Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

C) Selyanstvo

Selyanstvo boulou was an antipode to the gentry: more than a shlykh zdobuvala rights of that bagatia, then more vychalo їх убожіло селянство. Tsei process is characterized by the highest level of the Lithuanian-Polish trade in the Lublin region - the countryside of the villages of the categorized categories, which in the III Lithuanian status were properly registered. On the cob, the secrets of selenity of Ukraine buli thi sami three velikі kategorії, scho y princely prod: vіlnі seljani - smerdy; Nevilniki, rabi, servants; Селяни напіввільні - procurement . Вільні селяни мали власні землі, statehood. The fog of stench zberigali its own rights, і їх called "tyaglimi", bovines were carried by "tax", that "similar", they had the right to transfer from the territory to us. The law boroniv rights of the villagers. For vbivstvo vylnogo villager yak for vbivstvo gentry, hoch kar bula minsha. Selyanin mіg vidupati sudy yak svidok, mіg bouti svіdkom with storannіі testerment tochno. Head Vin Mav law of the land, yaki based on "Ruskiy Pravdi": mіg її sell, give, give, force, transfer to the fall. Mig vikorchuvati land in the forest and volost it. Nabuttya nobleman pomstya not podbalavlyaet villagers the right to land. In villages, the Silesian community was forced to settle. On the colony of the Silesian community standing "old man", "otaman", abo "elder", and when gnomu gromadskaya happy, "good people", abo "husband." The head of the village was robbed at the ric. Gromada vidpovidala for a splash of taxes that vidannya zlochints. The old man with the "good people" of the Mav right to the court, a kind of vbudbuvavsya on gromadskomu vichi, so zvanim "cop", the th court of the Mavs called "copying the court." Deykі gromadi na pідставі привілеїв були вилучені з адміністрації панських і навіть державних уряд.

The villagers lived in "yards" - they were immensely important to their families, but people could be there and outsiders; Stink mala head і members, so zvanyh "pogplechnikov" abo "potouzhnіv." In all of the offices on the right, the police rasshuvas tilki z head. In the courtyard of the village there was a kotka of huts, all vody before the state power, yak tsilist, buli oditniceu obodotkatvannya - "taxes". The land of the court of the boulevard is not the same: from 33 morgiv (19.5 desyatins) to 500 morgivas. The village of the courtyard was adjoined to the village, and the village became a volost, an admissive administrator. З XVI century, pid vplyv of Polish law, vіdbuevaetsya evolyutsіya rights zemelotvodnnia peasants. Seliansku ground pozhayayut vvazhati ilyazhnoyu sovietvi aban panam. In the courts, the right of the peasant to sell the western land is intercepted. Qiu practice solidified in 1588 rotsi III Lithuanian statute. Бажання держави unifikuvati розмір дворищенського землеволодіння та збільшити taxes of the villagers in 1528 році встановлення "Уставить на волоки". The new system precisely defined the rosemir "fiber" - 33 seabirds on the yards, 19.5 dessiatines; I decided to land, I will "zayvu", transferred to the gentry. On the czich lands, the Pani vladshtovuvali own fіlvarki, vzaimazyuchi vіdіbrіі zemlі for its vlasnіist. Until the introduction of the new "install" spikukala takozh zmina in ekonomitsi Euro-pi. In the XVI of the table, you will sink in Europe on a mission and in the wake of the pugnacism of the zdoboti zdobuti zakobuti zakoboti zhogo zbizhzhya.

"Charter on the roadway " significantly obmezhil rights transfer village. Shchob zabezpechiti gentry zbizhzhyam to export to Europe, the "Charter" vstavlyulyulya for the villagers low natural duties. "Putni" boyars and "panzer corps" dystavali along the road, the villagers - unreligiously in addition, the skilks in them boulo ransіs zemli - one drag on the courtyard. Spotchatka voloki vstanovlyulyuvalosya on the sovereign lands, and potym and on the pan-chuk. Перші волочні переміри held in Білій Русі та Поліссі, потім на Волині наприкінці XVI ст., On Київщині ще пізніше. The reserve of the villagers is not interchanged with vikonannjam vinostnosty: the power nadilila pаvіv right to court over the villagers, but became the їхнім джелом прибутків. Spotchatka tse right nadaloshesya deprive persons, and in 1457 the fate of yoga is expanded in all landowners. Lisha heavy wicked plastered in the competence of the state courts: rozbіy, наїзд, rape over the nobility, pokalіchennya gentry that pidpal. Zalezhno vid nature of duties, villagers are sub-divided into three categories:

  1. Tyagli villagers , yaki pratsyuvali pan on the river with his thinness; Such boule naiibishe. Spotchatka pratsyuvali stinks 8-10 days on the river, and gave 2-4 days for tyzhen. Crim praci in the boulevard of the payment of taxes, yakis called in a rarity: in Ukraine - "podimschina", in Byelorussia - "an assistant". A hefty gift, a yo-yo was being taken by the power, nazivavsya "serebrshschina." Pani paid for the population of the state of payment ("dyaklo" and "statsii") in kind: sіnom, zbіzhzhyam, honey, lethargy, etc. On the plots of land, small amounts of money are given. On Kiyvshchin ta Volin, the taxes were called "wagering", and in the fatal "statsya" , the tsepov of gifts, the sounds of the obovvozjakom godovati prince, if vin pobubavav at pevnіy zemlі. In the transfer to the villagers of the Panamans, stinkers began to scold "statsii": hens, kachok, geese, eggs, too. In addition to that, the boulh is especially dedicated to the service of the villagers: poviz - pidvidna, the right of the shlyakhiv, the bridge, the watchman (the obov'yazok vidbuvati guard in the steppes, the castles), prigin - a special service in the pan-court yard.
  2. Ремісники й службові селяни . Були цілі села колісників, ковалів, пекарів. The stinkers created hundreds, with a cherub as a centurion. They were serviced by villagers: ribbons, bortniki, grooms, yakis lived in the countryside.
  3. Chinshovi villagers , or tributaries paid chinsh iz their sovereign land with honey, zbizhzhy, shkiroju tochno. Chinshoviki Buli is very important there, de pani did not require prazi on the river, but with the growth of the capital, the Chinshawks drove, and the Lithuanian statute vzhe zhezhe does not know.

Nevillniki called kolishnyh servants, servants of the princes. One of them was engulfed in a transient form, the mines of Mayno, pratsyvali at paniv, dehto navit moving to the category of boyars. Dzherela nevilnitsvva was huddled with the self: full, sales, stealing. For litovskimi statutes oboh redaktsіy - 1 oї that 11 oї - Chi Borg species is not particularly sold zalishalas nevyіnikom navіki and tіlki until one o'clock, Pokey vіdrobit Borg abo scrip, yak sold for її. On the cob of the XVII century. Nevilniki were angry with villagers-kripakami. Okremu grupu nevіlnikіv becomes "nepohozhі villagers" abo "otchichі", scho live on okremih Gospodarstwa, paid in kind chinsh abo Pratzen i mali not right vihodu. Vід звичайних невільників вони відізнялися тим, що були прив'язані до ґрунту, but not especially. On the pidstavi of the hairy system, the stench was shared with the villagers. Napivnyolny people - purchase, abo "people in the penis" - tse boules ti individuals, but took a penny in the pose and did not turn. The stench of the stench in such a camp until one o'clock, if they turned the borg. Tsya category tez znikla in the XVI century. І з зісіх цих категорій іvorilasya єdina Masa селянства. Окреме місце в Україні налело двом типм сіл - на німецькомукому и на волокому прав. Villages on the Hebrew rights were announced in the XIV century. Osadnikov, Osadchy chi (chi nіmets Pole) Fee dіdichevі abs uryadovі Pevnyi bag of pennies i tim nabuvav entitled "osaditi" village Where Money Does Stavan spadkovim vіytom, chief Gromada s nalezhnimi to stanovі pributkami: earth, Chastain chinshu vessels that payment. So vin stav dіdichem sat that the chief of the hulk. They were newly registered on the New Rights in the important world. Right, for somebody was judged a population, a boule of nimets. Povol'i, in the XVI century, the right vyjtiv "neimetskih" villages interspersed. She sat on voloskomu pravі Pocha z'yavlyatisya in Galichinі rotsі in 1378, if Vladislav Opolsky Nadab svoєmu sluzі Ladomirovі Voloshinovі field on Syanіtskomu Pіdgіr'ї s right oseliti village on voloskomu pravі. Pislya that number of such sily zrostaє. M. Grushevsky vvazhaє, -choo boolo up to 400. They brought tsiu form of the volost column, yaki settled on Sambirshchin, Peremishchin, Syanichchin. Naprikinsky XVI century. Stink zaneshayut. The main part of the syllabus on the eagle's right was that the peshchinas were not plundered, while the vipers and they were paid a chinsh. Osadchimi tsikh sіl buli Ukrainі, і judged the stink of tіlki "ruskim" right.

Внаслідок Lublinskoy Uniї the village of the village has meaningfully pergarded. The panshina was growing up, the yaku were not to be seen in the courtyard, but to the dacha, zbylshilis natural povinnost. Without the permission of the Pan, "clap" - yak became nazivati ​​villagers - it is not possible to disarm, but for dosed muses of platiti; Mountain of muses kupuvati lisha in panskomu shinku, hammers zbizhzhya - on the pansky mlini. Shchoroku peasants musyv davati ox, baran, geese, chicken, pigs, honey, spicyly thin. Installed kripatstvo. Kripatstvo vyasavilosya nasampered at zabavlenny peasant rights to land: all the land vvazhalas vlasynstyu gentry of the church. Zemlі, yakimi shche not volodili shlyachtichi, vvazhali for nichii, - so buno on Podniprov'ї, і ряря роздавв їх шляхті. Povinnosti, scho-eh paid the villagers from the ground, they began to pay for the villagers. Panshchina in the XVII century. Grew two or three times and reached 200 dniv on the river. On shlyachtskikh soymikas, they set up a visa for stabilization of duties, but the villagers did not hesitate to pay more taxes. Panshchina trivala vid immediately before the sunset. Vidpochinok gave tilki todi, if peasants pratsyuvav vlisnimi kіnmi. Utrete peasant in vrastiv right vyhodu. In Galicia vtrativ vin yogo naprikintsi XV century, in the Grand Duchy - one hundred rocky пізніше. Єdine scho zalishilosya od Svobody villager, Tse those scho NKVD vіn no CCB vlasnіstyu Pan: yogo Bulo not mozhna prodatsya without zemlі, was theoretically - yogo Bulo bezkarno mozhna not to drive. Zrostania povinnoytey, pogryshennya zagalnogo village villages viklikali rizni form protest: active - zbroyni rastanaya ta pasivnі-vteci. Selyansky insurgents pokalasya in the XV table. The worst is the insurgency of the Vibukhlo 1490 rock by the wire of Peter Mukha in Galicia. Vono was fond of meaningful part of the edge and bouleau pridushene vijskovoju force. In addition, the insurgents did not get fixed in Galicia. Повстанці, so zvanі " opryshki " , hovavsya in the mountains і звідти вчиняли напади на панські матітки. In the XVI century. The number is up, and the battle with them is stagnant.

Utechі villagers nabuvaivat stihіynogo nature pislja Lyublinskoї uniї. Tse viklikalo zagalne pogіrshennya encampments villagers and s another side - a wide land of dealings polskim Panama, SSMSC, dwellers privabiti villagers ogoloshuvali "Sloboda" - zvіlnennya od podatkіv on panschinі 20-40 rokіv. In the Neumov shvidkistyu zilyudnyuvali ti "slobodi." Zhittya in the new worlds was a burden, he braced for the rewriter, and she broke the will. Virostalo new generation, unconnected to the panschina, to the primus. Tomu zakinchennya pіlgovіh rockіvі and that ponovlennya panshchini viklikalo protests і povstannya (1570-1590-them rockіv), yakі schodalі zbіlshivalsya number and strength. In 1628 rotsi, if in the latifundii Vishnevetskih in Lubenshchin became vimagati vidbuvannya panshchiny, half of the village people entered into Putivl, Tikhu Sosna, Donetsk, Moscow cordon, the Seym, the upper part of Psalm, on the so-called Dicke Field. In 1630-1640 rock 20,000 villagers from Poltava - Gadyachy, Mirgorod, Varvi, Lokhvitsi, Zinkov, Priluk settled down under the river Usherdom, from Lviv, Kursk, Sivsk, Novosil, Mtsensk. Villages of Maslovo Ashley go to Zaporizhzhya.