Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Б) Освіта

Початків освіти треба шукати in a bowl for a long time, if, after the words of the Chornorizia Hrabr, "traits and cuts were written"

In 860-861 pp. St. Konstantin znayishov at the Chersonesos Gospel and Psalter, written in "ruskimi letter". Після того було in Україні якесь «Іванове» руське letter, bobily row, grammoti, ітро які згадується в договоі з греками року 911. Tie sіідчить, що грамотність була вже в IX столітті.

Mi does not know, I've sent a letter to Ivanov. Alya vіdomo, scho існувало дві системи слов'янського письма, які вживалися в Україні. The old system - "glagolitic" - is st. Cyril, got used a little, prinaymni zbereglosya nebogato її pam'yatok, hoch zustrіchayutsya in manuscripts of the ХІ-ХV century. Окремі літери, речення, писані глаголицею.

Після вигнання з Моравії (885 р.) Учні свн. St. Kirila ta Metodiya, having settled in Macedonia and Bulgaria, created an abetka, they synthesized the Glagolitic alphabet with a Greek abetic, and called the name of the author of the first words of the Uzbek abbot - "Cyrillic" . Litteri glagolitsi ta kirilitsi mali takozh number of meaning. Kirilitsa arched the svidko in the midst of the words of the Glagolitic.

Pershy schools were put in the XI century: Volodimir, having sacrificed the school "for

Ditey vishchoy chady "at the Desyatinniy church, and Yaroslav at Novgorodi - for" old folk and pop-like children ". Dali was not about the mysteries about the school buildings, but, helplessly, the stinkers harbored the gnomes of the episcopal cathedra, with manastiras. Є Riddle, čo Yanka slept in school for a day at Yanchin Manastiri, and Єvfrosinia Polotsk small school at the manastiri in Polotsk.

Obviously, in this way, we did not expand the schools with elementary literacy, do not deprive the means of elitism, or even the middle of the lower spheres of the estate. At Gnizdovskoy burial ground of the Xth cent. Біля Смоленська know the trick of earthenware with the letter: "GOROKHA" Vidomi of the inscription on the Ovrutskyh prjasnitsah, for example, in Kiev it is written: "Having put the spindle", in Vyshgorod - "bride". In Києві the owner of XI ст.з is known: "blessed is this korchaga this honey". Zostrіchayutsya імена майстрів на різних виробах, наприклад, на мідяних арках із Вщижа на Чернігівщині є ім'я майстра -: Constantine; To the prince of Єvfrosinia Polotsk-ім'я mayra Bogsh; Відомі of the inscription on the plates of the Desyatinnoy church in Kiev - a censer of cyrillic.

In Novgorod I know the bagat of private pages on the birch bark of the ХІ-ХІІ century., Т. Зв. "Birch bark". Можливо, були такі in Ukraine

Цікаві написи на каменях: interobtain - along the cordon of the Tmutorokansky princedom 1030-1040 рр. That 1068 rock - on the stone, yo yogo having put Glib in Tmutorokany. Дуже важливі написи на стінах св. Софії в Києві, Vidubitsy monastery, the church of St. Panteleimon in Galichi ta іn. Cf. "Graphit" - the inscriptions, we overset the shilts on the vodka tinku: there. Boules of prayer, імена, окремі речення; Often emptiness Robila, zvichayno, young, scho vidviduvala church. Until the whole track of dodati, sho buli.vidi crafts, yakі vimagali good grammoti, napriklad, ikonopisne, bo na ikonah zavzhdi buli signature over the saints.

All of the guided butts svidchat, sho literacy was not shared by the boyars that clergy. (Prior to the speech: in the church regulations, it is cautious, but the blue of the priesthood, yaki are not naping the letters, vibuvuyut iz of the spiritual camp and rahuyutsya declarations - zizgoi).

At the same time, "grammots" in the university textbook - read that writer - knew the arithmetic . Novgorodsky diacon Kirik rock 1136 having enumerated, skilki dniv has passed since the line of the holy places - 29.120.652.

In "Rus'kyi Pravdi" filed obryhunki litter of thinness for a hundred thousand. Tse svidchit, scho knew chotiri rules of arithmetic, knew the fraction.

Kolo naukovych zainteresuvan in Ukraine not a lot of rodnikichi science tsikavili little; There is a small number of creativity, priapocheniyah natures: tse - "Fiziolog" - zbirnik with short rozpovidyami about realnі ta fantastichnyi tvarini roslini. Transverses from Bulgarian to Greek were encoded in the ХІ-ХП ст.: Збірник "Шестоднев", присвячений we enlighten the realms of nature, up to the day before creation. "Shestodnev", the folding of Vasiliy the Great, the rebuilding of the Bulgarian exarch Ivan. In the rare zbirnika In statti on znakomoznavchchy those. You can know the kostatuvati of the doctors. At the dacha of Volodymyr Monomakh buv likar-vimmenin, such a mav practice is great. At Kiev-Pechersky Manastiri Buv Likar, St. Агапіт, і if vіrmenenin not вилікував Володимира Монома-ха, that having asked Агапіта приїхати up to Чернігова. Лікував Агаггіт "зіллям". In Prince Svyatoshi buv likar Petro Suryanii, in Krima; Він переїхав до Києва and there "lots of things".

Твір Козьми Іndocoplova (VI century), perekladyeniy at Kiev in the Kh. St., Giving the activities of the cosmograf geografii. Відомі його відписи з багама малюнками. Prior to the creation of the geographic nature of the song zarahuvati "Lives and walking Danila, Ruskia land hegumen." In 1106-1108 rock, vin їздив up to the Holy Land in a report describing the miсcя, які проїздив, zokrema rusalim, yordan. Цей твір був один із найпопулярніших in Україні.

It is clear that shirshi buli zatsikavlennya chitachіv in galuzi gumanitarnykh nauk. The head of the chain is the cross from the Greek of the Bulgarian. Prior to them lie in the ivories of Ivan the Great, Georgy Amartola, Georgy Sinkel - all the stinks of the bulldog in the XI century. Buli perekladi "Istorija judeiskoї vіyni" by Joseph Flavia. Widely rozpolsyugzheni buli "Bdzholi" - zbirniki.sententsy ta korotenkih opovidan z moralistichnimi zauvagami; The name "Bjoli" vzhe piznishe, in the ХІП st.

Zostrіchalosya chimalo opovіdan: nazvichayno tsіkavy tvіr "Varlaam ta Joasaf" - the power of Buddhism; Crossed from the Greek gov'i in Kiev not pisnishe yak at the XII century. «Денґенієве діяніе і« Povіst about the wise Akira »

At the XIII century. Come "Stephen à Іnnіlat" in the perestroika of the Greek language, the can be heard in Bulgaria, the "Оповідання about the Kingdom of Індійське" - in the perekladyі z latinnoїo moovi, zroblenimu in Galicia, and takozh "Alexandra" - the village of Oleksandr Makhedonsky.

Widespread popularity of the church's character to create. They exchanged the lives of the saints, propovidi, the zokrem, apocrypha, the middle of them - "The Walk of the Virgin on flies", the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus and Jacob.

Boulo has become a bagato of creativity, shifting in Ukraine. "The paper of the bullet in the leather and numerically and riznomannita, and perekladnitska dіyalnіst in the old Ukraine is wide", - дає резюме проф. D. Chizhevsky.

Tsya wide perekladnitska pratsja bula can be to that in Ukrishna-Rusi a bug of people, but they knew foreigners. On the first day, zvichayno, stood the knowledge of the Greek language. Vona bula potribna for perekladannya books, for stosunkiv with metropolitans, part of the clergy, for self-reading chitannya greek authors, for diplomatic vidosonin z Vіzantієyu et. D.

Znayomstvo z gletsoyu movoyu polegshuvali t. Zv. Sydarії - Зложені за грецькоюю абеткою syllables з поясненнями слів, синонімів. Tsebov his kind of course is a grammar course, - yakshcho not scientific knowledge, then crock to nei. About the knowledge of the schema, the metropolitan Klim, zauchuchi, tsiu-chimalo people, yakі mozhut "Rivers alfu, and vityu takozh."

It was not a familiarity with other people's mosques that did not equate to the Greco-Roman. Well Volodimir Monomakh writing, sho batko yogi, Vsevolod, knowing p'yat moov. Before that, people began to indulge in foreign strife and practical vimogi of life: numerically, sluts from strangers, and trading diplomats. Zokrema widened the boulevard of the Latin curtain. Цікаві спостереження проф. V. Pogorelov over the arms of the Gospel: a re-stake in the Greek! Moovi zvertavsya in razi obscurity to latinsky.

On znayomstvo z latynkoyu movoi vkazuyut crossbars of the living svyatih: Papi Stesrana, Vita, Benedikt Nursiyskogo, Apollinaria Ra-venskogo, Roman Paterik, and takozh bagano latinskikh terminiv at the church: altar, church, hrest, biskup, pastyr, psalter, orar-t Prince Michael (1151-1176), syn Yuriy Dovgoruky, volodiv Greek and that Latin mowami, yak rіdnimi. Roman Rostislavich, prince of Kiev (died 1180 rubles.) Utrimuvav schools for priests, de buli vchitili Greeks and Latin. Zokrema is widely rozpusyugzhene boulo znannya latin in Galicia princely.

Bezperechno, buli people, scho volodyli nimetskomu movoyu, prinaimny in the head mistah; The whole of the vimagali. Znako bilshim bulo znayamstvo z slov'yanskimi moovami, nasampered - Bulgarian, yaka littered znachnny vplyv on the form of the literary movement of Ukraine Rus. Vplev cheskoko moovi pomichavsya on slov'yanskih perekladah z latinnkoi movi. P. Pogorelov vvazhaє, scho kiivskyi "glagolitsky urivki" (the script of the 9th abbot of the Xth c.) Recasting the Latin of the Czechs, as well as the words of the Russian prayer to the saints - Vita, Vatslava ta Lyudmila. Boris before the death of reading the life of St.. Wenceslas. It's natural, they knew it.

In the Х-ХПІ art. It is possible konstatuvati іsnuvannya znachnogo gurtu people, you can call it "book lovers". Litopis podayutt імена princes, scho loved to read, zobili biblioteki. These are the buly - Yaroslav, Svyatoslav (Zbirnik 1076 to the rock of the boulevards on the books of the yogic books), Volodymyr Vasilkovich. His books Svyatoslav (Svyatosh) Chernigivsky transferred to the Kiev-Pechersky Manastiri, if he became a yogo chentz. Патерик Печерський розповідає about ченця Григорія , який мав багато books, - їх у ñсо крали, і тоді вія також подарув їх манастиреві, and himself becoming the lump of the book.

In the middle of the XI century. Illarion nazivav his aviditoriyu "before the pre-inflicted violence of the book". Zvichayno, vin mav on elitu, vishchy ball of suspilstva, ale is important, scho such, a ball buv. Porivnyati z tym words Klima Smolyaticha, yakii pisav presbyteriі Fomі, scho in Kiev є gurt people, obiznanih z antichnuyu literaturoyu. Vin himself buv ynoyomy from Homer, Aristotle, Plato. Knowing the antichna literature and Kirilo Turivsky.

Bulls are good for lunches. So, the daughter of Mihail, Prince Chernigivsky, Evfrosinya-Theodula (1212-1250), vychyasya boyar Fedor. Vaughn, "Hoch not in Afinah studied, ale of knowledge of wisdom navchilasya; Phylosophy, retors, grammar. " I skinnila zhittya bilberry. Polotsk princess Єvfrosiniya (1173)) rewrote books, slept the Bible at the church of St. Софії.

Litopis to bring in the nuances of the characteristics: Metropolitan Ivan P - "to beat the husband by cunning books and science"; Cyril II - "teachers were ill and cunning with the teachings of divine books"; Іларіон - "scribe"; Clim is "to beat the scribe and philosopher in such a way as to not be ashamed in the Rus land", while Boris is "more knowledge-literate".