Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


Roman (1199-1205)

Після смерти Володимира II і припинення роду Ростиславичів, року 1199 Роман дістав нарешті Галичину. Stretch of ten tenoh rock, if the sidav at Galicia Volodymyr II, vyn goody pіdgotuvav sobі ґрунт: у Польщі підтримав Казіміровичів у ботьбі з Sword, in Угорщині підтримав короля Андрея 11 проти його брата, забезпечичи нейтраліте Польщі та Угорщини. Heavy boolo stanovishche z razorozhu up ynogo boyarskoyu partieneu, ale vin poborov її. A test of his father-in-law Rurikv vіdіbrati Galichinu zakinchilasya povnoju pograkoju: Roman vidobrav at Rurik Kievivschinu d Kiev. The novel was trimmed with Tim, sewing the Prince of İngvar from Kiev, and if Ryurik, having shrunk from the yogic presence, turned around in Kiev, Roman tonsured at Chentsi and Rurik, and Yogi druzhinu, and daughter Predslavu, who, as before, was getting rooted. Tsim at once planting the prince of Rurik Sin Rostislav, who was at home with Vsevolod's daughter Volodimiro-Suzdal. Prior to Kyiv, he did not pereishov himself, but instead of him, he was actually the gentleman of the Legal Bureau of Ukraine, zavdyak diplomatic encroachments, having put himself at the base of the river with Vsevolod.

So over Kiev, two polnichnyi center: Galicia-Volinsky and Volodimiro-Suzdal. "On the fire of Galicia; - writing M. Hrushevsky, - Scho vidvigulo Romana on the Persian mosk of the Ukrainian princes, tsі київські війни 1201-1204 rock'av Buli novim triuymf Roman, scho yogi zyverhnik Ukrainian lands. " Є It is unclear vkazivka, until the Roman Embassy came to the embassy of the Kingdom of Russia III, proponoichi yomu korolivsku crown, ale vin vidmovivsya vіd neї. Tse opovіdnya M. Grushevskii i novitіnіy doslіdnik G. Luzhnitsky vvazhayut for lebeddu. It is possible, in the memory of the episcopal embassy of Pope, to adhere to the Roman women with Hohenstavfen, from King Philip IV, the king's representative; Papa buv at botsi Velfіv, opposing the tsіsarskoiї partnership Gohenstavfenіv.

In Galichyni Roman vzhe mav of the firmaments of the Urals: the city, on yak vin mіg spiratisya in Borotby with boyars. Baghatoh boyars that leader of the party. The feeder Roman is hanging from Galicia. So in Roman's singular on the Galician throne, the ruler of the new type, like a prince, created the country's power, and wandered to the middle spheres of the estate - to the people. The goal is not new, through all the powers of the Western Europe have gone to the helm before a power-stricken power with absolute power. Litopisets pishe, scho Roman, not zvazhayuchi his svirist, mav is very popular in the people. The chronicler is called yogi "the samovladtsem, our tsar and Ukraine." Vіzantіya recognized Roman as prince (іgemon), and yogi opponent Rurik - Lisha as the ruler (diepon) of Kyiv.

Dysno, Roman becoming the mighty volostar of the majestic power, to the anchorage of all the Ukrainian lands on Pravoberezhzhy - from the Carpathians to the Dnipro. Galicia-Volinska power with the wire of lovers at Volynі princezі із сташої лінії Monomakhovich, naturally became a spadkoetmiciyu of the Kiev state, as it did not lose the genealogy of the princes, it was a national reserve of the population, i spilna istorichna traditsy. Obedinnya of the Galician-Volynsky lands prof. S. Tomashivsky called "the first Ukrainian power": in Kiev, the power of the bug was a foreign sign, which did not bog down in the Ukrainian secessionist state. Rock 1205 Roman пішов a hike on захід. Metatsky's campaign is not zhysovan: yshov vin on dopomogu Filipov IV, before Saxony, abo mav porahunki z Lesko Krakivsky - obscure unclear. Bilya Zaviosta, over the Vistula, vyn of the cobbles.

The death of Roman, the yawning mav of the other wives of the two sons of sin: Danilo 3-oh rocky and Vasilka of the 1st rock, the bula is a great catastrophe for Ukraine. It was 40-rіchna to strive for the throne, and in the yakі sysііi the power was routed to the shtatki. To add - 1205- 1246 rubles. - is extremely important for tsikava for zrazuminya zagalnih minds of the Galicia-Volinsky princely estate. Podії yshli one for one with an overly svidkistyu. Not once was it built, but stinks one, one, and the other. Galichini Zubritsky, writer: "There is a head at this kind of confusion and confusion of affairs, proizests, fancies and faces ... chaotic confusion, disorderly shakiness and confusion."