Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Contagion of the Rink

Rinkov mehanizmi do not look at the sphere of the susceptible life: the sphere of protection of the defense and security of the state, the rule of law, the struggle with supercritical situations; Regulyuvannya vidosinin vseredinі rinku, vstanovlennya so zvanyh rules of gr for ekonomichnyh sub'ektiv; Formulation of the rational structure of the economy in the eventuality of potential opportunities for scientific and technical progress; Вирішення проблемы зайнятості і соціального забезпечення.

Rinkovy mehanіzm yak regulator virobnitstva th obmіnu Got znachnі suspіlnі vitrati i not zmozі podolati vlasnі nedolіki, SSMSC ob'єktivno zumovlenі yogo stihіynoyu nature. Until well- founded indebtedness:

1. Competition. Suchasna rinkova ekonomіka postupovo vtrachaє qiu nayharakternіshu Find our Svoge іsnuvannya vnaslіdok pogliblennya tendentsії to kontsentratsії monopolіzatsії virobnitstva th i s kapіtalu metoyu zabezpechennya nayvischoї efektivnostі, zmenshennya vitrat i rizikovanostі. In the so-called eco-efficiency, the internal tendencies, the building of the negative tendencies.

2. Nepovna zayanatist (without beating). The problem is not to know virishennya in the systemic system through superechlive spivvodnoshennya maximum pratsevshshtuvannya z maksimum efektivnistyu vibrobitvva; Навіть conception of the natural riverlessness is not a sufficient explanation for the basics of meaningful encounters of a virulenceless destruction at the edges of the rynkim mehanism of the state darling.

3. Cyclical development of vibrobitveva. Ekonomіchny cycle ґruntuєtsya on ob'єktivnih peredumovah i vikonuє role "dzherela" nestabіlnostі, yak sprichinyaє ekonomіchnі recession, crisis, negativnі sotsіalno-ekonomіchnі naslіdki, zavazhaє pіdtrimuvati th podovzhuvati Fazi pozhvavlennya i pіdnesennya.

4. Nezabezpechennya Rink nadannya tovarіv i poslug, virobnitstvo yakih Je ekonomіchno nevigіdnim, spozhivannya - available without usіm vinyatku and tsіnoutvorennya - nerinkovim (napriklad, pіdtrimannya oboronozdatnostі, stvorennya єdinoї energetichnoї MEREZHI, єdinoї transportnoї system utrimannya sotsіalno cultural zakladіv toscho).

5. "Calling efekti", abo eksternalії. Rinkova ekonomіka vplivaє not have virobnichіy dіyalnostі on tretіh osіb, SSMSC not Je virobnikami abo spozhivachami Pevnyi product and to not zapobіgaє zabrudnennyu navkolishnogo seredovischa, vicherpannyu nevіdtvoryuvanih resursіv, torn down École-ekonomіchnoї rіvnovagi. At the same time, they use a positive attitude to the "zovnіshni efekti", vyyavi yakih potrebno rozvivati ​​і stimuljuvati. Economical sub'ekt, a kind of rocks, negative eksternalії, zavdae shodi іншим, перекладаючи on them значну a part витрат щодо усунення "зовнішніх ефектів". Sub'єkt market analysis, scho stvoryuє pozitivnі eksternalії, chastkovo zabezpechuє Vlasnyi vitratami realіzatsіyu іnteresіv іnshih rinkovih agentіv, ale for not otrimuє tse adekvatnoї vinagorodi in formі pributku.

6. Social and economic development of the economy of the economy, in order to be able to manage the unprotectedness of the vir- ishuvati, the pittance of justice, the agrarian crisis, is grounded on the principles of otrymanny income from the vibronicheskoe diyalnosti i vlasnosti, to bring up to a meaningful differentiation of income, social injustice and uninhibited. Dilemma efektivnosti na naivostostі - one of the most difficult problems of the market, the unprecedented existence of serious socio-political conflicts.

7. Unsupported to formulate an economical strategy, the yak was based not on streaming information about the product range of commodity markets, but on economical forecasts and prefunds of the most economical rozvitka in the destruction of new technological data and informational documents.