Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Економічні функції держави

By the method of pozbavlenya economics and suspensions of negative viyavіv rinkovoy mekhanizmu power to take on itself znachnu part of rights and zobov'azan, zabezpechuychi podolannya neodolikiv rinku. Naybіlsh of the economically weak economy in the economy of the economy is celebrated by the famous "triad" of the American economist P. Samuelson: "stability, efficiency, fairness." Characterized function.

Stability. Pіdtrimannya stabіlnostі ekonomіchnoї Sistemi Je pershochergovoyu funktsієyu whether yakoї powers, oskіlki vіdokremlenі dії bagatoh hundred tisyach i gospodaryuyuchih sub'єktіv, zatsіkavlenih in dosyagnennі NKVD tsіley that privacy іnteresіv, nadayut rinkovomu Gospodarstwa Find our anarhіchnostі, neuzgodzhenostі, skhilnostі to rіvnovagi torn down. Vrahovuyuchi іsnuvannya such zagroz, Power formuє "ramkovі minds" funktsіonuvannya market analysis, legal bases stvoryuyuchi ekonomіchnoї dіyalnostі rinkovih agentіv, zakonodavchu i regulatory framework zabezpechuyuchi receptionists konstitutsіynih rights i gromadyan freedoms, rights zokrema vlasnostі that vіlnogo Vibor spherical zastosuvannya vlasnoї pratsі i kapіtalu. Power viznachaє legal status okremih forms vlasnostі th gospodaryuvannya, reglamentuє pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst, viznachaє podatkovі obov'yazki of companies, the rules zdіysnennya zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї dіyalnostі, regulyuє vіdnosini mіzh ekonomіchnimi sub'єktami, tobto vikonuє role suddі, arbіtra in ekonomіchnomu polі, kontrolyuє doderzhannya standards ekonomіchnogo zakonodavstva.

The power is protected by economical resources, the formulations of the formulations of grocery masi not є functцією приватних підприємців. The disposition of the state is takozh on the pidtrymannya stabilnyh tempiv ekonomichnogo zostannia, nivelyuvannya ta p'yakyashennya tsiklichnih kolivan ekonomichnogo rozvitku, zdіysnennya anti- інфляційної політики і регулювання зайнятості. Economical stabilnist in Maybutnomu (dovgoterminova) can reach through a secure way of ninishnogo rozvitku fundamentalnoe nauchnikih doslenie for new strains NTP, yakі zaboobyut znachnyh інвестиційних витрат, довго pay off that †"with a great risk. Короткотермінова стабілізація холжить від співвідношення рівня виробництва та рівня сукупних витрат. The main methods of the stabilization of the economy are the adherence to the falsification of the fiscals and the pennies. Yakshto vitrati deficient for dosyagnenya tsilkotoї zainyatostі і виникає безробіття, then the state is responsible for zastosovuvati stimulyuyuchu politiku. Yaksho z vitrati nadmіrnі - vinică інфляційне зростання, протидія якому - стримуюча політика.

Efficient. Zaporukoyu ekonomіchnoї efektivnostі Je dotrimannya healthy competitive ambushes funktsіonuvannya Economy, vіdnovlennya povnoї іnformovanostі sub'єktіv about markets Agricultural Art, tsіni that potentsіynih konkurentіv and takozh koriguvannya rozmіschennya resursіv in rinkovіy ekonomіtsі. The power to put a meta vidroditi competitively-rukkovy mehanizm self-regulation, obelyzhiv diyalnist monopoly for dopomogo state antimonopoly reguliuvannya. Protidіyati monopoly tendentsіyam possible on osnovі zakonodavchih rіshen (antitrust zakonodavstva) zgіdno s Yakim "pose the law" zalishayutsya zlovzhivannya monopoly Vladoiu that diskrimіnatsіya rinkovih sub'єktіv, іndivіdualna i Collective obmezhuvalna dіlova practice nedobrosovіsna konkurentsіya that INSHI viyavi antigromadskoї ekonomіchnoї povedіnki domіnuyuchih kompanіy. Specific sphere of antisemitic legislation enforcement is the regularity of natural monopolies, which provide for the population of clean aboriginal cessation goods (the system is energy-efficient, the transport is on the move, the services are unavailable and the telecommunications, communal services). Funktsionovnya of such monopoly є ekonomichno dotsilnim, oskіlki osnovetsya na efektі scales - zі zіlіlshennyam rozmіr fіrmі th obygu vipusku produktі tsіna odіnitsі product (obessi) zmenshuyutsya. Competitors in the state dandies in such awnings called B to the value of znostannya tsin. The state is facing a dilemma: to propose to the authorities the rule of the natural monopolies of chi to rewrite them on the subject of state power. The first method, as a rule, is to take advantage of the benefits, to give up the suspulinary benefits, the state and private sectors to compete, and to expand. The other method improves the economy sector economically, and then it becomes lax to the quiet natural monopolies, which are to purge clean soup goods.

Information, as a rule, is to be recognized as a sushilnym goods, the most important information is to protect financial agents on the basis of maximum efficiency on the basis of rational behavior. Stvorennya rozgalozhenoy izhezhі іnformatsіynih obedient - tsilova function of the power for the protection of the economy. Інформаційну асиметрію та викривлення інформації вдаться залати тільки за допомогою державного втручання. The combination of competitive ambushes of the function of economics and security of the sovereign's subordinates to the financial information of the state is to be redeveloped for the rationalization of the resources of resources and the spheres of statehood. For consumers, the power of the Kryuguvati yogo is advancing to the tempers of the NTR abo short-term basis of the stabilization of the economy through the provision of science, technology, investment, monetary and fiscal regulation of the economy.

Fairness. Efektivnyi rozpodil resources in the result of the ideal competitive-rinkovyh minds vivo vivazhenyh derzhavnih dіy, not zabezpechuєe efektivnogo (z point zoru suspilnogo dobbutu) rozpodilu dovziv. Розподіл доходів надзвичайно нерівномірний і unfair з such reasons:

• він not забезпечує засобами існування у повном обсязі непрацездатних осіб (дітей, інвалідів, пенсіонерів);

• Significant differentiation is paid for in the course of a rivnem kvalіfіkacії, beginner і вмінь працівників, and здобуття вищої освіти - an ambassador is often paid, that's not all accessible;

• singing part osib oderzhuet do not walk away from the party in the vibrobit, but in the course of time (acce, noncharities, otrimanoi sluggishness), and a little tsilkom pozvlena tstsogo dzherela income.

Tsіlovoyu nastanovoyu powers povinnі Why not tіlki pokazniki, SSMSC harakterizuyut dosyagnuty rіven virobnichogo potentsіalu suspіlstva and second Ti, scho viznachayut rіven sotsіalno-ekonomіchnogo rozvitku that of Quality Zhittya: trivalіst Zhittya, GDP per capita, rіven zaynyatostі, stupіn realіzatsії rights Helsinki Human, camp navkolishnogo Of the middle ground.

Sukasnym rozvininym kraїnam not the power of tendentions to the protection of rivnіnogo rozpodіlu рівності у incomes - taka sotsіalistichna vimoga zavit nannіvі stimіy i motivііy ekonomіchnії діяльності, знищує конкуренцію, ігнорує ефективність. It was known as chimalo an hour, but the susceptibility assured me that I had risen the income, the fair from the point of view of the market, is unfair to the gentile minds.

In pіslyavoєnny perіod Kraina s rinkovoyu system gospodaryuvannya residual zbagnuli (zgіdno s traditsіynim rinkovim principle "for all potrіbno platiti"), scho deshevshe koshtuє zabezpechennya kozhnіy lyudinі normal rіvnya Zhittya, nіzh postіyna Borotba s viyavami antigromadskoї povedіnki, sprichinenimi bіdnіstyu, zlidennіstyu, hronіchnimi zahvoryuvannyami toscho . Power to put before a real meta - do not zrivnyati come, and zmenshiti nervivnist in otrimuvannyh incomes for dopomogoyu їh pererozpodilu on the corridor of unprecedented and malozobezpecheniyah. For realizing the supply, you should pay attention to the tax and the budget, the income index, the regulation of the price, the reinvestment of the minimum amount of payment to be paid. Great is the role of transferring payments to the state: in the case of moneylessness, pensions, scholarships, vestiges in the social insurance and social zahist of the population. Derzhavne regulyuvannya rinku pratsi takozh vikonuє sotsіalnu funktsiyu, zabezpechuychi rivnі ymov naimannya, novoi regime pravtsi vidpochinku, sotsialnyi garantiії u razi vtrati pritsesdatnosti, reguljuvannya zanyatosty, vzhittya zahodiv shchodo zmenshennya rivnya bezrobottya.

Vikonannya powers zaznachenih funktsіy, s one side, umozhlivlyuє dosyagnennya makroekonomіchnoї stabіlnostі, pіdtrimannya balance mіzh macro that mіkroekonomіchnimi rіvnyami gospodaryuvannya, zabezpechuє sotsіalnu orієntatsіyu Economy, s іnshogo - not superechit and dopovnyuє competitive rinkovy mehanіzm, nadayuchi ostannomu Find our regulovanogo, stabіlnogo, sotsіalno -Відповідального fret. Умови співіснування держави та ринку такі: the power of function is there, there can not be any merit; The power of the function is so, so that we have to use negative marginal rink.

Realization of economical functions with the method of arranging non-payments in the banking system of the state dignitaries will require the sovereign regulation of the economy, but it has been prevented by the subordination of the economy and the post-economic development of the economy. Concrete, straightforward, methodical and inter-state vtrychanya viznachayutsya nature of the transfer and the state budget of economical, ecological, social, financial and other problems of the country and the region during the perinod of the hour. Протеінонують загальні Theoretical foundations of the state regulation of the economy. The regulation of the economy in the face of the state is based on the theoretical ambushes of the economy of economics and prague of the economic development of the eco nomic laws, and do not enter into them with superegnity. Prior to the basic law, the ambition to ambush the state economy is to lay down: the laws of the planarity, proportionality, varosty, populism and propose, the zagal law of the needs of the sushi, the law of the productive activity in the organization and development of the syphilic virbituttva, which are to be dealt with by the mechanisms of the state social and economic plan І prediction of the future.