але всі вони були розбиті в квітні 1241 р. In Europe there was a panic. We competed to the defensive: Leobek, Nurember, Turkien, Prague, Olomouc, Brno. Tatari having robbed the ugorsku army by the Siyo Peninsula, in 1242 the Russians entered Croatia and zrawned Zagreb, Okremi pogony Batiєvyi Vіysska spoiled the Serbian and the Bulgarian lands. The Rukh of the Mongol hordes on the fortress was assigned to 1241 rock, if Batu, after describing the death of the great Khava Ogodaya (chi Ogdaia), hastily succumbed to the Azii. ALE nebarom vein turning to Europe. The death of the Ogodaya Tatarian horde was growing, and Bati, remaining independent of the camp, having fallen asleep to Kipchaksku, to the Golden Horde over the Volga, the capital of Sarajevo.

In the Western Europe, the struggle against the Mongols with the vivavi Papa IVocceny IV, the images of 1243 rock. In 1245 rotsі vіn scrolling near the Cathedral of the Orthodox Church, on which I put the food. At the cathedral, the Russian archbishop, Archbishop Petro (the monster, the prince, the prince, become obscured), the report of the Ziyav Tatars, the Vyborg tactics, the numerical strength, the navigating of the beaches. Це були перші правдиві відомості, що їх Europe is about the quiet of the past. Дещо міг додати празький ьпископ Микола, який був сіддком нищення своєї країни Mongols. The cathedral having praised the zaklikati all hristian to Borotby: buduvati fortsi, zasiki, kopaty rovi on shlyahah, yakimi gorogi mozut suvatyvaty, penny sacrifice. Organizatsiyu defensive took over the folder. Before zbroynoyu borotboi IVocenti IV trying to peacefully rozv'yati problem, nahilivshi Mongols before Christianity. In order to win the visit, there are three embassies: one through Cyria, another through Georgia and third, by the French Ivan Avto Piano, via Czechia, Poland and Ukraine. The main thing is that the Mongols were forced to live on Christianity - the embassies did not reach, they brought information about the city, the re-location, and the head - the imperial beaches. Zavdjaki of good organisation Horde Gold is small can power. On її cholі standing, the Khan with unbanned power, the voices of the aristocratic family. The old word about the adherence of the Tartar Ord is to be strongly influenced. Navpaki - won a bouleau with a folding organisation, a yak pobedzchuvala mіlіtarny ус uspeh, ііідзначалась високою технікою, утримання величезних масі війська, що at portivostnіі provіyantu, allowed robity velikі perejodi. Desyatkova system vіyska (кожні 10 вояків became oditnіyu, ten such titkіv - one hundred, ten hundred - tysyachu, ten tysyach - "darkness" on чoliі з воєводою) the service was guaranteed that it was in front of the khan. In the hour, if the census of the population did not know, the Tatars led the yogo oblast, boday approximate, and endeavored to mend the shvidko vikoristvuvaty all materіnyal mozlovistі, scho їh mala kraїna.

The Mongolian Rukh on the Makhvanian Nashiriş імперіялістичні пляни. Zgіdno z dozbi opratsyovannuyu sravno-pravnoyu teoriiєyu, Mongolian hani hoti pіkodoriti uves svіt іgіd his own power, yak predstavnikinіv iodinogo God. Vsya volodari, scho viznayut vladu Khan, they showed stink, become yogo vasalami, and hto not viznaє - bude zabitiy, and yogo zemlі - splyundirovany. Mongolians were put forward tolerantly before Christianity, to visit the Church. The clergy of the boulevard zvilnene of the Danini. Як свідчив посол папи Інокентія до монголів, де Пляно-Карпіні, in the capital of the great Khan Gayuk - Karakorumi - managed the service of God for the rite of the Greek Church. Наприкінці ХПІ ст. In Ord Buh okremiy Bishop Saraysky. Tatarske panuvannya, abo "igo" , yak called yogi on Rusi, was pronounced a leading rank in two forms. Popershe - the Tatars began to see the princes "princes" -gramoty to prince. For priests, princes were called to the Golden Ordi, laying down a dovir, yak viklikav that chi prince of the khan, for the gift of rosemary, saw the "yarlik", not rahuyuchis ani y yogo rights to the throne, and in bazhanyam people. Таке заміщення князівських столів відкривало wide prostііr for доносів, підкупів, інтриґ i any kind of evil. Zvichayno, prince, scho distav stіl "caressing" the khan, not demanding pidtrymki people, and did not listen to the voice of the hulk. Podorozh to the ordi bula is often not unheard of for the prince, and the kilka їх are bent - zabitit abo poreniņi. The tumult of the Buv Prince Chernigivsky Mihaylo, who watched to bow to the images of the Khanis. Tsebu was the first martyr of the Tatars. Взагалі від князів вимагали виконання принижуючихчих обрядів. Knyazi povinni buli negayno z'yavlyatisya on the wiklik Khan, vystupati viskovskom on dopomogu yomu in campaigns.

Another form of the "ig" of the Danila bunk, as if all the people were obklado. Spotchatka daninu zabirali tatarsky uryadovtsi-baskakov, and zgodom poklali vidpodidalnist for the splash її on prince. This is the rule that Ukraine has been transformed into a provincial government, Yaka is to blame for the failure of the Tatars to take advantage of them. Feeding about the Tartarsky Naval and the share of the Ukrainian people, on the territory of the anchor Tatars stretched their "Igo", lay down to one of the Ninebirsh spirnyh in Ukraine. Довгий hour in російській, польській і навіть in українській історіографії панувгла версія about the history of the start of Ukraine після татарської навали. Nіbito allі міста були зруйновані, villages have fallen, and the population has flowed in - it's very important to Suzdalshchin. This is the order of the "change" - the onslaught of Suzdal, and beyond it, the Moskvichschina vіd Ukrain, praying, does not deprive the prince's dynasty, but the crowd comes from Ukraine.

Persian pisstavu for tsiogo filed lithographs, yakis in strong virazes described the desolation of Ukraine ("uchinish land is empty", "in the world not zhostalosya zhizni dushi," "the power of Kiev na n shchoo reversed"). Not zvazhayuchi on those, but in the ancient jerk, yak і rіshe, згадується і міста, і people in Ukraine, the old Polish and the Russian historiography have taken to the summit of the world's most volatile landscapes. In the middle of XIX century. Polish historian M. Grabowski, bringing down the desolation of Ukraine, the settlement became Polish. M. Maksimovich submitting to the criticism of the criticism of the theory. In the early twentieth century, the theory of the launch of Ukraine and the people's populace at the pinnacle was scrapped. V. Klyuchevsky naprikintsy XIX century. Writing, "Ponniprov'ya on dovgy chasi became a desert in the old grids of the old people", Bo, praying, the main part of the economy was used to save money - to Galicia and Pavlovich - to Suzdal. I declare that theories and authorizations are to be brought to naught, but Ukraine for the Great-Prince of the Bolsheviks, Yakis in the Tatar region, went to Suzdalshchyna, and Podnipryansky land colonized the Galician region. Qiu theory on the cobble of XX century. Having joined Academician O. Sobolevsky.

M. Grushevsky not letting mozlivoste overtaken the desolation of Ukraine. Він гадав, що людність південної України ще під час половьких атаів pritchaichilas ryatuvatisya vіd vorog at лісах, ярах, болотах та печерах і, if minala nebezpeka, twisted dodo v vidkopuvala zakoane good. Zhadnih pіdstav vvazhati, sho ohlennost Ukrainі tіkala na Suzdalshchinu - nem. Інша on the right - emigration of the boyars: it is not enough for you to put it in the 12th century. At zv'yazku zanepadom state life in Ukraine і rozkladom druzhinogo I will arrange that даірського життя. Could emigruhvati - clergy, jaromislovtsi, kupetsvtu, ale sylska masa is not small for tsiogo pidstav. Tozh nemnі sumnіvu, schо дотатарська ліодність was detained in лісовій смузі - in the Polanski-Derevianskyy municipality of Polissya. They did not bude greedy nebespeki і there in the people zbereglisya dіyayektologіchni prikmeti dootarskih chasiv. In південігій частині України, яка найбільше терпіла від татур, topographic and choreographic names of pre-Tartar chasov have been sunk, and tse merge, but the population is not boo. Tatars, irovadyachi fought with princes, namagayuchis weaken ix, vikoristovuvali for yyogo silski masi. Bagato bilo vipadkiv, if the stench translated the country's population without a pause to its own authority, ordering it "to sow the wheat that millet". This is the rank of the so-called "Tatar villages" and "Tatar people".

On ґрунті порівняльної забезпечности "татарських people" та "татарських сіл" in Ukraine почався антикнязівський рух: Having destroyed without the prince that yogo урядовців, the actions of the village were complained with its stanovushchom - zalizhnistyu bezsarednyo vіd Tatars i pratseju on їхні мовлення. Naisilnishim Buzsey Rukh on Zakhidnya Ukrainy, zokrema in the so-called Polohovtsy: this was the name of the population of the Mizh. That Sluicchu is God. Feeding about bolohovtsiv nalezhit to not zovsim zyasovanyh, hoc wiklikalo vono znachnu literatura. M. Grushevskogo vvazhav bolohovtsіv for promislovtsіv, SSMSC vіdіrvalisya od Donkey i Ziman "uhodnitstvom": ribalstvom, lovetstvom. Mali stubs of his own: Derevich, Gubin, Kobyad, Kudin, Gorodets, Dozhsky. That bula is old Ukrainian people, it is possible to house chornoklobukiv. Mali's own princes, ale of Volodymyrovoe dynasties. In the coming of the Tatars, the voloni voluntarily crossed over to the surface of the earth. "Tatar people" created autonomous communities, they hammered out the giants of pre-prince's hour. The Tatar Navy did not recognize up to the last of its post-war riots.

Girsh boulo the establishment of the boyars that kuppetstva: the ambassador of the pope IVochenia IV de Plyano-Karpin in 1245-46 r. Writing, that the Tatars "do not care less about the viznachnyh and elders' nichols." Перебільшено уявлення about повний розгром міст. Plyano-Karpini found at Kiev boyars, tisyatskogo. Zvichayno, misto zazvalo bagato rynnatsії, ale naveit church not all buly znischevi. The same Plyano-Karpin's writing, but with him, went to Kiyiv merchants in Tsarhorod, Poland, Austria, France, Genoa, Pizi, Venice. Z tsogo it is visible, sho navіt zovnіshnja torgіlya Kiєva not zovsіm припинилась. Not Buli znischenі tsilkom і інші міста, які дуже терпіли від татар: Чернігів, Володимир-Волинський, Галич - were filled with the capitals of princes. Not znischeny bov doresti st Pereiaslav, bo yago yogo in litopisu 1245 roku. Zvichayno, you can not navish approximatively vstanoviti, skilki lyudu zaginulo vid tatarskoy pile. To that point, the skin of the skin must be numbered. In 1286 r. Galician prince Leo punished and carried out the calculation of the victims of the Tartarskoe Nawali in Galicia: it is calculated two and a half times a half of a thousand choloviks. Prote, rock 1093 in Kiev on the ruin of death fell so Bagato people, scho z Pilipovoy day (mabut, 14 listopada) to m'yasopustu sold ponad sіm тисяч корст (трун). A skilki is without a trumpet?

The Tatars occupied the steppes and crossed the settlement of the Ukrainian settlement. Vidrizano Tmutorokan, the municipality of Sharuvan and Sugrov. In zav'yaku from the Tatarsky bulk, 1223 rock "zagoditsya" vrodnikiv. " So, obviously, the people of Ukraine were called Ukrainians, Polovtsian hordes. Wives do not mend postinous donkeys, they just call themselves names, they hate zhristianstvo. In 1223 rotsi stinks took part in the battle over Kalkoy. Spotchatka їх otaman, Plaskona, tsіluvav hrest to princes, sho bude допомагати їм, and потім зрадив and having seen princes of the Tatars. At the bottom of the Zakhidnyoevropeyskie dzherel - in the pages of Papi Grigoriya 1227 roku і Ugorsky King Beli IV 1264 roku - zgaduєtsya kraїnu "Brodinіyu" on the map of Kiev Rusya. The share of Kyiv's princely estate is unclear. Before the flooding of Kiev, the Danilo bouleve, Prince Halytsky, was not boozing there, but admitting to himself the voice of Dmitr. In 1241-1246 rock, he was the head of the village of Mihailo z Chernigivskoi dynasties, the buvo of Prince of Kiev in the early days. In 1246 the Prince of Kyiv became, after the fondness of the Khan, Yaroslav Suzdalsky, Aleu Kiev no longer had a snooze, and Yaroslav acknowledged his own name. Together with the fate of Yaroslav, he died, and yak seemed, since he was severing, turning up in Mongolia, in front of the great Khan Gayuk. "Yarlik" in Kiev, "Ruska land" dostav Yaroslaviv sin, Oleksander, ale to Kiev not poehav, and zalishivsya in Novgorod i zdobuv "bright" to Volodymyr. «Київ. . . Viyshov z-pid power prince of the old dynasty, - writing M. Grushevsky. - Yogo istoriya yak polichnichnogo center, and potyim yak one of the centers in the lands of the old Rus' power, that rotting princely-druzhinogo I will stop dead. "

M. Grushevsky vvazhal, scho that hour in Kiev did not boo prince, and pored vaughn without a pid to the possession of the Tatars. The rules were governed in Kiev by those suburbs of "elders grads" from the over-the-counter of the Tatars. It's possible to fold up on Pereyaslavschina. Kiivshchina ta Pereyaslavshchina rozklalasya on dribnі міські hromadi, yakі lived without princes. Після татарської навали на Чернігівщині the old prince of dynasty has been engulfed. Rіd їх grew up, princelyities dribnishali і vtrachali polіitichnec znachennya. By a semblance for Ukraine, we are re-traveling to Suzdalshchyna Kyiv Metropolitan. Zvichayno, metropolitans became hard to live in Kiev, which lost the meaning of the capital, the residence of the Grand Duke. In 1250 the Metropolitan Kiril of Galich, a Galician, went to Kiev to visit the Metropolitan Cathedral, and he lived there a little: he lived in Chernigiv, then in Ryazan, then at Volodymyr-nad-Klyazma, in 1251 r. - to Novgorod, and in 1252 r. - znov in Volodymyr, potim u Kiev and znov - in Volodymyr. Naydivshe is alive with Volodymyr, hoch zberigav title of Metropolitan of Kyiv. The offensive Kirila, Metropolitan Maxim, in 1299 abo 1300 r. Pereishov to Volodymyr, and nezabarom to Moskvi, kudi transferred postrevnii oseredok Suzdal. In otitsyniyh patriyaryshih acts, yaki legalized the transfer of the metropolitan osidku to Volodymyr and Moskvi, motivyetsya tse so: "I will look at those who are in the process of regretting the confusion of the troubles of the current hours and the heavy onslaught of the susan's alms (!?), So that priishov up to the naked The decay, the overpowment of Russia, not the taikoy єparkhії, the yaka b um nalozhala, and far neschichnishu, nizh davnnishe, already he did not become able to withhold. " . . You can see that this is the main reason for the transfer to Moscow of the metropolitans of Kyivan bula of a material nature; It is possible, but the people did not change their flock, alas yakisno warehouse її zmіnivsya; The Grand Duke, the boyars, the patrician of the world, did not become. Prior to that, Metropolitan Oleksiy, having served Tsіgorodsky patriarchy, buv moskvich of the family.

Zanepad princely-druzhinnogo zhittya, emigratsiya boyarskoe, patricynyanskoe topovki ta vishchoy church hierarchy to Suzdalshchina heavily vybbilisya on cultural life Kiev: slabshali elemeni, yaki gave stimulus for rozvitku misterstva, literaturi, kulturi. Analogy yavishche spostіrilos in Chernigivshchina, de worried princes, boyars through dribnenya udiliv and tatarsku daninu, yaka lied on them an important tug. Інші уми were folded in the Rostov-Suzdal district. Jaroslav Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke of Kyiv Volodymyr-Suzdal, the first to go to Batu negayno pislya turn Yogy Ugorshchiny in 1242 rivers, or on the cob of 1243 rock. Літописець каже, що Бату поставив його старшим над усіма князями. Можливо, незадоволені з того інші суздальські князі також почали їздити до Бату по «ярлики». Року 1246 Ярослава отруїли. Після його смерти спадщину поділено за ханськими грамотами: Олександер (згодом Невсьвзій) дістав Київ і «землю руську», себто Київщину; Андрей—Володимир. Олександер не поїхав до Києва і повернувся до Новгорода; року 1252 йому вдалося, за допомогою татар, відбити у Андрея Володимир. Київ — взагалі Україна — на довгий час — до XVI ст. — виходить з поля інтересів північних, Володимирських князів; їх інтереси обмежуються північними землями. На півночі творилися зовсім інші умови життя. В. Ключевський підкреслює, що суздальські князі відрізнялися від українських: там віча, багаті, могутні міста закликали князя, укладали з ним «ряд». На Суздальщині князь, починаючи з Андрея, закликав населення і був повним господарем землі, був «власником свого уділу». Татарське «іго» уточнило ці взаємовідносини князя та населення; князі перестали почувати себе суверенами і визнали себе підданими татар, діставши від них повну, необмежену владу над своїми підданими.