Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


A) Lordship

In the XIV century. Litovsko-Ruska Knyazіvstvo lived exceptionally economically in a recession of alternate hours, if it was a natural result of government and a widely pronounced greatness of the natural wealth of Ukraine. In the XIV century. On Volynі і on Polіssі були цілі села мисливців, бобровників, сокільників, що lived in the polovannya. In dips were driven diki kozi, lans, wild boars, losis, deer, tourists, bison. The Lithuanian statute of uvіv nаvіt hоrrоnne right оt аrеrіv. Buli sat down, the crowd of people paid tribute to Danin with the shoals of beavers and kunits. In Belzshin, spetsialno zbornali black (кошеніль), a kind of sold to Zahіdnої Evropi yak chervonu farbu. In the steppes vipasali queues koriv, ​​volov, horses, on the Carpathian poloninas of Galicia vipasali sheep. At lisah buli sat bortnikov, yaki borrowed the passport. In the XIV century. Bagato syl paid tribute to Danin with leanness. Specifically characteristic of the village is the "volos" of the village, about the yak burg. Such a camp of villages to adhere to, scho panstvo in the ХІУ-ХУ st. It was not given to zbizhzhyam, it was not bobo statteyu eksportu, і shkirka beaver abo mirka honey mali bіlshy popit, nіzh vіdpіdnі mіrka ryboty. Velikie znachennya in economics of Ukraine mali lisi. Zahidnya Euros demanded the bagatos of the wooden vibroks: balks, doshki dushche. Tsil: villages pratsyvali yak teslyarі, ґontari, cooperars, kolodії, resin, dyogtyary. З XV century. Appeared at the great mills of tartaki. The tree, which was not proper for vibroblas, burned and populated, hung over the cordon, de yogas (crushed into potash, potrebny for viribnitsva gunpowder, smoked tar, vipalyuvali dyogot.) Lissi gave bugaboo prostir for bortnitsstva. In the larger malls, boks waxed, de-pressed the wax on t Zv "kameni", on some put a sign, they wrote about the goodness of yakness. Naslіdkom hizhatsky gospodarjavnya velichchenі puschy over BOGOIU that the other riches in the XVI century vzhe not іnuvali.

Yak і in a cross-over dobe, znachnom lay nalezhalo salt promyslovi. Galicia is small in the glory of the monasteries on Pidkarpatty: ni Peremishchina (Soli's m.), Drohobich's colony, in Kolomyia, the colo of Kosova. Nimetsky columns demanded a thorough knowledge of the salt-herb, the vivarium that cleansing. Galicia syl was imported into the remote parts of Ukraine and beyond the cordon. Vidobuvali syl takozh on the estuaries of the Black Sea on Slobozhanschina. Rzvozili її chumak, yodih todi called saltworts abo "prasolami" , - name, yaku in pisnіshi chasi was transferred to gurtivnikiv, scho ganiyali leanness. Майже по всій Україні, переважно на Правобережжі, видобували з болотяної руди залізо. In the XIV century. Vzhe існували примітивні печі for її витоплювання, але the great znachennja ore пронасловість it is not small. З XVI ст. In the Pansky mates, I began to work on the future of the water springs and became prerogative gentry. In the XV century. Have gone first steps in the state: pidvishchilsya tsing on leanness in Zahіdnіy Evropi, ії почався її експорт. Zrostaє scotarchy , especially there, de Boulo Lіsіv, on Podilli. Hodovanikh volov hung in thousands at the fairs of Lviv, Lutsk, Yaroslav, and they were famous for their great landmarks on Shlonsk. Wolves zamenyali groshni: korolevi Boni, Sіgіzmundovі zhінці, for відновлення галицької катдри orthodox have paid 200 waves. In 1534 rotsi through Gorodok were driven by 12.000 waves, and through Yaroslav - 18.000. In 1560, the Russians themselves, razuyuchi gentry, drove through Pereimishl 20.000 waves. Українська Thickness of the bula is widely seen in Zahidny Europe; In the sixteenth century of the agency of the Bavarian Electorate bought wolves from Galicia. Експорт усіх перелічених продуків, крім деревних, не шкодив економіці України. Hirshe became, if in Zahidnyi Evropi appeared popit on zbizhzhya, sho viklikalo in Ukraine zrostanya shlyachtskogo zemelovodinnya, zpist popita on robochi hands for obrobki zemelі і zostannia panshchini ta krіpatstva селян.

З XV century. The main port for vivozu zbizhzhya becoming Ґdansk in the Baltic Sea. Until then, the head of the exporter zbizhzhya Bulat Vizantiya; Yaka postchaala yogo Італії, Франції, Фляндрії. The leading producers of zbizhzhya buliki moriski, yakih vignano z Espany in 1571 rotsi. At the same time the viniculture was growing, yak vidyagalo robotny hands in the rill. Espanya started itself to demand zbizhzhya, і Ґdansk in the 16th century. Transportuet yogo up to the sea. In addition to that, the zpostav sang on zbizhzhya in Portugalії, Frantsії, Flandryі, Nіderlands. І so Ґdanska becoming svitovim exporter zbizhzhya, rosširyayuchi district, yakogo yoga distavav: krim Prusії, Pomor'ya, Livonії, including a vast Wisła з її tributaries of the Bug, Nareva tochno. In the middle of the XVI century. Eksportuvali zbizhzhya z Holmshchini, Volzkoi zemelі, Peremishchini, Beresteyeschiny, Luts'kogo poіtu, Podillja, Pokuttya. Straight naslidkom vivozu zbizhzhya boula roshirennya pan'skikh fіlvarkіiv, for rahunok selyanskoe zemli, that zastannya panschini.