Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Spiritual life

A) Church

Перші відомості about organізацію Churches in Ukraine непевні. Патріярх Фотій писав , що в 864 році на прохання prince boolo vislano to Ruen і Візанії І bishop. It is possible, chelo tsebuv Mihail, I'm not afraid of anyone. Not vidomo, scho bolo pіznіshe, hoch buli hristiani for Igor and Oleg. Відомості за часів Володимира теж не докладні. Litopisi not zgaduyut about the earliest blows of the Church for Volodymyr. Yak її zorganizovano, hto standing on її cholі - zalisyaetsya nevіdomyim. Pershe-i'm'ya, yak mozhna priinyati z pevnistyu, tseim'ya archbishop Ivan, a kind of ocholyuvav Kieivsku cathedra for Volodymyr. Yogo zgaduyut in favor of Borotby Yaroslav Svyatopolk, if vyn zazhivav zahodiv for canonization Boris and Gliba. Treb goddess, scho not buv Greek.

Roku 1037 after the metropolitan cathedral Greek Theopempt. Roku 1051, the order of Yaroslav, is facing the metropolitan of the priest of the Church of the Savior on Berestov, the Ukrainian city of Illarion (1051-1054). Pislya ynogo - inextinguishable, I can walk, can, remember the Ukrainian - Buv Metropolitan "Pereyaslavsky" Єfrem (1055), and gave a number of metropolitanies, positions Konstantinopolskim patriarch: from 1072 to 1147 rock, if vimogu Prince Izyaslav II is facing the Metropolitan of Kiev Kliment (Klim) of Smolyatich (1147-1154).

By this rank, the Mayzha stretch of one hundred years old, the Ukrainian metropolis of the Bula is encircled by the Greeks, the Visvjacheni patriarch, Konstantinopilsky, without weathering with the princes.

Згідно з практикою Візантії, митрополії не тільки перебували в залежності від патріярха, але й all територія їх підлягала in the course of the Church, yak Protectors of the Church. So, theoretically, Kiev metropolis, yaka treitovyyalno re-centered patriyarkhat, nibito otnilasya pід зверхністю цісаря. Repeat "nibito", on practice it was not a booze: they were really trying to force themselves, to spend її in life. Nasampered - on pereskodi stood viddalenost Russia. Not zvazhayuchi on rozmіr Kyiv Kyiv Metropolis (єdynia for the whole power), її is put on the 60th place in the list of the Metropolitan Visnitsky patriyarkhata, and the pisnіshe is translated to the 70-te chi 71-іѕ місце. Tse svyadchit about those, yak was put Візантія before Української держави.

In Kiev metropolitan buli soi єparhії: in the XI century. - крім Київської, де єпархія об'єднувалася з митрополією: 1. Чернігівська, 2. Во-лодимирська, 3. Білгородська, 4. Переяславська, 5. Юрьївська, 6. Тьмутороканська (?), 7. Новгородська, 8. Ростовська; In the XII century, 9. Turіvska, 10. Galicia, 11. Перемиська, 12. Ugrivska (transferred by Danil to the Hill); 13. Polotsk, 14. Smolensk, 15. Volodya-mirska (over the Klyazma); In the ХІП ст .: 16. Луцька, 17. Суздальська, 18. Переяславсько-Заліська, 19. Муромська, 20. Рязанська, 21. Тверсь. Після 1240 року зникла Юр'ївська єпархія, and Pereyaslavsky was transferred to the Golden Ordi under the aegis of Saraysky.

The bishops of the Buly are not Greeks. W. one of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery vyishlo bl. 30 є bishops. Zgіdno with canons, іpobiсіv was robbed by a huge number of people, alle by practicing often offenses by recognizing the candidate as prince.

Metropolitans once and for all beat the probes to enclose the ies of the Episcopal Catholics by the Greeks, or they are not malicious, having overgrown the princes. Greek Metropolitan Mihail, zbrobshi taku spibu, viklikav conflict of Vsevolod II and pohhav up to Tsargorod, at the time of the funeral service in St. Sofii before your turn.

On the vimogu of the Vsevolodovo offensive, Іяслава П, the cathedral є bishopіv of the image of the metropolitan of Ukraine Klim Smolyatich, a dysfunctional candidate - "scribe and philosopher". The Cathedral reportedly obmirkuvav pittannya about the right to rob the metropolitan without zgodi patriarch. Prote, the church pitanya was accommodated in the half-baked battle of Izyaslav P z Yuriyom Dovgorukim.

Після смерти Ізяслава П, коли Київський престол посів Юрій, The Constantinople patriarch of Vislav Metropolitan of Constantine. Constantine throwing an anathema on IIazlava II that Metropolitan Klima and shoving yogi visiva. Tse svyadchit about those with a certain gnivom zaivaluvala Vіzantіya na poroshennya її prerogativi. The main enemy is Klim - Novgorodsky Bishop Nifont, who is obviously a Greek, canonically ignored the yogi of death.

Newly asked to convert the Metropolitan of Ukraine, crushed behind the Tartar Naval. The Metropolitan of Greece Josephus znik, i kathedra vakuvala.

Rock 1242 Danilo Galitsky, scho buv superficial of Right-Bank Ukraine, the image of Metropolitan Kirill of Kiev (1241-1281), I am Visitive Patriarch. Ale in Kievі vіn meshkav little, and zdebіlsha perebuvav Volodimiri over Klyazmoyu. Pislya yogo death patriyarh sent the Metropolitan of the Greek Maxim, a rock 1299 переехав to Volodimir over Klyazmoyu.

The transfer of Metropolitan Kiyivsky to Volodymyr over Klyazmoyu viklikav in the Galician princely bazhannya mother Metropolitan for Ga- litsko-Volinskoye land. Rock 1303 is vysvyazheno in Tsargorod on the metropolitan of the Galician Nіfont (1303-1305). Prior to the Galician Metropolis, ёпархії is used: Volodimirsku, Peremiska, Lutsk, Turovsku and Holmsk. The New Mitropolis in the series of the Metropolitan Patriarchate is given 81-st mіsce.

Halytska metropolitan існувала недовго. Nifont's adversary, Petro Ratensky (1305-1326), became a metropolitan of "All Russia" in 1309, and after a short pause in Moscow. Yego the offensive, the Greek Theognost (1326-1353), succeeded in fulfilling the mission of the Halych metropolis - the rock of 1347 patriarch having seen the charter about the Galicia metropole ("Maloi Rusi") to the Metropolitan Kyiv (on the authority of Moscow - on the "reluctance of the winds" before the sub- Having read the patriarch ... Moscow prince Semyon).

A cliché of the stisy cross of the right is seen - from one side - hoch and rіdko zdіysnjuvane, pragnnia of Ukraine to the autonomous Church, and the other - a birth of quiet conflicts, yakі kіniec-кінцем have been called up to vtrasti to the Ukrainian Church.

Duhivnitsvto became an embryo of the populace, yak podilalasya dvі vertices: prichne clergy that bile. Chorne - chentsi - played a great role in the game. Before the manastirіv іsh predstavniki vishchego boyars, princes, napriklad, Svyatosha (Svyatoslav), sin David Svyatoslavich Chernigivsky, which became a member of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, vikonuichi all blackness obovvozyki: pratsyuvav yak chornorob, buv goalkeeper, etc. Takozh entered before Manastirіv princess, prince. Daughter Vsevolod, Yanka, bula ігуменею заснованого для неї in 1086 році Yanchin Manastir.

The middle of the Manastir Brotherhood was represented by the boyars. At the Kiev-Pechersky Manastiri Budi, on the other side, Teodosy, the syn of the medicated Kursk Uryadovtsy; Varlaam, mozhno, sin Yana Vishatich, Yefrem, Sho buv, we'll catch up to the prince with a detachment; My-this Ugrin is the brother of Prince Boris Borisovich's love; Nikon "from the great hailstones." In addition, Manastiri buli viznachnі vchenі Nestor, Ilarion, Nikon, painter Alimpiy, Lіkar Agapit, yakі led litopisy, rewrote books, providili rizni schools. So, the telescopes of the Buli at the Vidubitsky Manastiri.

For pidrahunk. Golubinsky, in Kiivi Bulo 17 manastiriv, in Galichi - 5, in Chernigov - 3, Pereyaslavi - 2, in Volodimiri ta Tmutorokan - on 1. The breadth of them was built by the princes, ale of the Manastiri, founded by the Chentsians themselves.

Firstly, the middle of the manastiri of Ukraine was lying down in Kievo-Pechersky, but I slept the Monk Antony, the venerable Afon, while resting the third group, the Reverend Theodosius, in the same way that he persuaded the Student's statute, who scraped the brotherhood to asceticism. Tse the manastir became a semblance of the great manastiriv and mav of the great moral vpply to prince and all susinstvo.

The other part of the spirit was paraphilic, but: priest, diacon, dyaka, palamari, and prichetniki. The number of bolshogo dovyvnitstva boulo is much greater: in Kiev, for the Titmara of Merzeburzkogo, for rock 1018, there are 400 churches, and the litapis is signposted, and the hour is burned in Kiev by 1124 rocked by 600 churches. In active churches, a boule for the number of priests. Until the end of the day, the treasure of people who call to church life: "marshmallow", zhenok dukhovnitstva and ikhnіh children, and in addition - "zadushnikiv", "forgiveness", ізгоїв, people іn sіl, donated to the churches "on the soul." All the stinks showed the category of people who are in the church and the visually impaired of the sunken jurisdiction.

Chimal soviwi srav, diyovimi individuals of such boules, people who are not independent of the Church, were adamant before the ecclesiastical court: all the wickedness of morality, deportation of the law of the Church, a duality, unrighteousness of the sluice, rozposta, spontaneity, birthmarks and so on. , But the episcopacy of Mali is much broader than competence. Until this track, doodati morally and in vain to the priests. Bulo chimalo vipadkiv, if ¬ bishopi streamed їх vіd wrong, жорстоких учинків. Waves often vikonuvali diplomatic doruchennya, їздили in embassies of princes.

The priibutki of the Church were stored up before the times of the "tenths" of the prince's mothers, while Volodimir was wooing the Utrimans of the Church of the Tithes, gave the prince's gifts to those people who were in trouble. Povolі manastiri became landowners: їм of the company in the zapovitah villages, rіznі good. Prince Yaropolk Іяслаславич (that, пo іздив 1075 р., To Rome) of the office Києво-Печерському манастиреві всі свої маєтності; Daughter of yoga, Anastasia, for the life gave 100 hryvnia and 50 hryvnia gold, and in zapovitu - all the mayo "to the father." Cholovik її, prince Glіb Mіnsky, giving 600 hryvnа срібла та 50 gold. In Paterik Pecherskiy є bagato vkazivok on velikiі ofiri (for example, Shimon-Varang having given a belt with gold for the church's future). Ale treba mati na uvazi, scho zamozhim manastiri not buli. Патерик Печерський - твір ХІІ-ХІІ st., Дає багато вказівок на те, як бідували ченці, не мавши навіть боршна на хліб, і в'яязали різні речі, які wore sell on the market. And tse bu bov nabagatshy manastir.

Hristianstvo little velykі uspіhi, yakі give pіdstavya vvazhati, scho korіnnya yogo in Ukrainі-Rusі syagalo meaningfully glibshe for the douche of Volodymyr. Great number of churches, manastiriv, people, scho pragnuli chernettsva, поширення паломництв поза межі України - до Святої Землі, Афону, до Царгороду - сідчать проOBжність of people. Відомо, що vzhe Antoniy, the founder of the Kievo-Pechersky Manastir, buv of tonsure at Athos in the XI century. On the cob of the XII century. Данило застав в Єрусалимі багато новгородців та киян. Zahoplennya pilomnitsvom to the Holy Land viklikalo naveit protest spirit, bo, praying, pilgrimage "to beg our land." People walked up to Rome.

About the entertainer before the churchman, feed the dog to the begging of Volodymyr Monomakh's "Pochenіє dіtym". Він почає regularly vіdвідувати church, pray for a day, vnochі, в дорозі повторювати молитви. Ledve chi such nastrіy buv power to tilki yomu most ... Sotnі primirnikіv zhitіy svyatih, Minei, Prologov, not kazuchu pro Gospelіya, were rewritten on the monastery, and tse sidicht about the need for susinstva in the so-called literature.

Takі hristiensky nastanovi head ranks of the rulers of Buli princes, boyars, the city of great mist. The next few days the inhabitants of the village lived, the people crowded their old looks, ceremonies, virila in spirit, the memory of Perun, Hors, Mokosh. Поволі старі, поганські вірування з'єднувалися з новими, християнськими, utlozyayuchya "dvoevіr'ya": "kutya" - Holy Evening, "Maslenitsa" - zustrіch god-sontsya, Ivan Kupalo - holy spring. Perun was angry with the prophet Ilyu, Volos-iS St. Vlas, Dazhd-bog-i from the Holy Juriyem. Stara poganska vira brought radiance of life to nature in the asceticism of Christianity, and the clearness, the radiance of life in the highest mysticism, zhitti. It is clear that the booze on the Ukraine-Russia bagatozhinziv, required the stench of their church. At the XII century. Ірляндські monks have fallen asleep in Києві костьол св. Діви. Istorik G. Luzhnitsky explains how to fall asleep to the king's bone, to the Austro-Turkish dukes, the billo boule, to create his own merchants, yaknaikraschy umovi for trade. For the merchants in Reyensburgh yshli chentsi of the monastery of St. Якуба, за купцями з Австрії або Штірії - ченці з Відня. Latin khrami zgaduyetsya not once in the litops. Наприклад, року 1203, під час руйнації Києва Rurik, latins "shut themselves up in their churches." Buli Latin khrami in інших містах-, у Переяславі року 1154 половці спалили "лядську божницю" св. Martyr Martyr. Року 1142 ірляндський манастир у Києві пустів.

Krim Benediktinziv Buli in Kiev, Ukraine, Poland, before the 1228 rock mali there is a monastery that convention. Rock 1232 priehhav for kerivnitsva monastery Yatsko Odrovozh. In 1233 rotsі Volodimir Rurikovich vignav dinіnіkantsіv z Kieva, i voni moved to Galich. In Galicia, on the pillar of the XIV century, the French were settled. Wives mali svyy vikarіyat, before I included manastiri Lviv, Gorodok, Galich, Kolomiya. Їм доpмагала дочка Льва та Констанції Угорської, Святослава, яка became a blackberry of the monastery in the Old Sando-world. Frantsiskani dopomogli zasnuvati katolitsky іпископуії in Galichi, Перемишлі, Львові.

Orthodox ХІ-ХП ст. At its mass, not a boule sprawled before Catholicism. Postyni stosunki riznogo genus z chuzhintsyami - Varangians, nimtsyami, ugrami, Poles, were tolerant of tolerance in relishic food. Numerous whores of princes with strangers, and behind their butt, treachery of fortune-tellers, th boyars, and more than a little bit of qiu tolerance. For the three pillars bolo close to 60 with Catholics, that Catholics and children 13 in vizantiyskimi tsisaryami.

Vishche vzhe zvertalosya respect on so vіyavi tolerance, yak zvernennya Іяслава до папи, "Сказання про перенесення мощів св. Mikola ", to Bari", the enraged Danila-pilgrim from the Holy Land, the donation of the Roman to the Erfurt manastry, the crowning of King Daniel. The Tsikawa reaction of the chentsia-litopic on the Khrestonos is like: in the drive to the expedition, Friedrich Barbarosi, writing, nyo nimtsiv, yaki in the battle for the vindication of the Holy Sepulcher, God "preach to ... the chosen herd into the martyr's face". Metropolitan Kirilo, razdachi Danilov zvernutisya to King Ugorshchina, showing the yom: "vin nevertheless the Christian" ..

Such applications can be known more than just. Naturally, the stench wailed the state of protest against the bell of the Metropolitan Greeks, who carried to Ukraine the polemic of Vizantii in Rome. In rare polemical positions, the Metropolitans were in the forefront - Leon, George ("Struggling with Latino"), Nicephorus (sent to Volodymyr Monomakh and Yaroslav Svyatopolkovich). Zokrema ricochet wrote the letter of Theodosius the Greek to IIslav II. About Tsі polemicchny tvory M. Grushevsky-kyi pisav, scho stench of "great honor to the authors do not bring" and "to reach the top of the vidchuzhennya vіd latinnikіv nakazіv not їсти з them иіз однієї посудини.