Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Sigismund-August (1544-1572)

This rank for Sigismund of the Old, in 1544, Litovsk, princedom, officially adheres to Poland and the little prince who was little prince. Tse bouv ostalniy triyumf of the Lithuanian autonomies. "Ale such a camp of trivav lishe chotiri roki - to the death of Sigismund in 1548. Call of Sijizmunda-Augusta by Lithuanian magnates zmitsnyuvav yogo shlyub d prince Varvara Radzivill, prot'yakogo protested the polish Pani. Році не лише магнати, а навіть і шляхта рішуче висловилася проти інкорпорації, навіть проти спільних соймів.

The oncoming rockets passed in the state forest of Polish colonialists against the Grand Dukes. With a staggering 165 rockiv zmagan for the Uni polishi before the Soymіv prizabuli truthful and claimed, sho uni існувала actually in 1385 року і що лише Сіґізмунд її and sending. The "Polish" land was reorganized, Lithuania, and the middle of them - Luts'k.

Rocku 1558 Livonski lysoar, they led a battle with Moscow, zverneliysya on dopomogu up to Sizimund-August. Війна була тяжка, бо, крім Москви, have come to be bothered із Швецією та Данією. In 1563, the Moscow city of Visko bought Polotsk, an old-fashioned province of the Lithuanian state, which was a heavy expense, although there was a loss in 1613 of the Smolensk town.

Знесилена війною, Lithuanian shlyakhta, proti volі магнатів, виислала Сігізмундові-Авґустові, з табору під Вітебськом, петицію, Щоб перевів унію з Польщею. Sіґizmund-Avust, having gained a quiz, the spoiler did not give him a vagi. Lithuanians of Pani waited to hang on to the crown souill to Warsaw in 1563 wands. Actually representative. Їх був Микола Радзівілл, and decided to create a solution for solvency. Він, вирікаючись right to rob the Grand Duke, firmly standing on that, Veliko Knyazіvstvo moe zalishitis we will enlighten the body, save the soy сойм, for the sake of the right.

On the right of the hill there were two rock. Tim hour before the king over the past petitions of Volin ta Pidlyashshya. Authoritative petitioners were asked to speed up the job of uniy, declaring that for turning the rock on the earth they would turn to the desert, but not to harrow the ids of the Tatars.

Становище Волині та Підляшшя було особливе: вони найбільше терпіли від татарських атаів. On the other side, the battle with Moscow, the yak bula, the headline for the Grand Dukes, little spit on the eagle, or the vimagala kostyv that people. In the days before Poland the stinks were settled by mother Zahist. Bulo, zvichayno, chimal y i nishshih reasons: borderline superechki, nazhdi suisidiv tosche.

In the 1569 rock in Lublin, the Polish-Lithuanian spiilniy soym , the yakogo zavdannyam boulo rozv'yati to the right uni Litvi from the Polish. Spotchatku providniki Lithuanian autonomy, on which stood Mikola Radzivill, the pupil of the one who had died in 1563, the head of Zhmudski, Jan Hodkiewicz, was put up in rushuć proti uni, and the Poles were encouraged to bring the monogynopaedists to Jagiyl. Todi Lithuanians have submitted such a project: 1) Spinny vibory Grand Duke, albeit obovvyazkovym zastverdzhennyam yogo at Vіlnі; 2) спільні сойми тільки в справах звнішньої політики та защини; 3) the leather power is its own power; 4) the detachments are destined for the "innate obivateli"; 5) the coin of the moe bouti osibna in the kozhnіy power; 6) spravi kordonіv normuyutom osoblyvі judi.

Tse project Poles did not pidtrymuvali, і litovski post, довідавшись, пo king рішуче becoming on їх бік, потайки виїхали, сподіваючись в такий спосіб зірвати сойм. Todi Poles virishili priinyati pozahochnu praise; Skasuvati vsi vinnyi uni privileki, priadnati Volin ta Pidlyashshya i gotuvatisya before vinyni z Lithuania, zaklikavshi i dopomogu Tatars.

Zvichayno, non-paraphernalia of Lithuanian barbarians, - and the stink of pisgnishe turned, - no need to get there, we're going to school. Після того Волинь та Підляшшя without protests, приедналися до Польщі. They were followed by Kyivska and Bratslavshchina. Here, it is possible, dyalo bazhannya not rozdilyatsya zinіshimi ukrainskimi earths with the power cordons. Всеі ці землі прилучено нібито on історичних підставах, хоч насправді greed of them did not lie to Poland. Zrazkom cich "історичних" підстстав може бути такий: Київ належав до Польщі tom, пo польські королі двічі took the plundered yogi (Болеслав Хоробрий - за Святополка та Болеслав Сміливий - за Іяслава). The motives for the shelter zincily lishe on those, yaku, the corridor of the same mother Poland, no zovsim not zagadulovalsya interest of the people of the quiet lands.

1 st Lipnya 1569 rock boule laid down the act of Uni , zgidno z yakim Korona Velyka Knyazivstvo Litovske created one Ric Pospolita . The stink of the stench was drunk with a king, I heard the Grand Prince sing. Soimi mali bouti tilki spilnі Osіbnі уряди у Великим Князівстві задержувалось. The coin of the boule is spiral. Polska is a Lithuanian gentry who have the right to live in lands in parts of the state. Olimimi zalishalisya: signet, coat of arms, fіnansi, admіnistratsіya ta vіys'ko. The Grand Duke of Lithuania was lashed with Ruska mov, yak uryadova, that Litovskiy Statute , yak diyuche right.